Monday, December 31, 2012

ME Lower Body 31st December 2012

Reverse Band Box Squat (big bands)
180kg * 5
200 * 3
220 * 1
Bands deloaded 30kg at bottom position. All sets were done beltless. Happy with the new PR. Good way to end the year!

BW * 8 for 5 sets
Tempo was roughly 401. Really kept a tight lower back and flexed glutes to push all the tension onto the hamstrings. Also adjusted the pad much further forward so there was more weight placed on the hamstrings.

Single Leg Leg-press
2 pps * 10 for 5 sets (per leg)
Got a good stretch at the bottom position, and tried focusing on pushing through the middle of my foot instead of the heel or the toes. In a sense, was trying to emulate the way I would press the floor away when I squat. These were pretty rhythmic and probably could have been more deliberate.

A1: Standing Cable Crunch
20kg plate + the stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Leg raises
BW * 10
A1 and A2 were supersetted. The standing Cable crunch was much tougher than usual because of the additional fatigue from supersetting it with the leg raises. As with all the accessory work, kept the rest time very low, so was sucking air quite a bit toward the end of the 3rd set. General focus was constant tension on the abs and flexing them hard throughout the reps.

Weighted Back extensions
60 * 10 for 5 sets
Felt this not only in the lower back, but also in my lats and more so in my teres minor. Really hate lower back work, but gotta get it much much stronger because it is weak shit right now.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking forward

The plan for my next training phase starts on monday. Will be resuming westside training template. Days will be as follows:

Mon - Max Effort Lower

Wed - Max Effort Upper

Fri - Dynamic effort Lower

Sat - Dynamic effort Upper

Training template is as follows:

1. Max effort (or dynamic effort) movement
2. Hams exercise
3. Quads exercise
4. Abs
5. Lower back
Accessory work will be anywhere from 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps (this will vary)

1. Max effort (or dynamic effort) movement
2. Triceps exercise
3. Upper back exercise
4. Lat exercise
5. Shoulder exercise
Accessory work will be anywhere from 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps (this will vary)

Pretty straightforward, I think.

Worked on some squat technique today, but everything was just tight. My shoulders, upper back, biceps, glutes. Pretty much just did a whole bunch of squat technique and then did a shitload of foam rolling. Will take tmr off as well and get some rest in!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Back 28th December 2012

Pull ups / Dips / High pulls
BW * 10 / BW * 10 / 20kg * 10

Straight Arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

DB rows
40 * 15 for 3 sets

Seated machine rows
45 * 12 for 3 sets
Held for 3 seconds at the contracted position with hard flex.

Lat pulldown
105 * 12 for 2 sets
95 * 12 for 1 set

Preacher DB curl
15 * 10 for 2 sets
4 second negatives.

Single arm Hammer curls (cross body)
worked up to 1 set of 6 with 40kg
12.5 * 20
Decided to do a heavy set of hammers today. Single seems much harder to do than alternating curls. Form was definitely very laxed, but concentrated on really just flexing up the brachialis muscles. Last set of 20 was done very strict with a 2 second squeeze and a slow negative. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bench 27th December 2012

130kg * 3 for 10 sets
Last day of smolov jr. Most of the sets were pretty good, save for the 8th and 10th sets, where my last reps were really slow. Other than that, everything went up smooth and the weight actually felt rather light for the first couple of sets. Only thing that annoyed me was the bar path was not as good as it should have been, and the bar started straying towards my chin instead of maintaining a straight line up. 

DB tricep extension
15 * 12 for 5 sets
Did some tricep work after the benching since I won't have another bench day till next week. Took a full ROM on this and tried to keep the rest time around a minute. 

Seated Single arm laterals
12.5 * AMRAP for 3 sets
Went pretty hard on this in terms of really slowing down the negative as much as possible. Didn't really count a specific tempo as I usually do, but just kept concentrating on the tension in the delt and stopped the set when I couldn't even hold the DB in the contracted position for a split second. 

A1: High Face pull
16 * 12 for 2 sets
A2: Bradford presses
30 * 12 for 2 sets
Inspired by Abel, I decided to add in bradford presses just to finish off the shoulders (bodybuilder in me talking). Went with a moderate rhythm on the presses (something like a 101 tempo). Face pulls were done with a hard flex in the contracted position and held for a 2 count. My whole upper back area and delts were so fried from the face pulls, that 30kg actually felt decently heavy lol

Spent the majority of today being a coolie unloading fitness equipment from a container in woodlands. My safety squat bar is here! But unfortunately, I couldn't transport it back cos it couldn't fit in the car :( Oh well, I guess I gotta wait for my friend to deliver it on the 3rd of Jan. Sigh. Speaking of squatting though, I tried to muscle up an atlas stone (a very pussy 80kg like wtf) and I think I must have pulled my left glute or something. Hurts to walk like wtf. Really dumb of me for not knowing better. Hopefully some rolling and stretching should clear it up. I really need to roll the shoulders as well. My mobility really is going to shit. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bench 26th December 2012

Front Squat
100kg * 8 for 3 sets
Nothing really tough or intense, just wanted to squat a little today. Was intending to squat heavy today, but upon receiving news that the safety squat bar would be here tmr, I decided to save my squatting for tmr! Tried the standard oly front rack position and it was insanely tough on my wrists! My mobility is 100% shit. Reverted to cross arm racking in the end. 

122.5 * 4 for 8 sets
Grinded out the last rep of the last set, which is never a good sign. Despite this, all the rest of the sets were good. Minimal sticking halfway up (with the exception of the final reps of the 2nd last and last sets), so pretty satisfied with overall performance. I must admit this was pretty shag, and tmr's 130 for 10 sets of 3 is starting to look kinda tough haha. We'll see how it goes.

A1: Hanging Leg raise
BW * 12 for 2 sets
A2: Standing AB crunch
20kg plate + the stack * 10 for 2 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted and as I as feeling lazy, this was all the accessory work I did. Really was too tired to do much else tbh.

Band pushdowns
Medium band * 20 for 3 sets
Did these just to get in some sort of low intensity tricep work. Really no explanation as to why I did these other than restorative work I guess.

Pretty Lazy workout overall haha But I got in the work sets and that's that. Happy Boxing Day!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Back + Bis 25th December 2012

There are no indications for the weights on the machines in my gym, so will only be putting the worksets and reps.

Wide grip Lat pulldown
3 sets 10 reps

Straight bar cable rows
Worked up to a good set of 10 reps

Single arm cable row
3 sets of 12 reps

Straight arm pushdown
2 sets of 15 reps

Underhand pulldown
2 sets of 15 reps
All back work was done with a 1 sec pause at the contracted position (hard flex) and with an emphasis on generating maximal tension throughout the sets.

Single arm preacher
2 sets of 10 reps
Tempo was 501, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension throughout the set.

Hammer Curls
1 set of 10 reps
1 sets of 20 reps
Tempo was 401, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension. The weight was the same for both sets, but the second was taken to failure.

Incline DB curl
2 sets AMRAP
Tempo was 301, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension. 


Monday, December 24, 2012

Bench 24th December 2012

Upper body warm up
Pullups / Dips / face pulls
Exercises were supersetted. 10 reps each. 3 sets. 

115kg * 5 for 7 sets
Trained at Thomson gym today with Abel. Really good atmosphere, although I had to keep doublechecking the plates to make sure they were the correct weights. Other than that, performance was decent and the weight moved easily, although the very last rep of the last set was way too slow for my liking. Bordering on grinding. Kept in mind all the little technique pointers that I worked on on sat, and am starting to really get my bench groove on.

Lateral raises (single arm)
3 sets of 10+
Can't really remember the weight, but it was 10ish kg, maybe 11 or 12. Intended tempo was 501, although the eccentric got faster by the time I was halfway into the set. Didn't really bother with rep counts, just did AMRAP with my right side and tried to match it with my left.

Overhead Face pulls
31 * 20 for 3 sets
Did a 1 second contraction at the top of the movement. Really fried up my whole upper back even though the weight was miniscule. Supersetted these with machine flyes, but the machine flyes were more just restorative work than anything. 

Pretty good and straightforward session. Probably will go down and train there when my timing and logistics allow me to do so.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bench 22nd December 2012

107.5 * 6 for 6 sets
Worked on alot of technique today since the weight was really light, and Xianglin was there to help me look out for my bar leveling and my pressing symmetry.  Surprisingly light weight even though it's the 3rd week, despite me using 95% of my max to calculate the weights. Anyway, was happy with the overall progress because really tightened up the form somewhat, so I just have to remember the same things (equal descent on my left and right side, and my positioning on the bench) when I next bench.

BW * 6 for 3 sets
Actually wanted to do with a 5kg plate, but realized it was tough enough as it is because the tempo was 41X. 

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 20kg plate * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Weighted back extension
42.5kg * 10 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted with no rest in between. Standing Ab crunch was pretty tough, and was done with a tempo of 301. Weighted back extensions were done with a tempo of 21X. 

B1: Leg raises
BW * 10 for 3 sets
B2: Reverse Hyper
Small band * 10 for 3 sets
B1 and B2 were supersetted with no rest in between.

Single arm laterals (seated)
10 * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was 40X; 60s rest in between sets. I tried to do a one second contraction at the top before lowering. Tried to generate as much tension in the delt throughout the movement.

Rear Lateral machine
54 * 20 for 2 sets
Tempo was 111; 60s rest in between the sets. Gripped the machine with a reverse grip (palms facing each other) instead of the standard palms facing down grip.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Back + Biceps 21st December 2012

Pullups/Dips/High pull warm up
Did BW pullups, BW dips, 20kg High pulls supersetted for a warm up. 3 supersets, no rest in between, 10 reps on each exercise.

Lat pulldown
125kg * 8 for 3 sets
All reps were done with a 2 second contraction at the bottom position, and a one second contraction at the top.

DB rows
45 * 12 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 12 for 2 sets

A1: Rear delt machine
54 * 15 for 3 sets
A2: Wide grip pullups
BW * 8, 6, 5
A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time 1 min in between. Pullups were done with a 1 second contraction at the top.

False grip shrugs
100 * 12 for 3 sets
Used a false grip to really work the grip. Shrugs were done with a 2 sec contraction at the top.

Calf presses
2 pps * 10 for 7 sets
The tempo was 321 and rest time in between was only 45 seconds. Each set lasted about a minute. These were tough, but I really like the feeling in my calves after.

Hammer curls
30 * 6 for 2 sets
These were done much stricter than usual, with a hard contraction at the top, hence the lesser reps with relatively 'light' weight. Warmed up with sets of 8 before hitting the top sets.

BB curl
40 * 8 for 2 sets
These were done with a 4 second negative on each rep. 

Spider curls (single arm)
7.5 * 10 for 2 sets
These were done with a 6 sec negative on each rep.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Squat + Bench 20th December 2012

117.5kg * 3
135 * 3
152.5 * 3
170 * 3, 1

Warmed up using the 25kg plates instead of the 20kg ones. Warm up weights sequence was bar, 70, 100. I didn't count the number of sets I did for my warm ups, but I did quite a few with the bar. Right glute still feels stiff and tight despite all the rolling, but definitely much better than the last session. However, felt the strain during my 2nd rep of the 2nd set of 170kg, so decided to let this one go instead of risking blowing out the muscle. Stopped the squats here and decided that given all the various disruptions to training, there was no point in continuing the intense phase. I will run this another time in the future. In the meantime, I think I will 'deload' the next 2 weeks or so for my squats and go with lighter weight and higher reps.

125 * 3 for 10 sets

Bench felt good and strong. Took longer rest in between than usual (2-3 mins). Nothing much to say except that my technique still needs alot of work, but I've really starting to get used to tightening up even more. Also, I need to control the bar more since Max and Basil pointed out my bar path was still inclining backwards on the ascent.

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 15kg plate * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Weighted back extension
40 * 10 for 3 sets
Standing crunches and weighted back extensions were done with a tempo of 32X. Just started including the back extensions, and they really flush the blood into the spinal erectors. Really awesome stuff. Probably should start adding in some anti-rotational core work as well.

Seated Lateral raises
10 * 12 for 3 sets
These were done with a tempo of 501. Haven't done direct shoulder work in a while, so decided to add some in. Controlling the tempo allowed me to really get in some time under tension without fatiguing the muscle too much.

High Bar face pull
26 * 10 for 3 sets
Done with a 211 tempo.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bench + Back 19th December 2012

117.5kg * 4 for 8 sets
Bench was good. Worked on technique throughout the working sets, and felt more in control. Was able to really activate the lats to help support the descent. I must remember to ask max to observe my bar path tmr and see if it's travelling straight up or up and back. I have a feeling it's not entirely straight up although it does feel like it.

Single arm lat pulldown
55 * 10 for 4 sets
These were done with a 1 sec pause in the contracted position. Rest time in between sets was ~1 min.

Straight arm pushdown (rope)
16 * 15 for 4 sets
These were done very strict, with a 521 tempo. Rest time in between sets was ~1 min. Even though the weight was embarrassingly light, the lactic buildup was just insane. I find I get a better squeeze, especially into the rhomboid area doing this with the rope.

Prone Rear delt raises (DB)
7.5 * 15 for 3 sets
These were done with a tempo of 321. Rest time in between sets was <45s. Weight was light, but my back was really burnt by then, so even holding at the top for a two count was relatively tough. This helped hit not only the rear delts, but all the inner back muscles like the lower traps and rhomboids. 

Wide Grip Pull up
BW * 8 for 2 sets
By this stage, my back was pretty tired out. I'll take it as my conditioning wasn't up to par, which means I need more focused back work like this to push myself. Tempo for this exercise was 221, but honestly, by the last 3 reps, it was more like 211. Again, this was another exercise that really helped hit the scapular retractor muscles. I did these with a more upright body angle instead of a utilizing a lean back.

DB concentration curls
12.5 * 12 for 2 sets
These were done with a strict tempo of 51X.

21 rep Curls (21s)
20kg for 3 sets
 By this stage I really didn't feel like handling any really heavy curling, so I decided on 21s instead to (shamefully) chase the pump. Tempo was 111. These were done first with 7 bottom half reps, then 7 top half reps and finally 7 full range reps. I actually used 3 different grips. Did regular supinated grip, then reverse grip, then finished off with two 10kg dumbbells with a hammer grip.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Squat + Bench 17th December 2012

110kg * 3
125 * 3
145 * 3
155 * 1
165 * 1

110 * 5 for 7 sets

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 10kg plate * 9 for 3 sets
A2: 45 deg Back Extension
BW * 12
Bar * 9, 9
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, no rest in between sets

B1: Dumbbell fly
10 * 15 for 3 sets
B2: Single arm lat pulldown
32.5 * 12 for 3 sets

Standing Ham curl
25 * 10 for 3 sets

Was supposed to do 2 sets of triples with 170kg on the squat today, but I strained my right glute on the first rep. Decided to cut the squat there since my glute and hams were extremely tight and I couldn't squat since it started to hurt abit. This is the second session in a row that I have missed top working sets. I think I need to up the restorative work. Hopefully I can squat by thursday. Currently having trouble even sitting down or getting up.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Squat + Bench 15th December 2012

110kg * 3
125 * 3
145 * 3
162.5 * 5, 5, 5, 4, 4

102.5 * 6 for 6 sets

BW * 6 for 4 sets
A2: Standing Cable Crunch
Stack + 10kg plate * 8 for 4 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, no rest time in between

B1: Single Leg machine extensions
25 * 15 for 4 sets
B2: High face pull
16 * 15 for 4 sets

- B1 and B2 were supersetted, no rest time in between

Really tried to dial in the squat technique today. Changed my squat stance wider so I could really sit back more and keep my shins vertical. My descents were all too slow as I was so focused on sitting back and really letting the hamstrings take the weight. Ended up failing the last rep on the last two sets for squat. The pressure buildup was immense! Really understand what getting tight under the bar means now. My head was slightly woozy after and I had to take a 15 min break before I could bench. The squats really kicked my ass big time today lol As a result, my accessory work was much lighter than usual, except for the ab work. Realy going to start upping the weight for ab work and strengthen my core up.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Back 14th December 2012

A1: Pullup
BW * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Dips
BW * 10 for 3 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, minimal rest time in between

Lat pulldown
Worked up to 145kg * 6
115 * 12
- Did many sets of 8 starting from 75 and pyramiding up by 10kg to the top weight

Straight arm pushdown (kneeling)
21 * 15 for 3 sets

Power shrugs (thumbless grip)
120 * 5 for 3 sets
- these were hard, my grip really is shit

Preacher DB curl
15 * 10 for 2 sets

Standing barbell curl
40 * 12
40 * 15, then changed to reverse grip and did another 15 reps

Back today after a week long hiatus. Had to rush down to KL because my aunt passed away. I'm happy that it was a peaceful passing and that she had the chance to see my nephew and spend time with us because in singapore before that for my cousin's wedding. Rest well Aunty Mary! (':

Was itching to get back in the gym again. Have to rearrange the smolov schedule, so now the training schedule is as follows:

Saturday - Smolovs 1 & assistance work
Sunday - Back
Monday - Smolovs 2 & assistance work
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Smolov jr 3 & assistance work
Thursday - Smolov 3 & Smolov jr 4 & assistance work
Fri - Rest

Didn't eat much over in KL as my aunt's only eat a meal or two a day. Tried to get in as many calories as I could and was probably getting in no more than 150g of protein a day. However, I think this was offset by my extremely low activity level and PLENTY of rest that I got, so didn't lose much (if any) muscle and strength.

Decided to go heavy on the lat pulldown today. Still felt the back working at 135kg for 8 reps and got a decent pump overall. 145 was too heavy and ended up with shit form, but it was worth a shot I guess. Squatting tmr! Probably will have to do a lot more warming up and technique work. Also, I will probably be incorporating kettlebell swings into my training as an assistance exercise (more of a restorative element, since the highest weight is only 24kg).

Friday, December 7, 2012

Bench 7th December 2012

112.5kg * 4 for 8 sets

Face pulls (straight bar)
21 * 20 for 3 sets

Quick and fast training today. Including warm up, it took me only 25 mins to get the whole thing done. Had to rush off cos of an unfortunate family event. Hope my mum is alright.

Back 6th December 2012

BW * 10 for 3 sets

One arm BB row
73 * 5 for 3 sets

Cable rows
Stack * 15 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
95 * 15 for 3 sets

BB curl
50 * 8
40 * 12 for 2 sets

Inclined Seated DB curls (Fatgrips)
10 * 12 for 3 sets

Basic Back work. I like the feel of the one arm barbell rows. Everything was done with a squeeze in the contracted position and a maximal stretch between reps. Curls were done with a 3 sec negative.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Squat + Bench 5th December 2012

117.5kg * 3
135 * 3
152.5 * 4
162.5 * 3 for 3 sets
171 * 3

105 * 5 for 7 sets

BW * 8 for 3 sets

A2: Standing Ab crunch
43 * 17 for 3 sets

A3: Face pull
21 * 20 for 3 sets

- A1 to A3 were supersetted, no rest time between sets, so all 9 sets were done one after the other.

Squat was good today. Decided to adopt a slightly wider stance (one foot position wider). This really allowed me to get in the groove and really sit back and depend on the hams to power me out of the hole. Nailed down technique with the lighter weights; must have done at least 5 sets just with the bar. No tip over even at the top sets, which surprised me. 171 flew up relatively fast. Very happy with the squat performance overall.

Bench was also good. But my recovery isn't fantastic. Kept the and rest time relatively low (~60+s). Focus was still on the speed and acceleration of the bar. Set 6 and 7, fatigue started to set in so speed on the last rep wasn't as fast and explosive as the first 4. Looking forward to fri and sat's sessions. Was pressed for time, so ended up just doing set after set for the accessory work with no rest in between.

Back 4th December 2012

BW * 10 for 3 sets

One armed BB row
60kg * 5 for 3 sets

Machine row
75 * 10 for 3 sets

Straight Arm pushdown
21 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
105 * 12 for 2 sets, 15 on the last set

Had a horrible headache since I woke up. Didn't lighten up as I trained so I lightened the weights instead. One armed BB rows seem to be pretty good for grip since balancing the short bar is rather tough. Shall start off more of my back sessions with it and see whether it helps.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Squat + Bench 3rd December 2012

107.5kg * 4
125 * 4
145 * 4
162.5 * 3, 4, 4

97.5 * 6 for 6 sets

BW * 8 for 3 sets

A2: Standing Ab crunch
43 * 17 for 3 sets

A3: Face pull
21 * 20 for 3 sets

- A1 - A3 were supersetted, rest time was 1 min between  supersets.

Tried a 5th rep on the last set of squats, but I think I didn't rest enough from the previous set. Really pushed the rest time today, barely 3 mins between the top sets. However, I feel better about my back as there was not much rolling forward with the top weights. Felt tighter in my set up, although my wrists felt loose. Think I didn't grip the bar hard enough as I descended.

Also, started Smolov jr. bench today. Really concentrated on the speed and letting the acceleration take me through the sticking point. Since the weight was light, it moved really fast, but I was rather gassed by the end of each set. To give an idea of the speed, I did all 6 reps in one breath.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Squat 1st December 2012

120kg * 4
125 * 4
145 * 4 for 5 sets

Dead stop One armed barbell rows (short bar)
33 * 5
43 * 5
53 * 5
63 * 5
73 * 5 for 3 sets

Cable rows
the stack * 15 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
95 * 15
105 * 12
115 * 10

Standing Abs crunch
43 * 16 for 3 sets

Much better training today. Since the squats were light today, I did them in a more bodybuilding style, trying to keep constant tension on the quads. Max and I pushed the rest time since the weights were light (and because admittedly, I wanted to get a pump in my quads lol). Other than that, the rest was just back work. Everything basically felt good so I guess sleeping more really does help. Did some posing practice in the studio after I closed the gym today. Cardio for the day hehe but no pics cos I was alone :( but no one wants to see flabs and thighs so it's really not much of a loss haha

Bench 30th November 2012

Reverse band bench
Worked up to 170kg * 3
then 130 * 10 for 2 sets

Behind the neck pressing
40 * 10 for 3 sets

A1: Lateral raises
10 * 20 for 2 sets
A2: Straight bar face pull
21 * 20 for 2 sets

- A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time about 2 mins in between

Overhead DB extensions
17.5  for 15 for 3 sets

After that it was a random assortment of tricep exercises and i did a couple sets of curls. I am also ashamed to admit that I curled in the squat rack at some point. Please don't hate.

Training was horrible because I was operating on 4h of sleep collectively since wed. I would prefer this session disappeared from my memory forever. Wanted to do DB shoulder presses after bench, but 40s felt exceptionally heavy, so just 86ed the idea and went with light weights and slow controlled movements. Laterals were done with super negatives (my lame way of saying it was a 5 sec drop, but actually it became more like 2 secs by the 15th rep lol). Whatever, random haphazard session that really serves to remind me that not everyday is sunday in the gym.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Just finished one of the toughest papers i've done in my entire smu life, so i'm gonna take a break from schoolwork for a couple mins to write down some thoughts I was having with regards to my training.

First off, current focus is on squat, but after training bench on tuesday, I believe I can incorporate bench training as well. Hence, instead of waiting for smolov intense to be over before I train my bench, I am going to do smolov jr for bench starting next week. This would mean that i would finish smolov jr AND smolov intense in the same week. Just in time for the holidays for me to back off training abit and indulge in some holiday activities and let the supercompensation take place.

This leads in to my next concern which is nutrition, which hit a major roadblock last week since I came down with food poisoning last tues and it stretched all the way till this past monday. As a result, appetite has been shit, so was barely getting in enough calories throughout the whole of last week, by my estimate about 2000+ and barely 3000 each day. So by training two major lifts, I can actually afford to up the calorie count.

So on to the plan.

Smolov jr calls for 4 days a week, so mon, wed, fri and sat will be bench days. Smolov intense for squat is on mon, wed and sat, so for those days, bench will be directly after. I estimate the sat sessions will be pretty freaking long considering the intensity for both are pretty high. No other pressing accessory work will be done. Face pulls will be done on all the bench training days, hopefully supersetting them. Tues and thurs will be direct back work. Ab work and hopefully GHRs will be done on squat days as per usual. There probably will not be any direct tricep work, but I might do some bicep work on back days.

Now that we have the parameters set up, setting up the plan will be as such:

Mon - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Tues - Back work (2 rowing, 2 pulldowns)
Wed - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Thurs - Back work (2 rowing, 2 pulldowns)
Fri - Bench, face pulls and ab accesory work
Sat - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Sun - rest (or whatever I feel like doing)

Macros for every training day will be 300g carbs, 350g protein and 155g fats, which will equal 4000 kcal. Basic simple rules will be: protein and fats up till training, then after training, carbs and protein and fats. Just a basic template but the simpler things are, the easier to follow.

So that's it for training reevaluation up till the end of smolov. I probably will take a week or two off after smolov (by off, I mean light deload training, not complete rest). In that time, I will also test my deadlift just to see where it currently lies. Then come Jan, I might switch back to westside, or 5/3/1. I believe I'll most likely go with 5/3/1 but that really depends on how strong my deadlift is. Might also decide to do 5/3/1 but with only the press, bench and squat, and reserve one day for more strongman type training. Anyway this can all be sorted out later.

Back to the books!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Squat 28th November 2012

115kg * 3
133 * 3
152.5 * 4
170 * 3, 1
162.5 * 3, 3
152.5 * 5, 5

Made the decision to lower the max used for the intense phase. I lowered it from 190 to 180, which would make it a training max of about 95%. Failed during the second rep of the second 170 work set. No matter, I think it's a smart move because we aren't taking the 2 weeks off as the smolov cycle actually dictates. After lowering the weights, the rest of the sets were much easier. Was pretty gassed by the end, so decided to skip accessory work today and get in more food!!

Nutrition wise the past week was a nightmare because my food poisoning seemed to affect my appetite for the whole week. I also feel a little burnt out because i feel constantly sluggish which is definitely not a good thing. Am bumping up my calories to about 4000kcal/day for the next week, sort of to make up for the previous week of undereating, and because I think the nutrition component of my recovery can be used to sort of compensate for the rest component of my recovery. Will still aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep. haha Exam week indeed.

Bench 27th November 2012

100kg * 5
120 *5
130 * 3
140 * 1
150 * 1

Close grip bench
130 * 3
100 * 5 for 4 sets

Weighted dips (3 sec negative)
1 plate * 10 for 3 sets

Behind the neck press
50 * 10 for 2 sets

Elbows out tricep extensions (inclined)
15 * 10 for 3 sets

Overhead DB extensions
17.5 * 12 for 2 sets

DB flyes
20 * 10 for 2 sets

Single arm machine press
15 * 20 for 2 sets

A1: Face pulls
31 * 30 for 2 sets
A2: Lateral Raise
15 * 12 for 2 sets

-A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time between sets was less than a minute

BB curls
40 * 10 for 3 sets

Lots of exercises today, but mostly light weights (with exception of the bench). Haven't gone heavy on the bench in a while. 150 felt nice and strong, but didn't want to push it any heavier because I believe my cns might still be trying to recover and I have a heavy duty session tmr morning on squats. After that I just decided to do more recuperative light weight accessory work. Pace was pretty brisk today, entire training took barely 45 mins and my rest time was roughly less than a min for most exercises. Basically tried to get some volume in for the basic pressing muscles and do some chest work, which I have been sorely neglecting lol Time to sleep!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Squat 26th November 2012

125kg * 3
145 * 4
165 * 4 for 3 sets
162.5 * 5

BW * 8 for 3 sets

A2: Lat pulldown
65 * 20 for 3 sets

A3: Standing cable crunch
43 * 16 for 3 sets

- A1 to A3 were supersetted, rest time 1 min between supersets.

Start of intense phase today. Made a mistake with the top weights today. Was supposed to be 162.5kg for 3 sets of 4 and one sets of 5, but in my blurness, I used 2.5kg plates instead of 1.25kg plates, so I ended up doing the first 3 sets of 4 with 165kg instead. Only realized before my 4th set.

Performance wise, reps were slower than i'd have liked, and I feel like depth might have been a little shallow. Must remind myself constantly to drive my head back out of the hole. Lower back is still a weakness. My recovery ability for my lower back is really bad, so decided to scrap the idea of direct lower back work for the intense phase. Other than that, accessories will be as per normal. Trying to eat up more now to make up for the past week of horrible eating (what with my food poisoning and the whole weekend being busy cause of rehearsals and two weddings!!) haha Study time!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Arms 24th November 2012

Single Arm pushdowns
3 sets 15 reps

Close grip machine bench
3 sets 8 reps

Cable tricep extension
3 sets 12 reps

DB overhead extensions
3 sets 15 reps
1 set 20 reps

Single arm preacher cable curl
2 sets 12 reps

Cable Curl
2 sets 15 reps

Concentration curls
3 sets 10 reps

Trained at my condo gym, so gotta play around with the tempo so the weights give more time under tension. Most of the reps were done with a 3 to 4 sec negative.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Squat 23rd November 2012

worked up to max
180kg * 1
190 * 1
200 * 1 (but Tim said he gave some assist)

BW * 10 for 3 sets

A2: Lat pulldown
55 * 20 for 3 sets

A3: Standing Ab crunch
43 * 15 for 3 sets

A4: Reverse hyper
BW * 10 for 3 sets

- A1 to A4 were supersetted, 1 min rest time in between supersets

Today was max testing day for squat and to be honest, I was abit nervous since I'm still pretty dehydrated and feeling quite weak from my food poisoning. Stomach was still funky this morning, but at least the vomitting stopped and my appetite is coming back. I finally managed to touch 200kg again, which is a post injury PR for me. 200 has been a huge mental block for me ever since I tore my back back in end 2010. Really happy with today's performance, and looking forward to bringing my squat up more so I can finally crush 5 plates and upwards. Strained for like 6 seconds, and was lightheaded at the end of it. Tim did an awesome job spotting because he really knew to let me strain through it and not jump in prematurely. Reminds me why a reliable spotter is very important when attempting max weights. Thanks Tim (if you're reading this lol).

Intense phase for smolov is looking pretty intense (pun intended?) since i'm using 190 as the max weight. However, will re-evaluate again during next week and see if i might need to revise the weight down to 185 or even 180. Some accessory work after that to round off what is a decent session considering i felt like a weak little bitch before starting it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Press 22nd November 2012

(all work sets were 3 reps)
80, 75, 77.5, 80, 75

100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95

Flat bench
120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115

Flat bench
100 * 10 for 2 sets

Machine flyes
54 * 12 for 2 sets

Seated Laterals
15 * 10 for 3 sets
10 * 20

Machine rear laterals
68 * 15 for 4 sets

Back in the gym again after 2 days of vomitting and diarrhea. Felt really weak and dehydrated so kept the workout easy and light. Hopefully I'll be much better by tmr to test my squat max.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

21st November 2012

Was down with food poisoning yesterday. Spent the whole day in bed and couldn't hit the gym at all. Feeling much better today, but decided to take today off as well to recover. Hopefully I'll be in shape to press tmr and test my squat on friday.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Back 19th November 2012

Pull ups
BW * 12 for 3 sets

Overhand BB rows
120kg * 10 for 2 sets

Underhand BB rows
80 * 15 for 3 sets

Machine Row
65 * 10 for 3 sets

Straight arm push down
31 * 12 for 3 sets

Single arm lat pulldown
35 * 15 for 3 sets (per side)

A1: Overhead shrug
40 * 20 for 3 sets

A2: Prone rear flies
7.5 * 20 for 3 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted

worked up to one set of 200 for 10 reps

Was debating whether to train or not. Felt really nua and lazy today. The weights felt heavier than usual. I tried to keep the rest time short and as a result, ended up sweating even more than usual (if that's even possible lol). Probably will rest on wed instead. Study time!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Arms 18th November 2012

A1: Lat pulldowns
3 sets 15 reps
A2: Dips
3 sets 20 reps

B1: Tricep pushdown
3 sets 15 reps
B2: Seated DB curls
3 sets 15 reps

C1: Cable tricep extension
3 sets 15 reps
C2: Cable preacher
3 sets 15 reps

D1: Overhead DB extension
3 sets 20 reps
D2: Concentration curl
3 sets 20 reps

Seated Laterals
3 sets 20 reps

Didn't bother putting down the weights, cos all the weights were light, hence the high rep range. More a recovery workout than anything tbh. Rest time was short, whole workout was done in less than 45 mins.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Squat 17th November 2012

160kg * 3 for 10 sets

A1: Standing Ab crunch
41 * 20 for 3 sets

A2: Lat pulldowns
75 * 15, 15, 15
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time ~60s

And today marks the end of the smolov base meso. Tried to pace Max for his sets, but I think it would have been better with more rest in between. Still, all reps were good and I can say it was truly fun just pushing (especially the last 3 sets). Testing our max next week so that should be exciting hehe

Friday, November 16, 2012

Squat 16th November 2012

151kg * 5 for 7 sets

A1: Standing Ab crunch
41 * 20 for 3 sets

A2: Pull ups
BW * 10 for 3 sets

- A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time ~60s

Good session today. Squats moved pretty fast and I was happy with the sets (save for one rep in my 5th set where I tipped a little). Other than that, pretty low volume session so no biggie. Tmr's the last day of the base meso. What a bittersweet feeling haha

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pressing 15th November 2012

(all working sets are 3 reps)
80kg, 75, 77.5, 80, 75, 77.5, 80

100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95, 97.5, 100

120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115, 117.5, 120

A1: Lat pulldown
70 * 12 for 3 sets

A2: Paused benching
100 * 5 for 3 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time between supersets was about 60 to 90s

B1: Seated Lateral Raises
10 * 20 for 3 sets

B2: Seated DB press
30 * 12, 9, 7
- B1 and B2 were supersetted, rest time between supersets was about 45s

C1: Incline Lateral raises
10 * 12, 7.5 * 15, 15

C2: Face pulls
31 * 30 for 3 sets
- C1 and C2 were supersetted, rest time between supersets was about 45s

Today turned out to be an awesome session despite the fact that I didn't have much intention to train today! Last presentation of the year, so I felt pretty happy after that and decided I'd get a session in. I kept rest time really short all throughout. Felt that keeping the rest time to a minimal for the speed training (first 3 exercises) really made everything move fast. In fact, my rest time was so short, I actually finished my pressing in 5 mins, my incline in another 9 mins and my flat bench in 12 mins (including the warm ups!). Next week i'll be starting up 3 cycles so we'll see if that can be maintained. Decided that since I had time, I would try to push it for the isolated shoulder work. 45s really felt like not much rest, and my seated DB press really dropped by the third set. All the lateral raises were done with a pause at the top, although by the end of the third set, it really wasn't being held at the top for much. lol Anyway, good training session all in all, and everything only took 45 mins to get done, which seems to be quite alot of volume for the given intensity. I guess this really proves that the mind really is the most powerful muscle of all. To think I wasn't even planning to train today haha

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Squat 14th November 2012

142.5kg * 7 for 5 sets

A1: Lat pull down (reverse position)
65 * 12 for 6 sets

A2: Paused Bench
80 * 3, 100 * 3, 110 * 1
120 * 1 for 3 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time between sets was about 1 min.

Overhead DB tricep extension
20 * 12
20 * 12/15 * 15/12.5 * 12 - Dropset

Decided to do a little pause benching and some tricep work since I will most probably be up all night working on a report and presentation due tmr. I realized that the more I train using moderately heavy tricep extension movements, the better my pressing gets. Hoping that I might be able to get in a training session tmr after my presentation, but really depends on what time I head home tonight.

Oh and I realized I forgot to do abs.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pressing 13th November 2012

(all work sets are 3 reps)
80kg, 75, 77.5, 80, 75

105, 100, 102.5, 105, 100

120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115

Paused benching
100 * 4 for 4 sets
- 5 sec pause

Overhead db tricep extension
18 * 15 for 3 sets

BW * AMAP for 2 sets
- done with a 4 sec negative, pause in the stretched position, and fast concentric

Really appreciate the SMU gym now. Forgot how bad and crowded the public gym can get. Scrambling to get the plates since there were so little plates spread out amongst everyone, and my rest time was way too long trying to work in with others to use the bench. Had to use the bench to do my pressing so my pressing was done seated. Decided that with all the sharing of the bench and all, it would take me way too long to get in 3 cycles of each exercise, so probably will do 3 cycles for this thursday's and next week's sessions. All in all, everything felt light, but the only problem was my flow was horrible since rest time and all was very haphazard. Pretty easy workout because of that.

Squat 12th November 2012

135kg * 9 for 4 sets

Lat pull down (reverse)
57.5 * 12 for 5 sets

Standing ab crunch
41 * 19 for 3 sets

Hammer curls
35 * 10 for 2 sets

Lower back endurance is definitely a weak point. First set all reps were good, but the subsequent sets, my lower back got more and more tired faster. Last set my last 3 reps  tended to tip over way more than i'd like. But all in all, everything was still decent and my legs were feeling rather fresh at the end of the 4 sets. Only thing was my VMO was a fit tight and pumped, which is actually a good thing because it means my depth was deep. I also realize my conditioning is becoming better. Was not significantly drained or tired after the 4 sets like I was last monday. Everything seems to be going on plan. Good.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Squat 10th November 2012

155kg * 3 for 10 sets

Lat pulldown (but sitting reverse on the machine)
55 * 12 for 5 sets

Standing Ab Crunch
41 * 18 for 3 sets

15 mins on the spinner @90rpm

Today's session was good. Did about 5 sets with the bar, what I like to think of as rehearsal sets, before putting on 1 plate, then 2, then 2 and a half and after which, jumping straight into the first working set. Somedays I feel I don't need as many feeler sets, and today was one of them. All the sets were fast, but i played around with rest timing for the first couple sets. Resting 4 mins between my first and second set, and 3 mins between my second and third set. Found that the optimal resting time for me seemed to be around 4 mins today. Everything moved relatively fast, with no grinding. Managed to maintain a good arch in the lower back and my abs don't give way like it used to the past few weeks, so I guess the ab work is really starting to help. Accessory work was done with minimal rest in between sets (~30s), and I was done with them in less than 10 mins. Actual strength work took me about 45 mins (not including warm ups) so pretty decent pace and I think my recovery ability is improving. All in all, good session. 2nd week of base meso down, one more to go!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Squat 9th November 2012

145kg * 5 for 7 sets

Lat pull downs
65 * 10 for 5 sets

Standing Ab crunch
41 * 18 for 3 sets

Good session today. 145 moved pretty fast and felt real light on my back. Slight tweak in upper back tightening has really improved the efficiency of my squat. I think it could be due to all the upper back work i've been doing with the pull ups too. Actually started out the session feeling all bloated from breakfast (which was just ten eggs and some anchovies and peanuts and a coffee black), but it went away after my first work set. Just interesting thing to note that I realized today; finding that I need more warm up sets with the bar to get the muscles firing properly, but once they feel good, I can just jump up to working weight in roughly 2 to 3 sets.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pressing 8th November 2012

(all work sets are 3 reps)
80kg, 75, 77.5, 80, 75, 77.5, 80, 75

100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95

120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115

A1: Lateral Raise
15 *15, 15, 15

A2: DB Shoulder Press
30 * 12, 10, 10

-A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time between supersets was about a min.

Face Pull
31 * 30 for 3 sets

Nothing much to say, everything done in an hour so I was happy with the speed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Squat 7th November 2012

137.5kg * 7 for 5 sets

Pull ups
5 sets of 10

Standing Ab Crunch
41 * 18 for 3 sets

Squats felt easier today. Everything moved at a good speed, and there was no sticking. However, I was gassed after that and the accessory work felt like it took forever to do. Still, the squat performance was more important so I guess things are going relatively well. Big hurdle now is the 7 sets of 5 on friday, after which, according to past smolov experience, the rest should be 'easier'.

Pressing 6th November 2012

(All working sets were 3 reps)
80kg, 75, 77.5, 80, 75, 77.5, 80, 75

100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95, 97.5, 100, 95

Bench (Flat)
120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115, 117.5, 120, 115

Paused Benching
100 * 4 for 4 sets
- 5 sec pause

2 cycles for each press today. Weight still moves pretty fast even though I'm doing twice as many working sets. Pushed the rest time pretty short (~25s) during the presses, but stretched it out longer by the time I reached bench. Decided to just do pause benching instead of direct chest work to work on starting strength, where my bench weak point is. Can't wait to squat tmr morning!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Squat 5th November 2012

130kg * 9 for 4 sets
- last set last rep failed, so immediately reracked and did one more

Pull ups
5 sets of 10

Standing Abs
41 * 18 for 3 sets

Spinning bike
10 mins @ ~80 rpm

Pushed the rest time shorter than what it should have been. Remember to rest longer on wed.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Arms 4th November 2012

A1: Tricep pushdown
50kg * 15, 15, 15

A2: Seated DB curls
15 * 15, 15, 15

B1: Lying tricep cable extension
50 * 12, 12, 12

B2: Held Hammer Curls
15 * 10, 10, 10

C1: DB preacher curl
15 * 10, 10

C2: Overhead DB extension
15 * 15, 15

 Stationary bike ~ 20 mins

A1 & A2, B1 & B2, C1 & C2 were all supersetted. Minimal rest time (<30s) between all supersets.

Just a light workout to get blood in the muscles and to prepare them for the next week of pulling and pressing and squatting.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Squat 3rd November 2012

145kg * 3 for 10 sets

Pull ups
5 sets 10

Standing Abs Crunch
41 * 17 for 3 sets

Took a while to get going for the squats. !st to 4th set just got worse and worse. 3rd set I actually attempted twice, first time only doing 1 rep. All seemed lost and I sat at the side in quiet contemplation. Suddenly, there was the sounds of communist angels chanting, and the russian weightlifting jesus (in the likeness of comrade smolov himself) descended from the heavens and said to me: "Do not get ashamed. You try for more you can do today, but tomorrow, you lift more. Everyone beginning somewhere, soon you will be strong. I am here, I save you from crushing from barbell." With renewed energy, I hit my 5th set, and the subsequent sets after got easier and easier. Thank you russian weightlifting jesus!

Seriously though, gonna try to get as much rest this weekend as possible. I think I haven't been getting enough sleep so will definitely get in more food and snooze as much as possible. Next week looks tough, with 130 for 4 sets of 9 on monday.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Squat 2nd November 2012

135kg * 5 for 7 sets

Pull ups
5 sets of 10 reps

Standing Abs Crunch
41 * 17, 17, 17

15 mins on the spinner
- for recovery

Today's session was truly a lesson in digging deep and pushing thru. Legs were aching like a mofo from mon and wed's sessions, but I brushed it off figuring that it would go away once I start warming up. It didn't. First set felt way heavier than 135 should have been. Technique was screwed up and form was shit. After that first set, I seriously contemplated dropping the weights lower. Even Max could tell I was wrestling with the idea since I was off at the side being exceptionally quiet.

 Second, third and fourth set came and went and they too were crap. Somehow, I managed to get out each rep, but i remember my third and fourth set were truly shit. To call the reps I did squats are quite a big insult to the exercise. That's when I knew I had to start digging deep if I wanted to finish off strong.

So I summoned as much of the bad memories I haven't visited in a while and use that to build some rage inside me, and my fifth, sixth and seventh set were markedly better. Starting thinking of just sitting back on the hamstrings and letting them do more of the work, since my quads were fried. I usually squat in a mixed powerlifting and olympic style, with rather equal emphasis on both the quads and the hamstrings. Although today's session was shit in terms of performance, I would say it was awesome in terms of reminding me despite not every session going your way, sticking it through is still paramount to your development as a lifter and overall individual.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pressing 1st November 2012

80kg * 3, 75 * 3, 77.5 * 3, 80 * 3, 75 * 3

Incline bench
100 * 3, 95 * 3, 97.5 * 3, 100 * 3, 95 * 3

120 * 3, 115 * 3, 117.5 * 3, 120 * 3, 115 * 3

A1: Seated Side laterals
17.5 * 12, 12, 12

A2: Face pull
21 * 20, 20, 20

- A1 and A2 were supersetted

Today's training was short and intense. With the pressing movements, the key was performance. This meant a good speed and acceleration of the bar, with no grinding, hence the weights are more on the lighter side. Good session and i seemed to get faster and more explosive as the pressing progressed. I think i have been neglecting dynamic training during the whole mountain dog phase, so it's good to start training this aspect of my strength again. Next pressing session will have one additional cycle for each pressing movement.

Sidenote: My legs are aching like a mofo. Think some recovery cycling will be good later at night.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Squat 31st October 2012

Smolov - Base Meso - Week 1 Session 2

127.5kg * 7 for 5 sets

Pull ups
5 sets of 10

Standing Abs
41 * 17 for 3 sets

Woke up this morning with my legs sore as hell. Talk about DELAYED onset muscle soreness lol. The ache went away as I warmed up towards the working weight for the session, but it's back now (son of a bitch!). Squat performance was decent. Again, lower back became the limiting factor, but I managed to maintain a decent arch, so only a couple reps suffered. Ironically, it was the 2nd and 3rd set that wasn't so good. The 4th set improved in terms of technique and performance, and the 5th set blew it out of the park. Probably because I psyched myself up quite a bit for the last two sets. Everything else was pretty standard. Trying to stuff myself silly now before I head to bed (early morning class tmr fuck).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Everyone has those days..

Haphazard training session. In fact, it was crap.

60kg * 5, 70 * 5, 80 * 9

75 * 10 for 2 sets

Pause benching
90 * 3 for 5 sets

Lateral raises
17.5 * 12 for 3 sets
then did a dropset which consisted of 10 * 30, 7.5 * 30, 5 * 40 just to get some blood in the shoulders

Anyway, during my morning class, I came to the realization that we had to start smolov this week, since max would be flying on the 24th of December (what am i doing not paying attention?). The plan is to do the base meso (including the testing week), then skip the 2 week switching phase, then hit the 4 week intense phase. As such, the training week will look like this for the 1st 3 weeks of the base meso.

Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Squat
Thurs - Pressing + shoulder accessory
Fri - Squat
Sat - Squat
Sun - Arms (or Rest day if I need it)

- pull ups will be done on squat days for spinal decompression as well as back work
- Volume for pull ups will be anywhere from 30 to 50 reps
- Ab work will be done on squat days as well
- Squat sessions will follow the smolov template
- Pressing sessions will consist of:
  • Press
  • Incline bench
  • Flat Bench
  • Chest/Shoulder accessory
- Pressing exercises progression will consist of cycling around a 3 rep working weight (i.e 80, 75, 77.5, 80, 75 - this is one cycle)
- First week, one cycle; second week, two cycles; third week, three cycles
- Chest accessory will likely be flyes, and shoulder accessory will likely be lateral raises

For the testing week, template will be as follows.
Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Rest
Thurs - Press + shoulder accessory
Fri - Test Squat max
Sat - Arms
Sun - Rest

For the intense phase, the training weeks would likely look similar to the base mesocycle.
Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Squat
Thurs - Pressing + shoulder accessory
Fri - Squat
Sat - Arms
Sun - Rest
- Pull ups will be done with the squat sessions as per previous, but volume might be adjusted upwards (or downwards)
- pressing template will continue

Nutrition wise i will continue doing carb back loading, and my macros will be as such (Carbs/Protein/Fat)

Squat days - 300/350/100
Pressing days - 250/350/100
Arms day - 200/350/100
Rest day - 100/350/100

Plan is to eat protein and fat up till training time, then smash the carbs post workout all the way to bed. Keep it simple.

Ok, fucking long post, but I think it's necessary to lay out a basic template so that I know what I gotta do. Small things like accessory work might change depending on feel, but the meat and potatoes of the training sessions are laid out already. Don't plan to do much lower back or leg accessory work since the squatting itself will be pretty tough on these parts already. Looks daunting, but I hope to really bring my squat up by the end of the year.

As the Russians would say, 'Udachi!' I'll need it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Legs 29th October 2012

110kg * 5, 125 * 5, 140 * 11

Paused squats
100 * 5 for 3 sets
- pause was 4 secs

Step ups
50 * 10, 10, 10 (per side)

A1: Seated Hamstring Curl
80 * 10, 10, 10

A2: Lying DB hamstring curl
17.5 * 10, 10, 10
- A1 and A2 were supersetted

Leg Extensions
80 * 20, 20, 20

B1: Standing Abs Crunch
41 * 17, 17, 17

B2: Modified reverse hyper
BW * 17, 17, 17
- B1 and B2 were supersetted
- reverse hypers were done with a hard arch at the top

So-so squat session. I miscounted wrongly on my last set of squats, so i ended up only doing 11 when i was gunning for at least 12. Was kinda hard to focus into squats today, but at least performance was decent despite the lack of focus. Paused squats were a bitch to do. Unlike pause benching, where i relax the weight on my chest, then tense and flex hard to accelerate it off, we don't get the same luxury being in the bottom position of the squat. So the isometric tension at the bottom really made 4 secs seem like an eternity. Still had pretty good acceleration out of the hole. Step ups were actually heavier than they should have been, so this means we gotta get stronger on those. I had a good rhythm going though, will aim for one plate next week. Overall, there was quite a lot of lower back work done (from all the isometric holding) that even though the squatting was sub-par, I felt it was a decent workout because I ended up hammering my weak point.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chest + shoulders 27th October 2012

Incline Bench
85kg * 5, 95 * 3, 107.5 * 6

Paused Benching
100 * 3 for 5 sets
- 5 sec pause

One arm Machine bench
30 * 15, 15, 15

Machine Flyes
61 * 15, 15, 15

Lateral Raises
17.5 * 12, 12, 12
- after these 3 straight sets, we did one giant set surfing up and down the rack. 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 12.5, 10, 7.5, 5 DBs
- each weight was done for 20 reps
- total set was 160 reps

Did a warm up consisting of a superset of 8 pullups and 10 dips, for 4 sets. I like the feel of these warmups and I think I will continue to use it and see what other exercises I can add in to get the whole upper body moving and ready for the training. I think I will start by adding in standing Abs and maybe bodyweight reverse hypers too.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Arms 25th October 2012

Pushdowns (Straight Bar)
31kg * 15, 15, 15

Close grip decline
130 * 6, 6, 6

Over DB extension
20 * 12, 12, 12

Lying DB extension
12.5 * 15, 15, 15

Dips (tempo 42X0)
BW * AMRAP for 1 set

Standing DB Curl
22.5 * 8, 8

30 * 10, 10

DB Preacher
12.5 * 15, 15

A1: Standing Abs
41 * 16, 16, 16

A2: Reverse Hyper
BW * 16, 16, 16

-A1 and A2 were supersetted.

New PR on the decline CG bench with a slight pause in the stretched position. I forgot how good this movement was for my triceps, since it allowed me to lower the bar much lower without engaging the chest, unlike the flat CG bench. Kinda shagged by the time I finished triceps, so I did more intense sets for my biceps, hence cumulative number of sets are quite low. Tempo was controlled throughout all exercises.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Back 24th October 2012

150kg * 5, 170 * 3, 190 * 1

Deadlift (speed pulls)
140 for 8 singles

Pull ups
5 sets of 10
- done on the assisted pull up machine, with a pause at the top

Machine Rows
45 * AMRAP for 2 sets

Power shrugs
80 * 8, 8, 8

Overhead shrugs
40 * 20, 20, 20

A1: Standing Abs
41 * 16, 16, 16

A2: 45 deg Back extension
BW * 16, 16, 16
- A1 and A2 were supersetted

Modified reverse hyper
BW * 15, 15, 15

Deadlifts were light and moved pretty fast. Had pretty good acceleration on the speed pulls. Decided to put in more low intensity lower back work to bring  up my core sterngth. Figured out how to use the GHR for reverse hyper movements. Now only thing is to figure out how to attach some weight to my legs. Everything else was standard. Good squeeze through all sets as per standard back training protocol.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shoulders 23rd October 2012

67.5kg * 3, 77.5 * 3, 85 * 5

Pause Presses
60 * 5 for 3 sets
65 * 5 for 3 sets
- pause was 4 secs

Seated DB press
35 * 12, 12, 12

One arm seated laterals
15 * 20, 20, 20

Face pulls
21 * 30, 30, 30

One arm Rear Delt machine
54 * 25, 25, 25

Turning out to be a pretty good training week so far. Was tempted to work up to 45s for the DB press, but decided that I'd rather get in more volume instead. I guess it's always good to remember that sometimes you can get more out of a light weight than half-fucking your way through the heavy stuff. On a side note, I like training the shoulders unilaterally, and it feels way better. Shall continue it in the coming weeks and see how it turns out.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Legs 22nd October 2012

120kg * 5, 137.5 * 3, 152.5 *4

Step ups
40 * 10 per leg, 3 sets

Leg press
3 pps * 15, 15, 15 (tempo 51X0)

Seated Leg curls
75 * 10, 10, 10

BW * 10, 10, 10

Calf press
3 pps * 12, 12 (tempo 5X21)
2 pps * 12 (tempo 8X21)

A1: Standing Ab crunch
41 * 16, 16, 16

A2: Hanging Leg raise
BW * 16, 16, 16

A1 and A2 were supersetted.

I actually did a 5th rep for the last set of squats, but it was really horrible and ugly so i didn't count it in. Actually looked more like a good morning than anything else.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Arms 20th October 2012

Straight bar push downs
41kg * 10, 10, 10

Close grip Bench
100 * 8, 7, 8

Overhead dumbbell extension
20 * 10, 10, 10

BW * 10, 10, 8
 - done with a tempo of 042X

Standing DB curls
17.5 * 12, 12, 12

One arm preacher cable
8 * AMRAP for 3 sets

Reverse BB curls (36ers)
15kg for 2 sets

Back 19th October 2012

140kg * 3, 160 * 3, 180 * 3

Pull ups
10 sets of 10

One arm cable rows
28 * AMRAP for 3 sets

Overhead shrugs
40 * 25, 25, 25

A1: Standing Abs
41 * 15, 15, 15

A2: Hanging leg raises
BW * 15, 15, 15
- A1 and A2 were supersetted.

Finally have a proper cast on my finger, which limits my ability to grip fully with my right hand. As usual, kept the deads to the bare minimum reps required. 180 moved fast, so happy with that. Pull ups were done on the assisted machine and every rep was held at the top.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Squat redemption

18th October 2012

110kg * 3, 130 *3, 145 * 8

Step ups
40 * 12, 12, 12


Incline Bench
85 * 3, 95 * 3, 102.5 * 7
60 * 30, 20

One armed machine press
27.5 * 15, 15, 15

Machine Flyes
54 * 25, 25, 25

Cable Laterals
8 * 15, 15, 15

Standing Abs
41 * 15, 15, 15

Rested about 20 mins in between the squat training and bench training because I waited for Max to arrive. 145 is actually a post injury PR for me (post march injury that is).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shoulders 16th Oct 2012

62.5kg * 3, 72.5 * 3, 80 * 10

Paused Presses
60 * 5, 5, 5

Seated DB press
25 * 15, 13, 12, 12

Lateral raises
12.5 * 20, 20, 20

Rear laterals
68 * 20, 20, 20, 20

Standing Abs
41 * 15, 15, 15

Normal shoulder session. Decided to go light on DB presses, still working around tightness in my left shoulder. Rest time was kept short.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Despite what you've heard, sleep is for the strong.

Oct 15th
Didn't sleep from sunday morning till monday night, and really paid for it when it came time to train legs. Couldn't focus into my squat and everything felt heavy. Cut my squatting halfway in the end and did light recuperative work instead. Plan to redeem myself on wed.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back + Triceps 13th Oct 2012

130kg * 5, 150 * 5, 170 * 5

Sterum Pull ups (on the assisted machine)
8 sets of 5 with assistance weight at 33kg

Cable row
6 sets of 15
*can't remember how heavy it was*

Wide grip shrugs
60 * 15, 15, 15

Close Grip Bench
100 * 10, 10, 10

Low incline DB extension
15 * 12, 12, 12

Rope pushdowns
20 * AMAP for 2 sets

Feels good to deadlift again. The weights were very light, as expected. Usually for 531, I don't do more than the prescribed reps for the final set of deadlifts, as opposed to the rest of the lifts, because I tend to burn out fast on deads. Actually come to think of it, this is the first time I'm deadlifting since Feb.

Was weak as shit on the sternum pull ups though. Held the top position for 2 secs and squeezed the fuck out of my back. Felt all sorts of back muscles activating that I haven't felt in a LONG time. Same performance method with the cable rows. The variable resistance on the machines aren't measured out in nice whole numbers so it's a bit annoying recording it down. haha OCD

Decided to play it safe and not go heavy on the close grips since I was pretty guessed from the back work. Everything else was merely pump and go so nothing special there. I think I would like to keep a dedicated arm day in, or train triceps with chest. Was too gassed after back to really hit the triceps well.

Takeaways from today are that my back is weak as shit. lol Time to hit it hard!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chest & shoulders, 12th Oct 2012

Incline Bench
75kg * 5, 85 * 5, 95 * 12

Machine Flyes
54 * 20, 20, 25

Low incline DB Press
25 * 20, 20
30 * 16

Cable rear laterals
3 plates * 30, 30, 30

Seated lateral raises
10 * 20, 20, 20

Incline pressing took a while to get into the groove and still didn't feel 100% even by the last set. Still a decent effort I suppose. Shall use heavier bells for the low incline next time and aim for 20 reps each set. Seated laterals done with a pause at the top.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back in business!

9th Oct 2012 Shoulders

Military press
60kg * 5, 67.5 * 5, 75 * 12

DB Lateral raises
10 * 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

Rear Lateral machine
54 * 25, 25, 25

30 * 10, 10, 10

DB Preacher curl
15 * AMAP for 2 sets

Was supposed to do seated db shoulder press after mil press but strained the left shoulder so skipped it and did high rep controlled lateral raises instead.

11th Oct 2012 Legs

105kg * 5, 120 * 5, 137.5 * 10
100 * 5, 5, 5

Single-leg leg press/Lunge superset
110 * 15/30 * 30ish steps x 3 sets

Seated Ham curls/Lying DB ham curl
75 * 10/15 * 10 x 3 sets

BW * 10, 10, 10

Calf presses
2 plates per side * 12, 12, 12

Squats could have gone for more reps on the last set, but felt the bar rolling on the left and my left shoulder tightening up so decided to rack. Also, shall do higher reps on the back off sets for squats. Calf presses were done with a 3 second contraction and 5 second hold in the stretched position every rep.

Ok, that's about it. Figured that it's a good time to get the training blog up again since i'm starting 531 again.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


April 11th

Chin ups
did 5 sets of 8 with BW

One armed machine row (tempo 11X1)
120 * 10
160 * 10
180 * 10, 10, 10

Low pulley row (tempo 11X2)
50 * 10
60 * 10, 10, 10

Neutral grip pulldown
worked up to 3 sets of 10 with 60kg
*these were done very controlled with a hard squeeze at bottom

Straight arm pushdowns
did 3 working sets of 10 with 40kg
*these were done very controlled with a hard squeeze at bottom

Did 3 working sets 8 with 315#, and 1 additional set of 25 with 185#
*all shrugs were done with a squeeze and hold at the top

100 band pullaparts and some band traction

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

After easter push day

April 10th

Worked up to 160#, then did one cycle of 150, 155, 160, ending on 150.

Worked up to 220#, then did one cycle of 210, 215, 220, ending on 210.

Close grip bench
Worked up to 235#, then did one cycle of 225, 230, 235, ending on 225.

Chest circuit
Machine fly - banded machine chest press - incline machine chest press
70# - 165# - 160#
Did 15 reps for each exercise. Rest paused the presses. Did 2 rounds of the circuit with about 60secs rest in between.

Shoulder circuit
Lateral raises - front raises - db presses
used 22.5# dbs, 15 reps per exercise, 2 rounds.

Pull ups
did 5 sets of 8 with BW

After a long easter break, was aching to get back into the gym again. The holiday must have rested me well, because the weights were all pretty light today. What astonished me the most was the close grip flat bench, as I didn't expect it to feel so light, since usually after the press and incline i'm pretty gassed. On a side note though, my shoulders feel a little strained, so I decided to lighten up on the shoulder work and use the band for some aggressive stretching and mobility instead. Overall, a good session that got me smiling when I left the gym. Also, my dad messaged me to say he's getting back into lifting again! Totally made my night(:

Friday, April 6, 2012

Push + Pull

April 5th

Warmed up to 160, then did one cycle of 150, 155, 160, ending on 150

Warmed up to 220, then did one cycle of 210, 215, 220, ending on 210

Close grip Bench
Did one cycle of 220, 225, 230, ending on 220

Chest circuit
Machine Fly - banded machine press - incline machine press
15 reps each exercise. 2 rounds. For the second round, did AMRAP on incline.
Weights were 60 - 160 - 160

April 6th

Straight arm pushdown
Warmed up to 2 working sets of 100

Lat pulldown (tempo 11X2)
100 * 12, 12
145 * 10, 10
190 * 8, 8

One armed machine row (tempo 11X2)
Did 3 working sets of 12 with 170

Neutral grip pulldowns (tempo 11X2)
Did 3 working sets of 10 with 100

Shrugs (tempo 11X1)
135 * 10
225 * 10
275 * 10
315 * 10, 10

Did some rear delt work after that and 100 band pullaparts.

How do you live wanting something but not being able to have purely because of circumstance? I guess it is better to suffer a great pain now if it means that you can avoid a greater pain in the future.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Arms + ACF

April 3rd

DB Scott Curl (Fat grips)
warmed up about 4 sets and did 3 working sets of 10 reps with 32.5, with the last set involving a rest-pause so i got in a few more reps

Incline DB curl (Fat grips) (tempo 30X0)
17.5 * 12, 12, 12, 12
*with the tempo prescription, these were really killer

Standing Cable Curl
3 working sets of 10, with the last one being an extended set

Rope pushdowns
100 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Close grip bench
worked up to 3 working sets of 8 with 185
*these actually felt really good and easy, and i paused in the bottom portion to get a good stretch in the triceps each rep. After the 3rd set, I dropped the weight to 135 and repped it out immediately after

Seated french presses with DBs
4 working sets of 10 reps with 40s

Lying DB tricep extensions
3 woking sets of AMRAP with 30s

March 4th

Standing Ab crunch
worked up to 3 sets of 10 with 85ibs

Hanging leg raises
3 sets of 10reps

Standing Calf raises
worked up to 3 sets of 8 with 220ibs with tempo (12X2)

Seated calf raises
3 working sets of 8 with 90ibs with tempo (12X2)

A1: DB reverse wrist curl
12.5 * 17, 17, 17

A2: Low pulley reverse wrist curl
12.5 * 17, 17, 17

B1: DB wrist curl
27.5 * 17, 17, 17

B2: Low pulley wrist curl
25 * 17, 17, 17

A1 and A2 were supersetted, as were B1 and B2.

*Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.*

Monday, April 2, 2012

Back + legs

April 1st

Pull ups
BW * 8, 8, 8

Neutral grip bar lat pulldown
100 * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
*contraction held for at least a second

One arm machine rows
120 * 10
140 * 10
200 * 10
160 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
*didn't feel the muscle working well at 200, so dropped it down to 160 and decided to do more volume instead

Low cable row
60 * 10, 10, 10
*really weak at these. i think all this time I haven't been really using my rhomboids :(

Straight arm pushdown (kayak rows)
100 * 6, 6, 6
* each rep consisted of one rep to the front, one to the right and one to the left, sort of like a rowing motion

BB shrugs
225 * 15
315 * 10, 10, 10

Face pull machine row thing
50 * 20, 20

April 2nd

Lying leg curls
90 * 8
105 * 8
120 * 8
135 * 8
150 * 8
165 * 8
180 * 8
165 * 8, 8, 8

Leg extensions
45 * 15
90 * 15
135 * 15
100 * 15, 15, 15
*the last 3 sets were done with a hold at the top for each rep.

Hack squat
2pps * 10
3 * 10, 10, 10

Leg press
3pps * 10, 10, 10

Machine good morning
4pps * 10, 10, 10

100 band pullaparts

Saturday, March 31, 2012


March 31st

*All sets for strength movements are 3 reps each.

Worked up to 155, then did 3 cycles of 145, 150, 155, ending on 145

Incline bench
Started at 155, worked up to 215, then did 3 cycles of 205, 210, 215, ending on 205

Close grip bench
Started at 225, then did 2 cycles of 215, 220, 225, ending on 215.
Then did 2 sets of 3 reps paused (~4 secs) with 185. Finished with one set of 12 with 135, pausing the last few reps on the chest.

Chest circuit
Machine fly - Banded machine flat press - machine incline press
80ibs - 100ibs - 100ibs
Did 12 reps for first 2 exercises, then AMRAP on the machine incline press. 2 rounds total. All reps were squeezed and held in contracted position.

Shoulder circuit
Seated lateral raise - front raise - db press
Did 15 reps for each exercises, 3 rounds with about a min rest in between rounds. Used 20ibs DBs for these which seemed really light but had me going by the time i reached the presses. Each rep was control and done with a squeeze at the contracted position.

Rear laterals (tempo 1011)
135 * 30, 30

50 band pull aparts plus band traction.

Abs, Calves and forearms

March 30th

Standing Ab Crunches
worked up to 3 sets of 12 with 80ibs

Hanging leg raises
3 sets of 12 with bent legs, no added weight
Really need to work on my lower ab strength

Standing Calf raise
Worked up to 3 sets of 8 (tempo 22X2) with 200ibs

Seated Calf raise
3 sets of 15 (tempo 11X1) with 70ibs

A1: Reverse DB wrist curl
12.5 * 15, 15, 15

A2: Reverse cable wrist curl
12.5 * 15, 15, 15

A1 and A2 were supersetted for 3 total supersets.

B1: DB wrist curl
27.5 * 15, 15, 15

B2: Cable wrist curl
25 * 15, 15, 15

B1 and B2 were supersetted for 3 total supersets.
All forearm exercises were done with tempo 2010.

100 band pull aparts plus band traction.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Legs + Arms

March 28th

Lying Leg curls
worked up to 165 * 8, then did a drop set, dropping 15ibs each time till I hit 90ibs

Leg extensions
3 working sets of 185 * 15

Hack squat (3 sec negative)
2 pps * 10, 10, 10

Machine Good morning
3 working sets of 5pps * 8

100 band pullaparts

March 29th

One arm reverse grip push downs
30 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Close grip bench (with a pause in the bottom)
Worked up to 205 * 6, then did 3 sets of 12 with 135

Overhead one arm extension
40 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Lying one arm extensions
did 3 sets AMRAP each set

DB Scott curl (unilateral)
worked up to 3 working sets of of 10 with 30ibs (with fat grips)

Incline DB curls (with fat grips)
22.5 * 12, 12, 12

Standing straight bar cable curl
Did 2 sets of 10 with 65 ibs, then did one drop set, starting with 135 * 10, dropping 20ibs each time till 55ibs.

100 band pullaparts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


March 28th

BW * 8, 8, 8, 8

Close grip underhanded
120 * 12
140 * 10
160 * 10
180 * 8
120 * 10, 10, 10

One armed machine row
100 * 12
120 * 12
140 * 12
160 * 12
180 * 12

DB row
100 * 10, 10, 10

BB shrugs
135 * 15
225 * 15, 15, 15

Face pull sort of movement but with some upper back machine
50 * 20, 20, 20, 20

Just a high volume, medium weight session seeing as to how my back can't really take the stress of being bent over. So even the plateloaded bentover row machine is out of the question for the moment. I like the one armed machine row. I realize without the deadlift, it's almost pointless to call this a pull day, but what the heck. I forgot to do lower back extensions. dammit

Monday, March 26, 2012


March 26th

warm up to 155
3 cycles of 145, 150, 155, ending on 145

start at 155, move up to 215
3 cycles of 205, 210, 215, ending on 205

CG Bench
start at 215, move up to 225
2 cycles of 215, 220, 225, ending on 215
did 2 sets of 3 with 185 (4 sec pauses on the chest)

*was supposed to be 3 cycles on CG Bench, but 225 started to feel heavy at the end of the second cycle, next round would have grinded, so stopped.

Chest circuit
Dips - Machine flye - Machine press with band
15 reps on dips (BW), 15 reps on flyes, Machine press AMRAP
2 rounds

Shoulder circuit
Seated Laterals - Seated front raises - Shoulder presses
15 reps each, 25 pound dbs (lol)
2 rounds

Rear delt machine
100 * 30, 30

Slight revision to the plan, the 'rest' day will be a calves, forearms and abs day.
Day 1: Push
Day 2: Pull
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Arms
Day 5: Calves, forearms and abs

Friday, March 23, 2012


March 23rd
Felt a tweak in my back as I was warming up during deadlifts and it doesn't hurt but is extremely uncomfortable when I bend over. Today was supposed to be week 9 of the coan/phillip routine, but I guess i'm pretty much done with deads for at least a month. My lower back's recuperative abilities have been extremely low post-tear and I guess high volume high intensity deadlifting just isn't in the cards at the moment. What this probably means is that I will be forced to start my bodybuilding phase sooner than I expected, but I guess better to play it safe than sorry.

The planned template will be as such:
Day 1 - Push + abs
Day 2 - Pull + calves
Day 3 - Legs + abs
Day 4 - Arms + calves
Day 5 - rest
Day 6 - repeat and so on

Push days are just the upper body days I've been doing, but with a chest and shoulder circuit added in at the end either in one complete session or broken into two sessions.
Pull day will be back and trap exercises and high volume with moderate to slightly high intensity depending.
Legs will be hamstring and quad exercises with high volume as well. I should be able to box squat but will probably only do stiff legged deads at a lower intensity.
Arms will just be arm work, also high volume and moderate intensity.
High volume refers to 4-5 exercises per bodypart with 3-4 work sets per exercise. I will alternate the intensity and adjust the volume as I go but this is the tentative plan.

Anyway, with regards to today's workout, after tweaking my back on deads, I proceeded to do hamstring and back work, so my workout went like this:

Lying hamstring curls
105 * 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Seated hamstring curls
100 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Stiff legged deads
135 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Pull ups
BW * 8, 8, 8

Close grip underhand lat pulldowns (tempo 21X)
110 * 12
120 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

One armed machine row (tempo 22X)
100 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Straight armed pushdown (tempo 22X)
35 * 12, 12, 12

BB shrugs (thumbless grip) (tempo 11X)
135 * 15
205 * 10 - 135 * 15 (2 sets of this)

100 band pullaparts


March 20th
Lower body

Calf raises
220 * 10, 10, 10

Seated calf raises (tempo 22X)
60 * 15, 15, 15

Lying leg curls
warm up, then 160 * 10, 10, 10, 10
* last set had 15 partials after the 10 full reps

Leg extensions
warm up, then 160 * 15, 15, 15, 15
* done with toes pointing forward

Hack squat
warm up, then 3 pps * 10, 10, 10
* slow negative

Speed box squats
Warm up, then 8 sets of 225 * 2

Lat pulldowns
6 sets of 150 * 10

100 band pullaparts

March 22nd
Upper body

*all sets of 3*

worked up to 155, then did 2 waves of 145, 150 and 155, ending with 145.

Incline Bench
started at 155, worked up to 215, then did 2 waves of 205, 210, 215, ending with 205.

Close grip bench
started at 205, worked up to 225, then did 2 waves of 215, 220, 225, ending with 215.

Shoulder circuit
A1: Front raises
A2: Side laterals
A3: DB clean and press (seated)

*Used 30s for the shoulder circuit. Did 10 reps for each exercise, no rest in between exercises. 3 triple sets total.

Rear laterals
150 * 12
165 * 12
180 * 12
200 * 12

Monday, March 19, 2012


17th March

rope pushdown
100 * 12, 12, 12, 12

Close grip bench
185 * 8, 8, 8

Lying DB extension (unilateral)
30 * 12, 12, 12, 12

DB scott curl
30 * 10, 10, 10

Incline DB curls
20 * 10, 10, 10

Reverse bb curl
50 * 10, 10, 10

*all bicep work was done with fat grips*

A1: reverse DB wirst curl
A2: Low pulley reverse wrist curl
*can't remember the weight used. A1 and A2 were supersetted, 15 reps each, 3 supersets.

B1: DB wirst curl
B2: Low pulley wrist curl
*same as A1 and A2.

March 20th
Upper body

*all sets of 3*

worked up to 155, then did 2 waves of 145, 150 and 155, ending with 145.

Incline Bench
started at 155, worked up to 215, then did 2 waves of 205, 210, 215, ending with 205.

Close grip bench
started at 205, worked up to 225, then did 2 waves of 215, 220, 225, ending with 215.

Chest circuit
A1: Incline DB flyes
A2: Dips
A3: Bench machine with band

Used 50s for flyes, bodyweight for dips and 100ibs on the bench machine. Did 10 reps for each exercise, no rest in between exercises. 3 triple sets total.

By the time I reach the 3rd exercise for my strength movements, my shoulders are actually pretty beat up, and not wanting to risk another injury, I figured i'd use close grip bench as my 3rd strength movement instead of a regular bench to give my shoulders a break. Chest circuit is way more tiring than it sounds, i think that's mostly because my chest is just so damn weak.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

coan/philipi deadlift routine week 8

coan/philipi deadlift routine week 8
16th March

135 * 5
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
455 - X *couldn't get 455 off the ground :(
405 * 1

Speed Deads
350 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
340 * 5, 5

Did the rest of the assistance work as prescribed, but motivation was low after failing the pull at 455. Couldn't budge it for some reason when I pulled it for an easy 2 last week. I think these past 9 weeks of deadlifting is finally taking its toll on me. I have to recover better. Eat more I guess! Guess the only option now is to scale the weights back and finish the remaining weeks. I guess this shows that my body is more suited to the 'to deadlift more, don't deadlift!' school of training. Very very disappointing session.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Upper body

Upper body
15th March

All sets were sets of 3

115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 145, 150, 155, 145

Incline bench
155, 205, 215, 205, 210, 215, 205

Flat bench
205, 225, 235, 225, 230, 235, 225

Shoulder circuit:

A1: Deadstop lateral raises
20 * 10, 10, 10

A2: Seated lateral raises
30 * 10, 10, 10

A3: Real Laterals
135 * 10, 150 * 10, 165 * 10

A4: Front raises (DB)
30 * 10, 10, 10

A5: Face pulls
80 * 12, 12, 12

A1 to A5 were done one after the other for 3 rounds. Rest time was ~30s between circuits.

Monday, March 12, 2012


12th March

Ab work

Standing calf press
200 * 10, 10

Seated calf raise
50 * 20, 20

Lying ham curl
90 * 10
120 * 10
150 * 10, 10, 10

Leg extension
20kg * 15
30 * 15
40 * 15
50 * 15
60 * 15

Hack squat
2pps * 15, 15, 15

Lying leg press
150 * 15, 15, 15

Box squats (speed technique work)
I think I did about 8 or 9 sets of 2 with 225.


9th March

Standing Ab crunch
80 * 10, 10, 10

45 Deg Hyper
BW * 10, 10, 10

Standing Calf press
200 * 10, 10

Seated Calf press
50 * 20, 20

Mil press
Bar * 8
95 * 3
115 * 3
135 * 3
145 * 3
155 * 3
165 * 3
160 * 3
155 * 3
140 * 8, 8, 8

Lateral raises
40 * 15, 15, 15

Rear laterals
160 * 12, 12, 12, 12

Decline close grip bench
205 * 6, 6, 6

Seated french press (unilateral)
35 * 10, 10, 10

Cross body extension (unilateral)
30 * 10, 10, 10

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 7

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine Week 7
8th March

135 * 5
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
455 * 2

Speed Deadlifts
375 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
320 * 5, 5

Stiff legged deads
285 * 5, 5

BB row
235 * 5, 5

Underhand Lat pulldown
190 * 5, 5

Good morning
295 * 5, 5

After the main workout, I did some recovery work which included standing ab crunches, 45 degree hypers, lying leg curls, face pulls and 100 band pull aparts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012



6th March

Warm up with 3 sets each of:
Standing ab crunch
45 deg hypers
Rear laterals
Side Laterals
Front raises
Rotator cuff

Standing Calf Press (tempo 22X)
220 * 10, 10

Seated Calf raise (tempo 11X)
70 * 20, 20

Incline Bench (tempo 21X)
Bar * 10, 10
95 * 10
135 * 8
185 * 8, 8

Incline DB (tempo 21X)
90 * 6, 6, 6

Incline DB flyes (tempo 31X)
45 * 10, 10

Unilateral Chest press machine (with band)
60 * 12, 15, 15

A1: Seated DB french press (unilateral)
32.5 * 10
35 * 10, 10

A2: DB concentration curl
32.5 * 10, 10, 10

*A1 and A2 were supersetted, with each arm done seperately.

B1: Straight bar pushdown
160 * 10, 10

B2: BB curl
90 * 10, 10

*B1 and B2 were supersetted.

C1: Cross body DB extension (unilateral)
25 * 10, 10, 10

C2: Incline Single arm Machine curl (unilateral)
45 * 10, 10, 10

*C1 and C2 were supersetted, with each arm done seperately.

100 band pullaparts

All the arm work was done with 11X tempo and rest time was limited to a maximum of one minute.

Monday, March 5, 2012


5th March

Warm up (all sets were done with roughly 15 to 20 secs rest in between):

Glute curl machine (single leg)
40 * 12, 12, 12

Standing ab crunch
60 * 12, 12, 12

Seated leg curl
60 * 12, 12, 12

Leg extension
60 * 12, 12, 12

Workout (max of 1 min rest in between sets/ 2 mins rest in between exercises):

Lying leg curls
90 * 10, 10
105 * 10
120 * 10
135 * 10, 10, 8

Hack Squat machine (feet together)
2 plates * 10
3 * 10
4 * 10
5 * 10
6 * 10
7 * 10
8 * 10
4 * 10
*The last set was done with a pause in the bottom position. All sets were done with constant tension on the quads/just short of lockout.

Lateral leg press machine (feet together) (tempo 22X)
100 * 10, 10, 10

Squat (tempo 31X)
Bar * 8
135 * 8
225 * 8

Standing calf raise (tempo 33X)
200 * 10, 10, 10

Seated calf raise
90 * 25, 25

Pull ups
BW * 15, 15

100 Band pull aparts

Switching up my leg training to more machine work to take the stress off the lower back. This way, when I squat at the end, I don't have to load up the bar. Kinda forgot how tough training legs bodybuilding style can be. The hack squat set was pretty brutal, especially with barely a min rest in between sets and constant tension. Time to eat!!! hehe

Friday, March 2, 2012


2nd March

Standing Cable Crunch
50 * 10
80 * 10, 10, 10

Lying hamstring curl
70 * 15, 15, 15

Standing calf raise
200 * 10, 10, 10

Seated Calf raise
90 * 10, 10

Bar * 5, 5
95 * 5
115 * 5
135 * 5
145 * 3
155 * 3
165 * 3
170 * 3
175 * 1
180 * 1
185 * 1
135 * 10, 10, 10 (these three sets were done with a pause in the near lockout position)

Side Laterals
30 * 12
40 * 10
45 * 10, 10, 10, 10
30 * 15, 15

Rear Laterals
150 * 12, 12, 12, 12

Close grip incline bench
95 * 5
115 * 5
135 * 5
155 * 5, 5

Overhead DB extension
35 * 10, 10, 10

Straight bar push down
150 * 10, 10, 10

Incline Bicep machine
50 * 10
60 * 10
70 * 10 - 50 * 10 - 30 * 10 - 10 * 10 (dropset)

Overall not too bad a workout. I think maybe I should consider putting a seperate day for arms. I tend to skim alot on bicep work haha

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Philipi/Coan Deadlift Routine week 5

Philipi/Coan Deadlift Routine week 5
1st March

Warm up with the glute raise machine

135 * 5, 5
225 * 5
275 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
385 * 1
405 * 1
425 * 2

Speed Deadlifts
350 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
300 * 5, 5, 5

Stiff legged Deads
245 * 5, 5, 5

BB rows
235 * 5, 5, 5
135 * 5, 5, 5

Underhand Lat pulldowns close grip
170 * 5, 5, 5
130 * 5, 5, 5

Good mornings
275 * 5, 5, 5

Hack squat (tempo 22X)
100 * 10, 10, 10

Lying leg curl
100 * 15, 15, 15

Seated Calf (tempo 33X)
90 * 10, 10, 10

Standing Calf raise (tempo 33X)
200 * 8, 8, 8

some forearm work (thor's hammers) wrist flexion, extension and rotation

150 band pull aparts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


28th Feb

Warmed up with some light rear, front and side laterals, plus rotator cuff stuff and some band mobility drills.

Incline Bench
Bar * 5, 5
95 * 3
135 * 3
155 * 3
185 * 3
205 * 3
225 * 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Incline DB bench
90 * 8, 7, 6
80 * 10

Weighted Dips (tempo 12X)
45 * 10, 10

Unilateral incline press machine (tempo 11X)
60 * 12, 12, 20

Overhead DB extension (unilateral)
35 * 10, 10, 10

Cross body DB tricep extension (unilateral)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10

A1: Straight bar pushdown
135 * 12, 12

A2: Hammer curls (with a special hammer grip barbell) (Tempo 22X)
45 * 20, 20

A1 and A2 were supersetted.

100 band pull aparts

The band pull aparts are really awesome. I feel so much better in my upper back and rear delts, basically the whole upper back girdle! Plus my shoulders feel more stable pressing now. Can't wait till the bands I ordered get here!

Monday, February 27, 2012


26th Feb

Did some leg training today since I wouldn't have any time to train on monday. Just did some squats and tried out each of the hack squat machines to get a feel. Nothing really crazy. I think I need to start doing GHRs to bring my squats back up again.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


25th Feb

Bar * 5
95 * 5
115 * 5
135 * 3
145 * 3
155 * 3
165 * 3
175 * 1
185 * 1
140 * 10, 10, 8, 8

Side laterals (~1 min rest in between)
30 * 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Rear lateral machine (~1min rest in between)
145 * 12, 12, 12, 12, 12

Single arm Lying tricep extension (with DB)
25 * 6
35 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
30 * 5, 5, 5, 5

Straight bar push down
155 * 8
165 * 8
175 * 8, 8, 8, 8

Did some recovery work for hamstrings, abs and lower back.

Finished off with 200 band pull aparts in sets of 40.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 5

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 5

23rd Feb

135 * 3
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 3, 3, 3

Speed Deadlifts
325 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
275 * 5, 5, 5

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
225 * 5, 5, 5

Bentover rows
225 * 5, 5, 5

Underhand pulldowns (tempo 12X)
180 * 5, 5, 5

Good mornings
225 * 5, 5, 5

A1: Unilateral straight leg press
2 plates * 15, 15

A2: Barbell forearm curls
50 * 20, 20

*A2 was done during the rest time for A1*

Hammer curls (tempo 13X)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10

Seated incline curl machine (unilateral) (tempo 32X)
45 * 12
55 * 10
60 * 9

Woah, the deadlift routine is starting to get tougher now. The 405 for 3 sets of 3 should have felt easier, but while they didn't grind or stall, they still moved way too slowly for my liking. I must remember to do more recuperative work for my lower back and hamstrings either tmr or during sat's shoulder training. The power shrugs were still ok, but I think I will do them in the rack next time instead of out of the rack. The good morning was surprisingly easy! I think I will add 10ibs next week for the bentover row and lat pulldown and 20ibs for both the stiffleg deads and good mornings. Leg press was just for some light recovery work because my quads were still aching from monday's training. Wasn't really planning on doing any bicep work, but after 5 mins of rest I just decided to add in some hammer curls and machine work. Nothing really serious, but admittedly just to feel the pump. I'm ashamed I just said that :(


21st Feb

Standing Calf
220 * 10, 10

Seated calf raise
90 * 10, 10

Warm up with some band work and light dumbbell work for shoulders

Incline Bench
Bar * 8, 8
95 * 5, 5
135 * 5
185 * 5
205 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Incline dumbbell
85 * 8, 8, 7

One arm machine chest press (tempo 12X)
60 * 12, 12, 12 (each side)

Lying cross body tricep extension (tempo 21X)
22.5 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (each side)

Overhead tricep extension (dumbbell)
32.5 * 10, 10

Rope pushdown
95 * 12, 12, 12

Quick easy session. Nothing much to say really.