Saturday, November 3, 2012

Squat 3rd November 2012

145kg * 3 for 10 sets

Pull ups
5 sets 10

Standing Abs Crunch
41 * 17 for 3 sets

Took a while to get going for the squats. !st to 4th set just got worse and worse. 3rd set I actually attempted twice, first time only doing 1 rep. All seemed lost and I sat at the side in quiet contemplation. Suddenly, there was the sounds of communist angels chanting, and the russian weightlifting jesus (in the likeness of comrade smolov himself) descended from the heavens and said to me: "Do not get ashamed. You try for more you can do today, but tomorrow, you lift more. Everyone beginning somewhere, soon you will be strong. I am here, I save you from crushing from barbell." With renewed energy, I hit my 5th set, and the subsequent sets after got easier and easier. Thank you russian weightlifting jesus!

Seriously though, gonna try to get as much rest this weekend as possible. I think I haven't been getting enough sleep so will definitely get in more food and snooze as much as possible. Next week looks tough, with 130 for 4 sets of 9 on monday.

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