Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pressing 1st November 2012

80kg * 3, 75 * 3, 77.5 * 3, 80 * 3, 75 * 3

Incline bench
100 * 3, 95 * 3, 97.5 * 3, 100 * 3, 95 * 3

120 * 3, 115 * 3, 117.5 * 3, 120 * 3, 115 * 3

A1: Seated Side laterals
17.5 * 12, 12, 12

A2: Face pull
21 * 20, 20, 20

- A1 and A2 were supersetted

Today's training was short and intense. With the pressing movements, the key was performance. This meant a good speed and acceleration of the bar, with no grinding, hence the weights are more on the lighter side. Good session and i seemed to get faster and more explosive as the pressing progressed. I think i have been neglecting dynamic training during the whole mountain dog phase, so it's good to start training this aspect of my strength again. Next pressing session will have one additional cycle for each pressing movement.

Sidenote: My legs are aching like a mofo. Think some recovery cycling will be good later at night.

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