Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Just finished one of the toughest papers i've done in my entire smu life, so i'm gonna take a break from schoolwork for a couple mins to write down some thoughts I was having with regards to my training.

First off, current focus is on squat, but after training bench on tuesday, I believe I can incorporate bench training as well. Hence, instead of waiting for smolov intense to be over before I train my bench, I am going to do smolov jr for bench starting next week. This would mean that i would finish smolov jr AND smolov intense in the same week. Just in time for the holidays for me to back off training abit and indulge in some holiday activities and let the supercompensation take place.

This leads in to my next concern which is nutrition, which hit a major roadblock last week since I came down with food poisoning last tues and it stretched all the way till this past monday. As a result, appetite has been shit, so was barely getting in enough calories throughout the whole of last week, by my estimate about 2000+ and barely 3000 each day. So by training two major lifts, I can actually afford to up the calorie count.

So on to the plan.

Smolov jr calls for 4 days a week, so mon, wed, fri and sat will be bench days. Smolov intense for squat is on mon, wed and sat, so for those days, bench will be directly after. I estimate the sat sessions will be pretty freaking long considering the intensity for both are pretty high. No other pressing accessory work will be done. Face pulls will be done on all the bench training days, hopefully supersetting them. Tues and thurs will be direct back work. Ab work and hopefully GHRs will be done on squat days as per usual. There probably will not be any direct tricep work, but I might do some bicep work on back days.

Now that we have the parameters set up, setting up the plan will be as such:

Mon - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Tues - Back work (2 rowing, 2 pulldowns)
Wed - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Thurs - Back work (2 rowing, 2 pulldowns)
Fri - Bench, face pulls and ab accesory work
Sat - Squat and Bench,  face pulls, GHR and ab accesory work
Sun - rest (or whatever I feel like doing)

Macros for every training day will be 300g carbs, 350g protein and 155g fats, which will equal 4000 kcal. Basic simple rules will be: protein and fats up till training, then after training, carbs and protein and fats. Just a basic template but the simpler things are, the easier to follow.

So that's it for training reevaluation up till the end of smolov. I probably will take a week or two off after smolov (by off, I mean light deload training, not complete rest). In that time, I will also test my deadlift just to see where it currently lies. Then come Jan, I might switch back to westside, or 5/3/1. I believe I'll most likely go with 5/3/1 but that really depends on how strong my deadlift is. Might also decide to do 5/3/1 but with only the press, bench and squat, and reserve one day for more strongman type training. Anyway this can all be sorted out later.

Back to the books!

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