Friday, November 2, 2012

Squat 2nd November 2012

135kg * 5 for 7 sets

Pull ups
5 sets of 10 reps

Standing Abs Crunch
41 * 17, 17, 17

15 mins on the spinner
- for recovery

Today's session was truly a lesson in digging deep and pushing thru. Legs were aching like a mofo from mon and wed's sessions, but I brushed it off figuring that it would go away once I start warming up. It didn't. First set felt way heavier than 135 should have been. Technique was screwed up and form was shit. After that first set, I seriously contemplated dropping the weights lower. Even Max could tell I was wrestling with the idea since I was off at the side being exceptionally quiet.

 Second, third and fourth set came and went and they too were crap. Somehow, I managed to get out each rep, but i remember my third and fourth set were truly shit. To call the reps I did squats are quite a big insult to the exercise. That's when I knew I had to start digging deep if I wanted to finish off strong.

So I summoned as much of the bad memories I haven't visited in a while and use that to build some rage inside me, and my fifth, sixth and seventh set were markedly better. Starting thinking of just sitting back on the hamstrings and letting them do more of the work, since my quads were fried. I usually squat in a mixed powerlifting and olympic style, with rather equal emphasis on both the quads and the hamstrings. Although today's session was shit in terms of performance, I would say it was awesome in terms of reminding me despite not every session going your way, sticking it through is still paramount to your development as a lifter and overall individual.

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