Monday, December 31, 2012

ME Lower Body 31st December 2012

Reverse Band Box Squat (big bands)
180kg * 5
200 * 3
220 * 1
Bands deloaded 30kg at bottom position. All sets were done beltless. Happy with the new PR. Good way to end the year!

BW * 8 for 5 sets
Tempo was roughly 401. Really kept a tight lower back and flexed glutes to push all the tension onto the hamstrings. Also adjusted the pad much further forward so there was more weight placed on the hamstrings.

Single Leg Leg-press
2 pps * 10 for 5 sets (per leg)
Got a good stretch at the bottom position, and tried focusing on pushing through the middle of my foot instead of the heel or the toes. In a sense, was trying to emulate the way I would press the floor away when I squat. These were pretty rhythmic and probably could have been more deliberate.

A1: Standing Cable Crunch
20kg plate + the stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Leg raises
BW * 10
A1 and A2 were supersetted. The standing Cable crunch was much tougher than usual because of the additional fatigue from supersetting it with the leg raises. As with all the accessory work, kept the rest time very low, so was sucking air quite a bit toward the end of the 3rd set. General focus was constant tension on the abs and flexing them hard throughout the reps.

Weighted Back extensions
60 * 10 for 5 sets
Felt this not only in the lower back, but also in my lats and more so in my teres minor. Really hate lower back work, but gotta get it much much stronger because it is weak shit right now.


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