Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bench 27th December 2012

130kg * 3 for 10 sets
Last day of smolov jr. Most of the sets were pretty good, save for the 8th and 10th sets, where my last reps were really slow. Other than that, everything went up smooth and the weight actually felt rather light for the first couple of sets. Only thing that annoyed me was the bar path was not as good as it should have been, and the bar started straying towards my chin instead of maintaining a straight line up. 

DB tricep extension
15 * 12 for 5 sets
Did some tricep work after the benching since I won't have another bench day till next week. Took a full ROM on this and tried to keep the rest time around a minute. 

Seated Single arm laterals
12.5 * AMRAP for 3 sets
Went pretty hard on this in terms of really slowing down the negative as much as possible. Didn't really count a specific tempo as I usually do, but just kept concentrating on the tension in the delt and stopped the set when I couldn't even hold the DB in the contracted position for a split second. 

A1: High Face pull
16 * 12 for 2 sets
A2: Bradford presses
30 * 12 for 2 sets
Inspired by Abel, I decided to add in bradford presses just to finish off the shoulders (bodybuilder in me talking). Went with a moderate rhythm on the presses (something like a 101 tempo). Face pulls were done with a hard flex in the contracted position and held for a 2 count. My whole upper back area and delts were so fried from the face pulls, that 30kg actually felt decently heavy lol

Spent the majority of today being a coolie unloading fitness equipment from a container in woodlands. My safety squat bar is here! But unfortunately, I couldn't transport it back cos it couldn't fit in the car :( Oh well, I guess I gotta wait for my friend to deliver it on the 3rd of Jan. Sigh. Speaking of squatting though, I tried to muscle up an atlas stone (a very pussy 80kg like wtf) and I think I must have pulled my left glute or something. Hurts to walk like wtf. Really dumb of me for not knowing better. Hopefully some rolling and stretching should clear it up. I really need to roll the shoulders as well. My mobility really is going to shit. 

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