Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Everyone has those days..

Haphazard training session. In fact, it was crap.

60kg * 5, 70 * 5, 80 * 9

75 * 10 for 2 sets

Pause benching
90 * 3 for 5 sets

Lateral raises
17.5 * 12 for 3 sets
then did a dropset which consisted of 10 * 30, 7.5 * 30, 5 * 40 just to get some blood in the shoulders

Anyway, during my morning class, I came to the realization that we had to start smolov this week, since max would be flying on the 24th of December (what am i doing not paying attention?). The plan is to do the base meso (including the testing week), then skip the 2 week switching phase, then hit the 4 week intense phase. As such, the training week will look like this for the 1st 3 weeks of the base meso.

Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Squat
Thurs - Pressing + shoulder accessory
Fri - Squat
Sat - Squat
Sun - Arms (or Rest day if I need it)

- pull ups will be done on squat days for spinal decompression as well as back work
- Volume for pull ups will be anywhere from 30 to 50 reps
- Ab work will be done on squat days as well
- Squat sessions will follow the smolov template
- Pressing sessions will consist of:
  • Press
  • Incline bench
  • Flat Bench
  • Chest/Shoulder accessory
- Pressing exercises progression will consist of cycling around a 3 rep working weight (i.e 80, 75, 77.5, 80, 75 - this is one cycle)
- First week, one cycle; second week, two cycles; third week, three cycles
- Chest accessory will likely be flyes, and shoulder accessory will likely be lateral raises

For the testing week, template will be as follows.
Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Rest
Thurs - Press + shoulder accessory
Fri - Test Squat max
Sat - Arms
Sun - Rest

For the intense phase, the training weeks would likely look similar to the base mesocycle.
Monday - Squat
Tues - Pressing + chest accessory
Wed - Squat
Thurs - Pressing + shoulder accessory
Fri - Squat
Sat - Arms
Sun - Rest
- Pull ups will be done with the squat sessions as per previous, but volume might be adjusted upwards (or downwards)
- pressing template will continue

Nutrition wise i will continue doing carb back loading, and my macros will be as such (Carbs/Protein/Fat)

Squat days - 300/350/100
Pressing days - 250/350/100
Arms day - 200/350/100
Rest day - 100/350/100

Plan is to eat protein and fat up till training time, then smash the carbs post workout all the way to bed. Keep it simple.

Ok, fucking long post, but I think it's necessary to lay out a basic template so that I know what I gotta do. Small things like accessory work might change depending on feel, but the meat and potatoes of the training sessions are laid out already. Don't plan to do much lower back or leg accessory work since the squatting itself will be pretty tough on these parts already. Looks daunting, but I hope to really bring my squat up by the end of the year.

As the Russians would say, 'Udachi!' I'll need it.

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