Saturday, March 17, 2012

coan/philipi deadlift routine week 8

coan/philipi deadlift routine week 8
16th March

135 * 5
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
455 - X *couldn't get 455 off the ground :(
405 * 1

Speed Deads
350 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
340 * 5, 5

Did the rest of the assistance work as prescribed, but motivation was low after failing the pull at 455. Couldn't budge it for some reason when I pulled it for an easy 2 last week. I think these past 9 weeks of deadlifting is finally taking its toll on me. I have to recover better. Eat more I guess! Guess the only option now is to scale the weights back and finish the remaining weeks. I guess this shows that my body is more suited to the 'to deadlift more, don't deadlift!' school of training. Very very disappointing session.

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