Saturday, March 31, 2012


March 31st

*All sets for strength movements are 3 reps each.

Worked up to 155, then did 3 cycles of 145, 150, 155, ending on 145

Incline bench
Started at 155, worked up to 215, then did 3 cycles of 205, 210, 215, ending on 205

Close grip bench
Started at 225, then did 2 cycles of 215, 220, 225, ending on 215.
Then did 2 sets of 3 reps paused (~4 secs) with 185. Finished with one set of 12 with 135, pausing the last few reps on the chest.

Chest circuit
Machine fly - Banded machine flat press - machine incline press
80ibs - 100ibs - 100ibs
Did 12 reps for first 2 exercises, then AMRAP on the machine incline press. 2 rounds total. All reps were squeezed and held in contracted position.

Shoulder circuit
Seated lateral raise - front raise - db press
Did 15 reps for each exercises, 3 rounds with about a min rest in between rounds. Used 20ibs DBs for these which seemed really light but had me going by the time i reached the presses. Each rep was control and done with a squeeze at the contracted position.

Rear laterals (tempo 1011)
135 * 30, 30

50 band pull aparts plus band traction.

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