Friday, March 23, 2012


March 23rd
Felt a tweak in my back as I was warming up during deadlifts and it doesn't hurt but is extremely uncomfortable when I bend over. Today was supposed to be week 9 of the coan/phillip routine, but I guess i'm pretty much done with deads for at least a month. My lower back's recuperative abilities have been extremely low post-tear and I guess high volume high intensity deadlifting just isn't in the cards at the moment. What this probably means is that I will be forced to start my bodybuilding phase sooner than I expected, but I guess better to play it safe than sorry.

The planned template will be as such:
Day 1 - Push + abs
Day 2 - Pull + calves
Day 3 - Legs + abs
Day 4 - Arms + calves
Day 5 - rest
Day 6 - repeat and so on

Push days are just the upper body days I've been doing, but with a chest and shoulder circuit added in at the end either in one complete session or broken into two sessions.
Pull day will be back and trap exercises and high volume with moderate to slightly high intensity depending.
Legs will be hamstring and quad exercises with high volume as well. I should be able to box squat but will probably only do stiff legged deads at a lower intensity.
Arms will just be arm work, also high volume and moderate intensity.
High volume refers to 4-5 exercises per bodypart with 3-4 work sets per exercise. I will alternate the intensity and adjust the volume as I go but this is the tentative plan.

Anyway, with regards to today's workout, after tweaking my back on deads, I proceeded to do hamstring and back work, so my workout went like this:

Lying hamstring curls
105 * 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Seated hamstring curls
100 * 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Stiff legged deads
135 * 15, 15, 15, 15

Pull ups
BW * 8, 8, 8

Close grip underhand lat pulldowns (tempo 21X)
110 * 12
120 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

One armed machine row (tempo 22X)
100 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Straight armed pushdown (tempo 22X)
35 * 12, 12, 12

BB shrugs (thumbless grip) (tempo 11X)
135 * 15
205 * 10 - 135 * 15 (2 sets of this)

100 band pullaparts

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