Thursday, March 8, 2012

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine week 7

Coan/Philipi Deadlift Routine Week 7
8th March

135 * 5
225 * 3
315 * 1
365 * 1
405 * 1
455 * 2

Speed Deadlifts
375 * 3, 3, 3

Power shrugs
320 * 5, 5

Stiff legged deads
285 * 5, 5

BB row
235 * 5, 5

Underhand Lat pulldown
190 * 5, 5

Good morning
295 * 5, 5

After the main workout, I did some recovery work which included standing ab crunches, 45 degree hypers, lying leg curls, face pulls and 100 band pull aparts.

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