Thursday, January 31, 2013

Calves + Technique 31st January 2013

Seated Calf raise
150kg * 15 for 4 sets
Tempo was 131. Rest time was 1 min.

Seated calf press
100 * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was 331. Rest time was 1 min.

Hip mobility with the large band

Sumo Deadlift
worked up to 140 for singles
Just some light technique work, so didn't do anything above 140kg. Trying to learn the sumo movement, but the ground is really slippery! A couple points I realized:
- toes pointing forward works pretty well for me, really made it tough for me to sink down to the bar, which made coming up seem almost automatic. I tried toes to the side, but had absolutely no balance whatsoever.
- I realized tucking the chin into the chest helps keep my arms 'longer', and there's no breakage in the lower back at all. In fact, I don't even feel any lower back stress. Of course, the weights are stupid light, but the tension feels rock solid through out when I tuck the chin to my chest at the start of the pull.
- Found it really difficult to get my weight behind the bar, but I think that's probably a mobility thing, and maybe i'm not sitting in enough. Probably will do sumo speed pulls tmr instead of conventional.

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