Monday, January 7, 2013

ME Lower Body 7th January 2013

Reverse Band deadlift
Worked up to 240kg for 1 rep
Used the large bands, which deloaded roughly 50kg in the bottom portion. Shall use the medium the next time I do this movement. Attempted 260kg twice but couldn't clear my knees. I felt like the form was shit throughout though, so will have to continuing working on my overall deadlift technique, especially with speed pulls on dynamic day. Relearning the lift again, so hopefully the changes I make will help me clear 6 plates again!

BW * 8 for 4 sets
Rest time was roughly 90secs. Used a slow negative (3 secs) and focused on letting the hams take the brunt of the work. Realize that my hamstrings are really much weaker than my glutes. So decided to do more hamstring specific work.

Standing Leg curls (single leg)
15 * 10 for 4 sets (per leg)
Rest time was roughly 60secs.

Single leg leg-press
100 * 10 (per leg)
Decided the notation will be the total number of plate weight on the machine for easier recording purpose. Didn't really count the rest time, cos was working in with Max. Focus was on constant tension on the quad and pushing through the middle of the foot.

A1: Standing Cable Crunch
20kg plate + stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Hanging leg raise
BW * 10 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time was roughly 60 secs in between. Managed to get the 2nd and 3rd set of the standing crunch in one set, instead of having to take a breather during the sets like the past two sessions. As much as I hate doing ab work, it is helping my lifts so they're not going anywhere soon.

Didn't do lower back work today, but will include it tmr when I do back. Tmr's training plan:
1. Seated calf raises - 3 sets of 30
2. Standing calf raises (single leg) - 3 sets of 20
3. Lat pull down - Work up to 3 sets of 6
4. Dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 20
5. Straight arm pushdown - 3 sets of 15
6. Weighted Back extension - 3 sets of 8

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