Friday, January 4, 2013

Dynamic Effort Lower Body 4th January 2013

Below parallel Box Squat
90kg + small bands * 2 for 12 sets
Rest time between sets was 45 secs. Paused on box for 1 second. Concentrated on flexing the glutes and hams and driving the head back coming off the box. Everything felt fast and good.

Speed Deadlifts
140 * 1 for 6 sets
Practised my deadlift technique more, particularly the whole set up and descending down to grab the bar. Weight moved very fast and everything was done double overhand.

*All the following accessory work was done within a half hour (partly cos I was rushing for time)*

BW * 8 for 3 sets, last set 6 reps
Rest time was barely 30s between sets. Was aiming for 5 sets of 8, but with the performance decrease on the 4th set, decided to stop there instead of banging out shit reps. Slow negatives and a hard flex of the hams and glutes at the top position.

Single leg Leg press
2 pps * 10 (per leg) for 5 sets
Rest time was roughly 30s between sets. Constant tension on the quads and went deep with a slight pause in the stretch position.

A1: Standing cable crunch
20kg plate + stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Hanging knee raises
BW * 10 for 3 sets
Rest time was also 30s between sets. These were pretty tough. Focus was on constant flexion of the abs and maintaining the tension even on the negative portion. These were done moderately slow and very controlled.

Weighted Back extensions
60 * 10 for 4 sets
Rest time was also 30s between sets. I was supposed to go for 5 sets, and actually miscounted. Only upon recalling the workout as I was showering, did I realize I only did 4 sets. These were done fast and rhythmic.  

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