Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ME Upper body 9th January 2013

Incline Bench
worked up to 130kg for 2 singles
Left shoulder felt pretty tight, hence decided to attempt 130 a second time because I wasn't confident enough to add any more weight to the bar. Moved relatively fast, but there was a very evident sticking point midway, roughly 7 inches off the chest. Happy with the weight though, because the previous PR was 127.5kg.

Close grip decline press
130 * 6, 5, 4
Decided to use close grip decline because I feel they hit my triceps more than close grip flat bench. Actually wanted to do weighted dips, but the power cage was being used, so I couldn't set up a V bar to do tricep dips. 

Overhead DB tricep extension (single arm)
20 * 10 for 3 sets
Tried to get a really good stretch on these and focused on the tricep contraction. Was pleasantly surprised that I could handle 20s despite all the previous tricep work.

A1: Seated laterals
17.5 * 12 for 3 sets
A2: Bradford press
40 * 10 for 3 sets
This superset was really tough. Rest time in between was about 2 mins and that was barely enough. I thought my conditioning was getting better, but just a slight increase in the weight and I was already sucking wind by the end of the first superset. Seated laterals were done the usual way, with a pause in the contracted position and as slow a negative as possible. Noticed that my left tended to shrug inwards as I did the movement, so concentrated on not involving my traps into the movement.

Machine laterals
12 * 15 for 3 sets
Did these on the glute machine. Tempo was slow and very controlled (311). These burnedddd. Great way to finish off the shoulders.

Rear laterals (machine)
61 * 15 for 4 sets
Just to get in some direct rear delt work.

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