Wednesday, January 30, 2013

ME Upper 30th January 2013

Close grip bench (one finger on smooth)
worked up to 142.5kg * 1
Previous PR was 130kg, so pretty happy about the 142.5kg. Attempted 145kg twice, but the first time really messed up cos I lost the tightness on the descent and didn't have control. Second attempt I think I didn't strain as long as I should have, but the descent was good. Good speed off the chest, but not enough force to push through the sticking point. Probably should have stopped at 142.5 since that was already a 2nd PR (since I did 140 first).
JM press
worked up to 110 * 5
Just heavy tricep work. Also a new PR for JM press because I only did 100kg * 8 the last time.

Straight bar pushdowns
10kg + stack * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

Single arm laterals
10 * 12 for 3 sets
Super slow negatives. Tempo was aimed at 611, with the bottom position being roughly 30 degrees laterally. These were tough. Rest time was only 1 min.
Rear delt machine
68 * 25, 20, 20
Did these controlled but rhythmic. Rest time was 1 min.

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