Thursday, January 31, 2013

Calves + Technique 31st January 2013

Seated Calf raise
150kg * 15 for 4 sets
Tempo was 131. Rest time was 1 min.

Seated calf press
100 * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was 331. Rest time was 1 min.

Hip mobility with the large band

Sumo Deadlift
worked up to 140 for singles
Just some light technique work, so didn't do anything above 140kg. Trying to learn the sumo movement, but the ground is really slippery! A couple points I realized:
- toes pointing forward works pretty well for me, really made it tough for me to sink down to the bar, which made coming up seem almost automatic. I tried toes to the side, but had absolutely no balance whatsoever.
- I realized tucking the chin into the chest helps keep my arms 'longer', and there's no breakage in the lower back at all. In fact, I don't even feel any lower back stress. Of course, the weights are stupid light, but the tension feels rock solid through out when I tuck the chin to my chest at the start of the pull.
- Found it really difficult to get my weight behind the bar, but I think that's probably a mobility thing, and maybe i'm not sitting in enough. Probably will do sumo speed pulls tmr instead of conventional.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

ME Upper 30th January 2013

Close grip bench (one finger on smooth)
worked up to 142.5kg * 1
Previous PR was 130kg, so pretty happy about the 142.5kg. Attempted 145kg twice, but the first time really messed up cos I lost the tightness on the descent and didn't have control. Second attempt I think I didn't strain as long as I should have, but the descent was good. Good speed off the chest, but not enough force to push through the sticking point. Probably should have stopped at 142.5 since that was already a 2nd PR (since I did 140 first).
JM press
worked up to 110 * 5
Just heavy tricep work. Also a new PR for JM press because I only did 100kg * 8 the last time.

Straight bar pushdowns
10kg + stack * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

Single arm laterals
10 * 12 for 3 sets
Super slow negatives. Tempo was aimed at 611, with the bottom position being roughly 30 degrees laterally. These were tough. Rest time was only 1 min.
Rear delt machine
68 * 25, 20, 20
Did these controlled but rhythmic. Rest time was 1 min.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Calves + Back + Bis 29th January 2013

Seated Calf Raise
100kg * 30 for 3 sets
Tempo was 321. Rest time was 1 min.
Standing calf raise (single leg)
10 * 12 for 2 sets
Tempo was 321. Rest time was 1 min.
DB Rows
45 * 20 for 3 sets
Rest time was 2 mins.
Lat pulldown
115 * 5 for 5 sets
85 * 12 for 3 sets
Rest time between the sets of 5 were 2 mins. Rest time for the sets of 12 were 1 min. All reps were done with a pause in the bottom position. 
Standing DB curls
20 * 8 for 2 sets
25 * 6 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min. Tempo was 411. Maintain constant tension.
Preacher DB curl
15 * 12 for 1 set
Tempo was 311.
Standing BB drag curl
20 * AMRAP for 2 sets
Tempo was 61X.

Monday, January 28, 2013

ME Lower Body 28th January 2013

Rack pulls
worked up to 200kg * 1
Wasn't really feel good today, so decided to stop at 200kg. Felt so sluggish and slow in my pulling. 
Kept double overhand till 180kg, then switched to mixed at 200kg. My glutes and lower back are still somewhat sore from saturday. 
BW * 10 for 4 sets
Because of my lack of effort in the ME movement, I decided to go hard on my accessory work. These were done with a 321 tempo. Hands were across chest.
Standing leg curl (single leg)
20 * 10 for 4 sets
Tempo was 211. Rest time was about 45s. 
Seated leg curl
65 * 10 for 4 sets
Tempo was 211. Rest time was about 45s.

A1: Leg to bars
BW * 8 for 4 sets
A2: Standing Ab crunch
20kg plate + stack * 12 for 4 sets
Decided to reverse the movements. I usually do the standing crunches first, but decided to lead with the leg to bars instead. Sort of like a pre-exhaust for the abs. The last 2 sets of standing ab crunches were really tough. Rest time was 90s between sets.

Dimmel deadlifts
100 * 20 for 2 sets
Finished off with dimmel deads. Tried to get faster as the reps went on. Used a false grip. rest time was 1 min between sets. Felt these in my lower back and glutes.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

SquatMEAT! 26th January 2013

170kg * 1
180 * 1
185 * 1
140 * 20

Squatmeat today! Was really awesome and fun with everyone getting two new prs each, one max and one rep PR. Steak after that was even more awesome! Pretty happy with my PRs because I did everything beltless! Looks like all the lower back work is paying off! 140 * 20 was not too bad. Last few reps my lower back started to give way. I think I started going rep for rep too early, and should have tried pumping rep after rep for the first 12 reps at least. Looking forward to the next me(a)t!

Friday, January 25, 2013

DE Upper 25th January 2013

Bench with bands (med band)
85kg * 3 for 8 sets

Ring dips
BW * 5 for 5 sets

Ring push ups
BW * 10 for 3 sets

Lateral raises
20 * 12 for 3 sets

Rear laterals
68 * 20 for 3 sets

Lying tricep DB extensions
12.5 * 12 for 3 sets

Light easy workout with some ring work. Much easier on my joints. More like a deload workout actually.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Calves + abs 24th January 2013

Seated calf raise
80kg * 30 for 3 sets
Rest time was 2 mins in between sets. Tempo was 111.
Seated calf presses (single leg)
90 * 12 for 3 sets
REst time was 2 mins. Tempo was 31X.
Standing Calf raises (single leg)
BW * 20 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min. Tempo was 111.
A1: Standing Ab crunch
20kg plate + stack * 12 for 3 sets
A2: High Leg raises
BW * 8 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time was 1 min in between.

Messed around on the rings today. Shall try to incorporate ring dips and ring push ups tmr. Will be doing DE upper body work tmr instead of DE lower body work, because will be squatting on sat. Squat meat!! (:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Upper 23rd January 2013

DB Bench Press
45kg * 12, 12, 6 (wtf)
Rest time was about 2 mins.
Weighted dips
40 * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was about 2 mins. 
One armed Machine bench
30 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time was about 2 mins.
Machine laterals
33 * 20 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min.
Rear Laterals
68 * 20 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min.
Tricep ladder
2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.
Neck was stiff as hell and hurting, so couldn't do much of anything. Decided to skip the ME work and do some repetition work. First two sets of DB bench was so so. Was aiming for 15 reps, but neck was really stiff and weird and hurt alittle while benching. No idea what happened with the third set as I barely got 6 reps. Crappy training today.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calves + Back + Bis 22nd January 2013

Standing Calf raise (single leg)
15kg * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was 321. Rest time 1 min.

T-bar row
120 * 8 for 2 sets
Did lots of warm ups leading to the top working sets.

Straight arm pushdown
36 * 15 for 3 sets
Tempo was 321. Rest time was 2 mins because I shared the machine with a couple other ppl.

Lat pulldown
105 * 10 for 3 sets
Focused on the stretching portion. Hard contraction in the bottom position.

Hammer curls
40 * 8 for 2 sets

Preacher DB curl
12.5 * 10 for 3 sets
Tempo was 42X.

Monday, January 21, 2013

ME Lower Body 21st January 2013

Reverse Band Parallel box squat
(Bands deloaded 35kg at bottom position)
200kg * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1
230 * 1, 1
First 230kg attempt wasn't good, dropped down too fast and lost my tightness. Second attempt was much better. I feel I can sit back a little more, but otherwise, pretty happy with performance. Was pretty shagged out after the 2nd attempt as I had little sleep the night before.

100 * 35
Aim was actually just to hit 30, but when I hit 30, I still felt like I could go some more. So since I was gonna just do one set, I figured I'd just see how many more I'd get. Lower back started getting tired around the 33rd rep, so I decided to stop it at the 35th before the form broke down. Quads were burning up after the set haha On the plus side, I wasn't sucking wind as much as I thought I would after the set.

Standing Ham curl (single leg)
20 * 10 for 3 sets
Tempo was 31X. Rest time in between was 1 min.

Standing Ab crunch
Stack * 20 for 2 sets

BW * 10 for 2 sets
Accessory work was pretty scant, cos I was pretty mentally exhausted after the strength movement.

Back + Calves 20th January 2013

A1: Cable Row
8 sets of 10
A2: Calf press
8 sets of 10
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Cable rows were done with a tempo of 22X. Calf presses were done with a tempo of 32X. Rest time in between supersets was 45 secs.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

DE upper body 19th January 2013

Bench with bands (Small)
85kg * 3 for 8 sets

Seated Pin Press (Bar at forehead)
worked up to 95kg for 4 reps
These were done from a deadstop for every rep. Really really hard to get the weight moving off the pins. Focused on easing into the weight and then blasting it off the pins once the flex of the bar has been pushed out. 

Seated Lateral Raises
17.5 * 12 for 3 sets

Rope pushdown
16 * 15 for 3 sets
These were done with a hard flex and contraction in the bottom position. Tempo was 111. 1 min rest in between sets.

Tricep ladder
1 set, 4 positions
Tricep ladder is done sort of like an inverted skull crusher, using bodyweight as the resistance. This is started with the bar at waist level, then moved up by a pin each time. 10 reps were done at each position. These were nice for really stretching out the triceps and getting blood into them.

Friday, January 18, 2013

DE Lower body 18th January 2013

Squat with bands (small bands)
110kg * 2 for 10 sets
Rest time was 45 secs in between sets.

Deadlifts (speed pulls)
160 * 1 for 6 sets
rest time was 45 secs in between sets.

Banded back extensions (med band)
2 sets of 20

Short and concise workout today, because had a tugowar session before that for the Patron's day events. It was pretty fun even though I wasn't very keen on pulling, as I knew my training would suffer later. Decided to just get in the speed work and go eat after that because I was starveddd.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ME Upper body 16th January 2013

Floor Press
120kg * 1
125 * 1
130 * 1
135 * 1
140 * 1
 New PR on the floor press. Pretty happy with that.

60 * 5 for 3 sets
Wanted to do heavy DB extensions for tricep work, since the floor press was effectively a heavy pressing exercise for my tris, but my elbows felt funky, so switched to weighted dips instead. Even though this was strength work, my rest time was relatively short at only 1 min between sets. 3 plates felt relatively light, and I felt like I could go for more reps, but decided to leave some in the tank.
Overhead DB extension
20 * 10 for 2 sets

Seated Lateral raises (single arm)
10 * 20 for 3 sets
Did these slightly different from how I used to do them. Kept the constant tension on the delt by lowering the weight only halfway down to a 45 deg angle. These burnedddddd. I will continue doing lateral raises like this. Rest time in between was about a min. 
High face pulls
18 * 10 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
75 * 12 for 3 sets

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Calves + Back + Bis 15th January 2013

Seated Calf raises
100kg * 20 for 3 sets

Standing Calf raises (single leg)
10 * 20 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
worked up to 135kg for 6 reps
Decided to stop at 135kg as my left shoulder sorta felt loose. Did all reps with a pause and flex at the bottom. Form was surprisingly good with the top weight, which surprised me, and I could really feel the contraction. Achieved a better pump with the one top set then I did with last week's 3 working sets.

DB rows
45 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time in between was about a minute. The grip proved less of an issue even though the weight is heavier than the previous week's. Hopefully this means that the grip is improving. Constant tension on the lower lat.

Hammer curls
40 * 6 for 3 sets

DB preacher curl
20 * 10
10 * 20 for 3 sets

Monday, January 14, 2013

ME Lower body 14th January 2013

Good morning from pins
worked up to 205kg * 1
Actually woke up today feeling a slight pain in my lower back, so originally didn't plan to train. It cleared up by afternoon so I figured, what the hell and headed down to the gym anyway. Perhaps GM from pins wasn't such a great idea, but everything worked out fine. Got a new pr of 205kg (previous was 200kg), so at least the day is not lost. Concentrated on easing the bar off the pins and building up the tension as fast as i could but without any jerking. 205 was hard to get moving, but flew off the pins once I got it started.
100 * 20 for 3 sets
Haven't done any free squatting for awhile, so in honour of Abel (i hope you're reading this), I decided to do some 20 rep squats. Rest time was about 2 mins in between, but I didn't feel the effect of the conditioning till i finished the 3rd set. I like high rep squats and I think I will keep these in. Maybe aim for 30reps next week or up the weight a little.

BW * 10 for 3 sets
Slow negatives, and done with the hands on the chest to gradually increase the resistance. Previously I would do these with my hands by my side, so shifting the weight out front increases the resistance I get.
Single leg leg press
90 * 15 for 3 sets
Nothing special, just tried to maintain constant tension on the quads and feel the muscle more than anything. Honestly, my legs were already pumped from the squats.
Hanging leg raises
BW * 12 for 3 sets
Was feeling rather shagged and lower back was tightening up, so didn't bother doing any direct lower back work, and instead finished off with some light ab work.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Calves + Back + Bis 13th January 2013

Single Leg Standing Calf raises
10kg * 20 for 3 sets

Cable row
5 sets of 12

Lat pulldown
3 sets of 12

Lateral raises
3 sets of 10

Preacher cable curl (single arm)
3 sets of 10

Hammer curls
1 dropset (12 reps and 2 drops)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

DE Upper Body 12th January 2013

Speed Bench with bands
(small bands)
85kg * 3 for 8 sets
Rest time was about 20 secs between sets.

Military press
85 * 5
80 * 5, 5, 5
Rest time was 40s in between sets.

Weighted dips
20 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was 45s between sets. Tempo was 11X.

Weighted low back extension
60 * 10 for 3 sets
Rest time was 30s between sets.

Short workout today, but it was rather intense, due to the extremely low rest times. Was trying to increase the workout density because I didn't have alot of time in the gym today. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

DE Lower body 11th January 2013

Low box squat with bands
(Small bands)
100kg * 2 for 12 sets
Rest time was 45s in between sets.

Speed pulls from rack (3 inches off ground)
150 * 1 for 6 sets
Rest time was 30s in between sets.

BW * 10 for 5 sets
Tempo was 32X. Rest time was 1 min between sets. These made my hamstrings really cramp up.

Single leg standing hamstring curls
17.5 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. These were done with a focus on squeezing hard at the contracted position.

Single Leg Leg Press
90 * 12 for 5 sets
Rest time was 1 min between legs.

Standing Ab crunch
20kg plate + stack * 11 for 5 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. These got tougher and tougher as each set progressed. Really felt the lactic build up in the abs lol

Calves + traps 10th January 2013

Seated calf raise
90kg * 20 for 3 sets
tempo was 111. Rest time 1 min.

Standing calf raise (unilateral)
BW * 30 for 2 sets (per leg)
Tempo was 111, Rest time 1 min.

160 * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was121. Rest time 1 min.

Hammer curls
40 * 6 for 2 sets

Preacher DB curl
17.5 * 10 for 2 sets

Short workout today. Was actually supposed to be a rest day, but felt good so did some support work.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ME Upper body 9th January 2013

Incline Bench
worked up to 130kg for 2 singles
Left shoulder felt pretty tight, hence decided to attempt 130 a second time because I wasn't confident enough to add any more weight to the bar. Moved relatively fast, but there was a very evident sticking point midway, roughly 7 inches off the chest. Happy with the weight though, because the previous PR was 127.5kg.

Close grip decline press
130 * 6, 5, 4
Decided to use close grip decline because I feel they hit my triceps more than close grip flat bench. Actually wanted to do weighted dips, but the power cage was being used, so I couldn't set up a V bar to do tricep dips. 

Overhead DB tricep extension (single arm)
20 * 10 for 3 sets
Tried to get a really good stretch on these and focused on the tricep contraction. Was pleasantly surprised that I could handle 20s despite all the previous tricep work.

A1: Seated laterals
17.5 * 12 for 3 sets
A2: Bradford press
40 * 10 for 3 sets
This superset was really tough. Rest time in between was about 2 mins and that was barely enough. I thought my conditioning was getting better, but just a slight increase in the weight and I was already sucking wind by the end of the first superset. Seated laterals were done the usual way, with a pause in the contracted position and as slow a negative as possible. Noticed that my left tended to shrug inwards as I did the movement, so concentrated on not involving my traps into the movement.

Machine laterals
12 * 15 for 3 sets
Did these on the glute machine. Tempo was slow and very controlled (311). These burnedddd. Great way to finish off the shoulders.

Rear laterals (machine)
61 * 15 for 4 sets
Just to get in some direct rear delt work.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Calves + Back 8th January 2013

Seated Calf Raise
80kg * 30 for 3 sets
Tempo was 111. These burneddddd.

Standing Calf Raise (single leg)
BW + 10kg * 20 for 3 sets
Tempo was 111. These burned too.

Lat pulldown
135kg * 6 for 3 sets
Did many warmup sets leading up to 135, mostly in increments of 10kg. Maintained a hard contraction in the bottom position, and got a good stretch at the top.

Dumbbell rows
40 * 20 for 3 sets
These were tough, but still rather manageable. Grip wasn't as big an issue as I thought it'd be. Rest time in between was roughly 90s. Funny thing was my right grip started getting tired faster than my left.

Straight arm pushdown
21 * 15 for 3 sets
Did these with a hard and fast contraction.

Weighted lower back extensions
70 * 10 for 3 sets

Aimed for constant tension in the lower back, but felt it in my lats as well.

Rear laterals
61 * 20 for 3 sets
Finished off the session with rear laterals. Just aimed for constant tension and getting the lactic buildup in the rear delts. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

ME Lower Body 7th January 2013

Reverse Band deadlift
Worked up to 240kg for 1 rep
Used the large bands, which deloaded roughly 50kg in the bottom portion. Shall use the medium the next time I do this movement. Attempted 260kg twice but couldn't clear my knees. I felt like the form was shit throughout though, so will have to continuing working on my overall deadlift technique, especially with speed pulls on dynamic day. Relearning the lift again, so hopefully the changes I make will help me clear 6 plates again!

BW * 8 for 4 sets
Rest time was roughly 90secs. Used a slow negative (3 secs) and focused on letting the hams take the brunt of the work. Realize that my hamstrings are really much weaker than my glutes. So decided to do more hamstring specific work.

Standing Leg curls (single leg)
15 * 10 for 4 sets (per leg)
Rest time was roughly 60secs.

Single leg leg-press
100 * 10 (per leg)
Decided the notation will be the total number of plate weight on the machine for easier recording purpose. Didn't really count the rest time, cos was working in with Max. Focus was on constant tension on the quad and pushing through the middle of the foot.

A1: Standing Cable Crunch
20kg plate + stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Hanging leg raise
BW * 10 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time was roughly 60 secs in between. Managed to get the 2nd and 3rd set of the standing crunch in one set, instead of having to take a breather during the sets like the past two sessions. As much as I hate doing ab work, it is helping my lifts so they're not going anywhere soon.

Didn't do lower back work today, but will include it tmr when I do back. Tmr's training plan:
1. Seated calf raises - 3 sets of 30
2. Standing calf raises (single leg) - 3 sets of 20
3. Lat pull down - Work up to 3 sets of 6
4. Dumbbell rows - 3 sets of 20
5. Straight arm pushdown - 3 sets of 15
6. Weighted Back extension - 3 sets of 8

Calves + Back + Bis 6th January 2013

Seated Calve press
5 sets of 12
45 secs rest in between rest. Tempo was 321.
Wide Cable row
5 sets of 12
Done with a 2 sec pause in the contracted position.

Cable Pulldowns
3 sets of 15
Done with a 2 sec pause in contracted position.

Single Arm preacher curl
3 sets of 10
Maximal generation of tension on the bicep.

Hammer curls
3 sets of 15
Held in contracted position for 2 seconds. Maximal tension throughout the set.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dynamic Effort Upper Body 5th January 2013

Speed Bench
85kg + small bands * 3 for 8 sets
Rest time was 45 secs in between. Used varying grips for the 8 sets. Good bar speed, but I believe I can be tighter. 

Military Press
80 * 6 for 4 sets
Rest time was roughly a minute in between sets. Wrapped my wrists from the 2nd set onwards. Reps were done with a very slight pause at the bottom to eliminate any bouncing. 

A1: Seated Laterals
15 * 12 for 3 sets
A2: High face pull
26 * 10 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time in between supersets were 1 min. Seated laterals were done with a pause at the top position and moderately slow negatives. High face pulls were done with a pause in the contracted position.

Single arm Overhead Dumbbell extension
10 * 20 for 5 sets
Rest time in between sets was 45 secs. Triceps are trained at a lower intensity and much higher reps on dynamic days. Chasing the pump, if you will. Allows more volume and has a recuperative effect. Reps were all controlled but rhythmic.

B1: Lat pull down
75 * 10 for 3 sets
B2: Machine Fly
54 * 15  for 3 sets
B1 and B2 were supersetted. Rest time in between supersets were 1 min. Lat pulldowns were done with a 2 sec pause in the contracted position, and a half second stretch at the top position. Machine flyes were done with a 1 sec pause in both the contracted and stretched position.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Dynamic Effort Lower Body 4th January 2013

Below parallel Box Squat
90kg + small bands * 2 for 12 sets
Rest time between sets was 45 secs. Paused on box for 1 second. Concentrated on flexing the glutes and hams and driving the head back coming off the box. Everything felt fast and good.

Speed Deadlifts
140 * 1 for 6 sets
Practised my deadlift technique more, particularly the whole set up and descending down to grab the bar. Weight moved very fast and everything was done double overhand.

*All the following accessory work was done within a half hour (partly cos I was rushing for time)*

BW * 8 for 3 sets, last set 6 reps
Rest time was barely 30s between sets. Was aiming for 5 sets of 8, but with the performance decrease on the 4th set, decided to stop there instead of banging out shit reps. Slow negatives and a hard flex of the hams and glutes at the top position.

Single leg Leg press
2 pps * 10 (per leg) for 5 sets
Rest time was roughly 30s between sets. Constant tension on the quads and went deep with a slight pause in the stretch position.

A1: Standing cable crunch
20kg plate + stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Hanging knee raises
BW * 10 for 3 sets
Rest time was also 30s between sets. These were pretty tough. Focus was on constant flexion of the abs and maintaining the tension even on the negative portion. These were done moderately slow and very controlled.

Weighted Back extensions
60 * 10 for 4 sets
Rest time was also 30s between sets. I was supposed to go for 5 sets, and actually miscounted. Only upon recalling the workout as I was showering, did I realize I only did 4 sets. These were done fast and rhythmic.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Calves 3rd January 2013

Seated calf raise
75kg * 30 for 3 sets
Tempo was 111. These were actually pretty damn painful. Haven't felt such an intense contraction in my soleus for a while.

Single leg standing calf raises
BW + 10kg plate * 20 for 4 sets
Tempo was 111. These were just as painful and my calves were burning like hell halfway thru the sets. Good stuff.

Very short workout today because I decided not to do any back or bicep work. Plan to do some heavy rowing on saturday so decided to just chill on the back work since my lats are aching somewhat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Maximum Effort Upper body 2nd January 2013

Foam press
Regular bench (warm up): 60kg * 5, 80 * 5, 100 * 5, 5
*Add foam roller
100 * 3
115 * 3
130 * 3
140 * 1
150 * 1
157.5 * 1
162.5 * 1 (assist), 1
Decided on foam pressing for my ME movement today. Managed to get a new PR with 162.5kg (previously was 160). Xianglin was there to spot me, so was pretty confident in knowing I was in good hands. First attempt was unsuccessful, and he had to assist me because the weight drifted backwards. Second attempt went up slow, but not really grinding, but since I had a PR in the bag and already had 4 attempts above 90% today, so decided to end it there.

JM Press
100 * 8 for 3 sets
Heavy tricep work today. Decided to stick with a higher rep range instead of attempting a 5RM. Gradually work my triceps back into a high intensity zone. 

Overhead DB extensions
20 * 10 for 2 sets
More heavy tricep work. Decided to do a heavy extension movement cos my triceps felt pretty good from the JM presses.

Seated Laterals
10 * 15 for 5 sets
Rest time was about 45 secs in between. Really just went for a good shoulder pump. Held the weights in the contracted position for about a second and flexed hard, generating tension throughout the movement. Negatives were slow but I didn't count how long they were.

Lat pulldowns
95 * 10 for 5 sets
These were actually rather shag. Really focused on preventing my biceps from taking over by arching my back and sticking the chest out more, and not allowing my arms to straighten out. Tried to go really strict and hold for a squeeze, but my last two sets were a bit too rhythmic even though it felt like I was squeezing my lats for eternity. I did a roughly one second pause in both the contracted and stretched position.

Calves, Back, Bis 1st January 2013

Calf press
5 sets of 12 reps
Each set was 60s, rest time was 45 secs. Done with 4 sec negative and 2 sec pause in stretched position.

High pulldown
5 sets of 20 reps
Focus was on squeezing the upper back area (rear delts, traps, rhomboids).

Bent over Rear laterals
3 sets of 20 reps 
Used 10kg dumbbells. Focus on squeeze at the top of each rep.

Preacher cable curl (single arm)
3 sets of 12
Maximum tension in the bicep throughout the movement and reps.