Saturday, March 30, 2013

DE Upper Body 30th March 2013

Foam/lacrosse ball rolling: Back, hams, chest, shoulders

Shoulder dislocation: each side 1 min

Shoulder dislocation front to back: 3 sets, increasing resistance

Elbow distractions: 4 sets

Warm ups: lat pulldown/klokov press/High face pull, 3 rounds, 15 reps, no rest

105kg * 3 for 2 sets (75%)
110 * 3 for 2 sets (78.5%)
112.5 * 3 for 2 sets (80%)
120 * 1 for 3 sets (85%)
Decided to increase the intensity for dynamic work, and I actually felt better. Much faster, technique seemed tighter. Good speed throughout. Went on to do singles at 85%. Asked Bryan to give me the press command to simulate a competition setting, rather than have myself count the pause. 85% moved quickly. Next week will aim for higher workloads for the dynamic efforts (76%, 78.5%, 82%). Virtually no elbow pain even at the bottom position! Think the rehab's working.

DB rows
35 * 10
45 * 35
Haven't done kroc rows in a while, and realized that my grip and upper back strength has been neglected. Felt pretty good. 35 reps is a new PR for me (@45kg).

Military press
60 * 15 got 3 sets
Last set last 5 reps were semi push presses. First two sets were strict. Rest time was about 90s.

Rope Pushdowns
23 * AMRAP for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

DB overhead tricep extension
12.5 * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min. I did these slow and controlled. Extremely minimal elbow discomfort, which was a good sign for me.

Toes to bar
BW * 8 for 3 sets
Done with a slowed negative. Rest time was 1 min.

Elbow Distractions: 4 sets

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