Monday, April 1, 2013

ME Lower body 1st April 2013

Foam rolling: Back, hams, quads, about 15 mins

Hip distractions with large bands: 2 mins each side

Warm ups: Machine row/GHR/back extension, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Bar * 3, 3
60kg * 3, 3
100 * 3, 3, 3
120 * 2
140 * 2
160 * 1, 5, 5 (86%)
162.5 * 2, 2, 2 (88%)
Decided that I need alot more regular squatting work. Playing around with the percentages. Figured I needed alot more heavy technique work. This weeks percentages were supposed to be 85 - 88% range, with next week's going up to 92%, and the following week up to 97%. Volume is in reference to prilepin's chart. Lower back felt good after rolling, but starting getting tight and pumped up after doing the back extensions. Still, had Bryan there to help me spot technique and critique. Thank god for him. Kept the rest time relatively low, and I hope the lower back will adapt to it. Average session, and save for a few reps, I am relatively satisfied with the form work today.

SSB Squats
60 * 10
100 * 10 for 3 sets
I like SSB squats cos they stress my upper back and quads at the same time! Economical training haha the 3 sets of 100kg served to remind me how weak my quads are lol This will be a staple after heavy squatting. 

SSB Good mornings
80 * 5 for 3 sets
Did these slow on the negative, and almost stiff legged. Also allowed my lower back to round out, then flexed it to bring the weight back up. Not the usual arched back good mornings that I usually do, more of a lower back focus.

Toes to bar
BW * 10 for 3 sets
These were pretty tough today, for some reason, and I could feel my abs cramping up. 1 min of rest in between sets. Had to slow the negative portion down so the elbows didn't receive any strain. Need to get stronger on these.

Overall, I realized I need to squat more and work the technique to get up squat stronger. Hence the Squat days will be one ME and one DE, followed by SSB squats and Front squats respectively.

ME Lower body 
Heavy Squats
SSB Squats
Lower back/hamstring movement (good morning or GHR)
Ab work

DE Lower body
'Light' Squats
Front Squats (heavy)
Deadlift variation(s) (might sub in weighted back extensions in place of a deadlift variation)
Lower back/hamstring movement (good morning or GHR) 
Ab work

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