Friday, April 12, 2013

DE Lower 12th April 2013

Foam roll: back, hams, IT band, quads
Hip distractions: 2 sets 2 mins

Warm up: Lat pulldown/GHR/Standing Ab crunch, 2 rounds, 15 reps, no rest

142.5kg * 2 for 3 sets (77%)
147.5 * 2 for 4 sets (79%)
152.5 * 2 for 3 sets (82%)
Adjusted the technique a little more. I realized a little forward drift actually works better, but I still tried to keep the hip as close under the bar as I could. Practised coming fast out of the hole and the bar pretty fast today.

Paused Squats
120 * 6 for 2 sets
These were pretty awesome to do. Felt like my head was gonna explode. Lowered the weight till the hip crease was just below parallel, and held it there. This was different from the paused squats I used to do, where I'd literally sit on my hams and calves. Had to maintain the tightness in my torso as well. All reps were paused for 3 seconds, and I got Bruce to count for me, and boy, does that mofo count slooooow. 3 Seconds seemed like eternity haha Rest time in between was about 1 min, but I think I probably should take a longer rest time the next time I do these. Did these in place of front squats.

Sumo Block Pulls (4 inch)
60 * 3
100 * 3
140 * 2
170 * 2
200 * 2
220 * 2
230 * 2 (grip failed on 3rd rep)
Did Sumo pulling cos my lower back was shot up from the squatting. Grip failed on the 3rd rep of 230kg, so I guess I have to start getting used to holding more weight in my hands. Bar speed was slower than I'd have like, but still smooth. Practiced keeping the hip close to the bar from the start all the way through.

Block pulls (4 inch)
200 * 5 for 2 sets
These were tougher than they should have been. Grip was barely holding up.

BW * 8 for 2 sets
Done as ballastically as possible. rest time 1 min

Hanging leg raises
BW * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

Lat pulldown
105 * 15 for 2 sets
Rest time was 2 mins.

Rather frustrated with the progress as it's moving along so slowly. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but compare my current strength with my pre-injury levels and feel so weak. Even though progress is progress, but there are just some days where you really feel like you're hitting the wall, and just barely chipping it. Need. To. Get. Stronger. (end of rant)

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