Friday, April 19, 2013

DE Lower 19th April 2013

Foam roll: Back, hams, IT band, Quads(these were very tight)
Hip distractions: 2 sets each
Warm up: Machine row/GHR/Hanging leg raises, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

140kg * 2 for 4 sets (76%)
145 * 2 for 4 sets (78%)
Dialing in technique. Weights feel really light and good. Everything seems on course.

Paused Squats
140 * 3 for 2 sets
each pause was 3 secs. The 'paused squat theory of relativity' - The speed of which time passes is inversely correlated with the weight held in the bottom position of the squat.

150 * 2 for 4 sets
Nice and fast.

20kg plate * 4
20 * 4 - BW * 10 (dropset)
Starting to bring up the weight for GHRs. 

GHR crunches
BW * 20 for 3 sets
These were done on the GHR. Focus was on constant tension on the abdominals. Rest time was 1 min.

45 deg Back extensions
BW * 20 for 2 sets
Getting some blood into the lower back. Rest time was 1 min.

Pretty good workout. Everything feels light and moves easily. Looking forward to the mock meet!

Mock Meet Targets
Squat - 200kg
Bench - 142.5kg
Deadlift - 235kg

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