Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ME Upper Body 17th April 2013

Foam rolling: Back, chest, shoulders
Shoulder distractions: 1 set, 2 mins
Elbow distractions: 4 sets

Warmup: Lat pulldown/klokov press/face pull/toes to bar, 3 rounds, 8 - 15 reps, no rest

Bench (1 board and 2 board)
40kg * 5
60 * 5
80 * 3
100 * 2
*Add 1 board*
100 * 1
120 * 1
140 * 1, 3(PR)
*Add 2 board*
142.5 * 1
145 * 1
All board presses were done with a pause on the board. Glad for the PR even though my elbow was feeling crap today despite the distractions. Did 4 reps for the top set on the 1 board, but Weiquan assisted on the 4th rep too early. Felt like I could have strained that one out. Still glad for the PR though, previous one was 140 * 2, and I remember grinding out the 2nd rep like a mofo. Switched to a 2 board just to get some heavy singles in, since after this session, bench work will be light up till the minimeet. Paused for a second on the board. Lockout for the 145 was clean and smooth, but still too slow for comfort. 

Lying DB tricep extension
15 * 10 for 2 sets
Did these controlled but it bothered my elbow too much after the 2nd set, that I decided to head over to the bench and do some BB extensions instead.

Skull crushers
40 * 20 for 3 sets
For some reason, this is one of only two extension movements that don't make my elbow hurt. Rest time was about 1 min.

Seated Lateral raises
10 * 30 for 3 sets
Done with a controlled negative, and constant tension on the delt. Burned like hell. Rest time 90sec in between.

Lat pulldown (leaning in)
75 * 20 for 3 sets
Did these sort of leaning in, with my legs trailing behind me so I wasn't sitting on the seat. This really made my entire lat and upper back area fire up as I couldn't use the legs to cheat the weight up. Rest time was 1 min. 

100 * 15
130 * 15
160 * 15
180 * 10
200 * 10
Used straps from 130kg onwards, as my grip was giving way. Haven't done some straight on trap work like that so kinda refreshing haha Rest time was roughly a minute.

Rear delts machine
75 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time 1 min.

Incline DB curls
10 * 15
12.5 * 10, 10-8-6
By this time I was running out of energy, but I promised myself I'd do some bicep work today. So here it is lol Negatives were slow and controlled. Even though it was only 3 sets, my arms felt pumped (kinda ashamed to use such douchey terms)

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