Wednesday, April 3, 2013

ME Upper 4th April 2013

Foam/lacrosse rolling: Back, chest, shoulders

Shoulder distractions: 2 mins each

Elbow distractions: 4 sets

Warmups: Lat pulldown/klokov press/upright row/high face pull, 3 rounds, 10 - 15 reps, no rest

One board (actually it was a book) press
Bar * 5, 5
40kg * 5, 5
60  * 5
80 * 3
100 * 3
*add board(book)*
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1, 3(PR)

Close grip Bench
100 * 8 for 3 sets

Shoulder row
12.5 * 15 for 3 sets
15 * 15 for 5 sets

Used my TAX workbook as a one board today cos SAM HASN'T MADE THE BOARDS YET!! ok sorry sam, I'm just kidding, no rush. New 3RM PR on it. Each rep was semi-paused on the book. However, since the book wasn't as stiff as a board would be, i still had to sorta hold the weight even when touching the board, although I think with a one board, I could let it rest more on the bored (obviously without losing tightness). Did some close grip bench after that. Initially started with JM presses, but then my elbow starting feeling a little strain, so switched to CG benching. The reps were all controlled and smooth, and I made an effort to lock out each rep instead of stopping short of lockout like usual. CG presses were done about 2 inches shy of the chest. Also tried out the shoulder row movement upon Abel's recommendation. Stuck with the light weights cos I was still learning the movement, and initially couldn't get the left shoulder (problem one) to feel the movement like the right. Hence stuck with the light weights and higher volume. And that's it for today! Pretty short workout tbh haha

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