Monday, April 15, 2013

ME Lower Body 15th April 2013

Foam roll: Back, Hams, IT Band, Quads
Hip distractions: 2 sets, 2 mins
Warm up: Lat pulldown/GHR/Standing Ab crunch, 3 rounds, 8 - 15 reps, no rest

100kg * 5
120 * 3
140 * 1
162.5 * 1 (88%)
170 * 1 (92%)
175 * 1 (95%)
180 * 1 (97%)
All percentages are calculated upon a 185kg max. Starting to get the hang of the tweaks i made to technique. Brought my feet in slightly closer, allowed a little forward drift to prevent excessive forward lean, and focused on bringing the hips under the bar on the way up. 170kg moved rather slow, but I felt ALOT of forward drift on it, so it almost felt like I was leg pressing the weight up. However, 175 and 180 moved really fast, and I exploded out of the hole even faster than I imagined. 180 felt more like 90% rather than 97%, which hypothetically means that 200kg might be in the bag. This is the final 'heavy' squat session, so after friday's DE session, next week will have no weights above 70%. Lower back gets pumped up way too quickly though, so just something to note and have to plan my warm ups accordingly. Hopefully more heavy lower back work will strengthen it up.

SSB Squats
120 * 8 for 3 sets
Each rep was done with a semi-pause in the bottom position, and a concious arching and head drive backwards out of the hole. Rest time was 2 mins between sets.

SSB Good mornings
80 * 5 for 3 sets
Each rep was paused in the bottom position. Lower back was conciously rounded at the bottom and flexed to bring the weight back up. Lower back was super pumped after. Rest time was 2 mins between sets.

10kg plate * 6 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

Toes to Bar
BW *10 for 3 sets
I think I will swap this into the warmup instead of the standing ab crunches. Left shoulder actually feels abit loose when I hang from the bar. Rest time was 1 min.

Overall good session. (y)

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