Friday, April 5, 2013

DE Lower body 5th April 2013

Foam/lacross ball rolling: Back, Lower back, hams, glutes

Hip distractions: 2 mins each side, 2 sets

Warmup: Lat pulldowns/GHR/back extension, 3 rounds, 10 - 15 reps, no rest
*lower back feels good after the rolling, but gets tight again after the warmup. Probably might consider changing the warm up.*

140kg * 2 for 3 sets (76%)
145 * 2 for 4 sets (78%)
150 * 2 for 4 sets (81%)
Total lifts within the range is 21, so I think it's still pretty safe. Lower back started getting pumped and sore after the back extensions. Since the 150 is barely past 80%, I think it's alright to count it within the 70 - 80% range. Worked more technique today, but on the 150kg sets, kept drifting forwards still! Work more on sitting back. I was trying to be fast out of the hole, but I think my quads start activating first and my hips never really joined in the party. Technique technique TECHNIQUE!!!

Deficit Deadlifts (3 inch deficit)
100 * 2
120 * 1
140 * 1
160 * 1
180 * 1
200 * 1, 4 (PR)
Did deficit deadlifts and decided to go for a rep PR. Was actually aiming for 5, but felt too much lower back in the 4th one, so decided to play it safe and called it there. The funny thing was they felt pretty easy off the floor, but in the video they didn't move as fast as I thought they were.

Front squats
100 * 5 for 3 sets
These were supposed to be heavy sets, but I decided to get in a little more volume instead, so stuck with 100.

10kg plate * 6 for 2 sets

A1: Standing Ab crunch
stack * 15
A2: Toes to bar
BW * 8
A1 and A2 were supersetted. rest time 1 min. The toes to bar were tough to do after the standing ab crunches.

 Lat pulldown
75 * 15 for 4 sets
Rest time was 1 min. I did these with my legs pointing backwards, so all the stress was to the upper back area.

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