Saturday, March 30, 2013

DE Upper Body 30th March 2013

Foam/lacrosse ball rolling: Back, hams, chest, shoulders

Shoulder dislocation: each side 1 min

Shoulder dislocation front to back: 3 sets, increasing resistance

Elbow distractions: 4 sets

Warm ups: lat pulldown/klokov press/High face pull, 3 rounds, 15 reps, no rest

105kg * 3 for 2 sets (75%)
110 * 3 for 2 sets (78.5%)
112.5 * 3 for 2 sets (80%)
120 * 1 for 3 sets (85%)
Decided to increase the intensity for dynamic work, and I actually felt better. Much faster, technique seemed tighter. Good speed throughout. Went on to do singles at 85%. Asked Bryan to give me the press command to simulate a competition setting, rather than have myself count the pause. 85% moved quickly. Next week will aim for higher workloads for the dynamic efforts (76%, 78.5%, 82%). Virtually no elbow pain even at the bottom position! Think the rehab's working.

DB rows
35 * 10
45 * 35
Haven't done kroc rows in a while, and realized that my grip and upper back strength has been neglected. Felt pretty good. 35 reps is a new PR for me (@45kg).

Military press
60 * 15 got 3 sets
Last set last 5 reps were semi push presses. First two sets were strict. Rest time was about 90s.

Rope Pushdowns
23 * AMRAP for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

DB overhead tricep extension
12.5 * 10 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min. I did these slow and controlled. Extremely minimal elbow discomfort, which was a good sign for me.

Toes to bar
BW * 8 for 3 sets
Done with a slowed negative. Rest time was 1 min.

Elbow Distractions: 4 sets

Friday, March 29, 2013

DE Lower body 29th March 2013

Warmups: Pull ups/Back extensions, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Sumo Deads
60kg *2
80 * 2
110 * 2
140 * 2
160 * 2
170 * 2
180 * 2 for 4 sets
Still too slow off the floor. Abel reminded me of a tip that I had totally forgotten - spread the floor. Stronger pull off the floor, but the speed was still too slow for my  liking. Decent acceleration.

Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlifts (2 inch deficit)
 120 * 3 for 2 sets
130 * 3
140 * 1
145 * 0 (grip failed)
Grip failed me. Not too sure if it was the pain from the calluses or whether my grip is just weak. I think it's probably the latter. Time for some farmer's walks.

Front Squat
60 * 8
80 * 8
100 * 6 for 2 sets
120 * 2 (missed the 3rd rep)
Shouldn't be missing weights, but this one wasn't a real miss since it wasn't the low back but more the bar slipping down my 'drenched with sweat' shirt. Adding these back into my training cos I realize my quads need more work and I really don't feel like using the leg press haha

Pendalay rows
80 * 10 for 3 sets
Some back work and that's it! Rested about 1 min in between.

Trained at SWF today. Awesome atmosphere, and I love the abundance of plates. Felt so liberating to drop weights on the floor hehe

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ME Upper 27th March 2013

Rolled upper and lower back, chest and anterior delts - about 5 mins total
Shoulder distractions, each shoulder 1 min, med band

Warm ups: Pullups/Klokov press/upright rows, 3 rounds, 10 - 12 reps, no rest
Realized I've been spelling it wrong and it's Klokov, not Kolov.. lol

Elbow distractions: 4 sets, med band

Close grip bench
Bar * 5, 5
40kg * 5
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 1
90 * 1
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1, 6 (PR)
Got a new 6RM PR today. Pretty satisfied that I surpassed my goal which was originally a 5RM. All the pre-workout stuff helped ease the elbow pain, especially the elbow distractions. Still felt a little elbow pain right at the bottom of each rep, but it wasn't acute and just more bothersome than anything. Sam gave me a spot again haha Managed to get a PR last week as well, with him spotting. Maybe there is a correlation....hmmmmm

Incline DB press
20 * 20 for 3 sets
Yes yes, pussy weight, but I realized how weak I am on these and decided to push them into the high reps just to tire out the benching muscles. Went really full range on this, with the dumbbells toughing the sides of my chest on each rep. Rest time was 2 mins betweens sets.

Rear delt DB rows
25 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. 

Seated Lateral Raises
15 * 20 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Rear delt machine
68 * 25 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Band press downs (med band)
3 sets of AMRAP
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Band pull downs (med band)
3 sets of AMRAP 
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Finished off the training with another round of elbow distractions.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Right now my body feels real beat up, mostly, i believe, due to the lack of sleep and my attempt at dieting down to U93 class. I think i will lower my trainings to 4 a week, at least until my schedule frees up a little. Past month has been real busy and hectic. As such, trainings will be as such (up till mock meet):

Mon - ME Lower
Wed - ME upper
Fri - DE lower
Sat - DE Upper

After that, will be running the cube into the actual meet and see where it takes me.

Nutrition wise will be getting in about 4000cal a day. Roughly 480g carbs, 380g protein and 105g fats. Hopefully with the lesser training and more recovery time, i should be able to gain up.

ME Lower Body 25th March 2013

Warmups: pullups/GHR/back extension, 3 rounds, 10 - 15 reps, no rest

Squat (med stance)
120kg * 5
130 * 1
150 * 1
170 * 4, 1
Bullshit squatting today as you can see. Was aiming for a 5RM PR (170 for 5) but my lower back was hurting like crazy! Sore like a bitch. Decided to rack and rest a while and try again, but after the first rep, my lower back felt like someone stabbed a knife in it. Think i really need to start doing mobility work for it. Other than collapsing like a pussy, the lower body felt strong so that might be a little consolation.

SSB Squats
60 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was a minute. Just tried to get more volume in, as well as some degree of isometric work for the upper and lower back.

SSB Good mornings
60 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was 1 min. Focused on the hamstring stretch and lower back tension, trying to explode up on the concentric. Again i decided to up the volume and lower intensity because lower back was killing me at this point.

Lat pulldowns
105 * 15 for 3 sets
90 * 15 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min.

Standing ab crunch
Stack + 25kg plate * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 minute. Constant tension. Upping the reps progressively so ultimately should be hitting 5 sets of 20.

Side bends
40 * 15 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 minute.

Crap training and feel totally unsatisfied with the performance. Thinking of gaining up to 102ish and competing in U103 class instead. Hmmmmmmmmm.....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

DE Upper 23rd March 2013

Elbow distraction: 4 sets

Warm ups: Lat pulldown/kolov press/upright rows, 3 rounds, 10 - 15 reps, no rest

Bench (speed)
80kg * 3 for 8 sets
Worked on trying to get fast from the first rep. Only achieved it for a couple of sets. Seems my habit is to get the reps up to speed from the second rep onwards. Not good, gotta be fast from the start. Worked on tightness as well, felt like my head was going to explode during the set up.

Military press
80 * 8 for 3 sets
The last 2 reps of the last set were semi-push presses. Haven't done any pressing in a while, so thought it'd be good to start again. 

Behind the neck presses
50 * 10 for 3 sets

Seated Lateral raises
12.5 * 20 for 3 sets 
Rest time was about 1 - 2 mins in between. Tried to slow the negative especially towards the end.

Rear delt DB rows
22.5 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Rear delt machine
61 * 30 for 2 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Overhead DB tricep extension
12.5 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Ring tricep bodyweight extensions
3 sets of 8
These were done controlled and a semi pause at the stretched position. Roughly a minute between sets.

Elbow distraction: 4 sets

Good training today. No elbow pain while benching, which seems to indicate that the elbow distractions are doing their job. Heal heal HEAL!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

DE Lower body 22nd March 2013 + Arms backlog (21st March 2013)

Warmups: Pullups/GHR/Reverse hyper, 3 rounds, 10-15 reps, no rest

Squat with Bands (Large bands + 40kg at top)
110kg * 2 for 8 sets
Didn't time the rest. Was trying to manage the slight pain in my lower back. Got faster as I went along which was good, but lower back was pumped up and hurting slightly.

Sumo deads from blocks (1.5 inch)
170 * 2 for 6 sets
Rest time was probably less than a minute. Good speed. Weight felt light. Tried to feel the set up more and not take too long to set up. Just drop into position and go. No stress on the lower back, which was good, but it was still pumped up and hurting slightly.

BW * 12 for 3 sets
These were done as explosively as possible. Rest time less than a minute.

Standing Ab crunch
25kg plate + stack * 12 for 4 sets
Constant tension on abs, and done at a slow tempo. Rest time less than a minute.

Weighted lower back extensions
100 * 6 for 3 sets
Each rep from a dead stop. Rest time less than a minute.

Arms 21st March 2013

A1: Rope pushdowns
 4 sets of 15 - 20
A2: Standing BB curls 
 4 sets of 12, pyramiding weight (up to 50kg)
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time was about 30 secs between sets.

B1: Tricep BB extensions (lying)
4 sets of 16 - 20, 40kg
B2: Incline DB curls
4 sets of 12, 12.5kg
B1 and B2 were supersetted. Rest time was about 30 secs between sets.

C1: Close grip bench
4 sets of 20, 80kg
C2: Preacher BB curl
4 sets of 12, 30kg
C1 and C2 were supersetted. Rest time was about 1 min between sets.

YES I TRAINED ARMS. DON'T JUDGE ME. hahaha actually it was supposed to be a rest day, but decided to do arms since they recover relatively fast. Weights were kept rather light and I just went for the pump. Totally legit.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ME Upper body 20th March 2013

Elbow band distractions, 4 sets

Warm ups: Lat pulldown/GHR/kolov press/upright rows, 3 rounds, 10 - 20 reps, no rest

Incline bench
100kg * 5
105 * 1
110 * 1
112.5 * 1
112.5 * 5 (PR)
 80 * 10 for 3 sets
Decided to go for a rep PR instead. My upper body maximal effort work is really taking a beating from the bad elbow. The band distractions seem to alleviate the pain for awhile, but I probably should do them after as well as before. 112.5kg for 5 was surprisingly easy, and the 5th rep moved relatively fast with a very minimal grind. According to Sam it was smooth. Pretty happy with it. Went for a 6th rep, but Sam had to save me, so that didn't count. The 3 sets with 80 were done almost BB style, with the weight brought up to near lock out. I also paused the last couple reps on my chest just for fun.

Incline Tricep DB extension
17.5 * 5 for 6 sets
Rest time was about 45 seconds. Just tried to go slow and controlled so the elbow wouldn't hurt.

Seated Laterals
20 * 12 for 4 sets
Rest time was a min between sets. Tried to get a good pause at the top position, and slow down the negative (which wasn't very slow lol).

Machine rows
55 * 15 for 3 sets
Used the pronated grip. Rest time was 1 min.

Wanted to do Dips after the benches, but my elbow couldn't take the strain. :(


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Back 19th March 2013

Warm up: Pullups/Kolov presses/Upright rows/dips, 3 rounds, 10 - 15 reps, no rest

Pendlay Rows
120kg * 5 for 3 sets

Machine Rows
65 * 12 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
87.5 * 20 for 3 sets

Rear delt rows
20 * 15 for 3 sets
Decided to try this movement since I realized it didn't make sense that I don't do a compound movement for the rear delts. Maybe this will help build it up. Either way I like the feel of these. Pretty easy recovery type workout.

Monday, March 18, 2013

ME Lower Body 18th March 2013

Warmup: Pullups/GHR/back extension, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Deadlift from blocks (4 inch)
170kg * 1
190 * 1
210 * 1
220 * 0 for 2 sets (no lockout)
200 * 2 (3rd rep grip gave way at top, no lockout)
190 * 5
Had a headache all the way throughout the day, which intensified during my lesson lol. Probably should sleep more. Anyway, grip was a severe limiting factor today. My calluses felt super tender for some reason. Was planning to work up to at least 240kg, but fell severely short of that. My grip kept giving way at the top during the 220 sets, so after two attempts, I decided to drop the weight go for multiples instead, because I really didn't want to use wraps. Took the weight back down to 200 for (attempted) triple. My callus sort of ripped on the inside at the top of the third rep, so I decided to take the weight down somemore and try a good 5. Unlike previous rep attempts, all the reps were done from a dead stop, instead of bouncing off the floor. Tim mentioned that I should get rid of the calluses by scrapping them away so they won't be so prone to tearing haha I think I shall try that. Overall crap performance today so I decided to go harder with my supplemental and accessories.

5kg * 10 for 3 sets
Done as explosively as possible. Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Standing Ab crunch
25kg plate + stack * 10 for 5 sets
Constant tension on the abs. Rest time was 1 min between sets.

A1: Power shrugs (with snatch grip)
5 sets of 5, pyramid up to 100kg
A2: Lat pulldowns
95 * 12 for 5 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time between supersets was 1 min. The snatch grip really hurt more than usual today because of the semi torn callus. Just tried gripping the bar as hard as I could and bearing with the pain. I like power shrugs though.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back + shoulders + hams (volume workout) 17th March 2013

A1: Cable rows (straight bar)
5 sets of 20, pyramid weight
A2: Seated lateral raises
5 sets of 20, 10kg dumbbells
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest of 45-60 seconds between supersets. 

B1: Lat pulldowns (varying grips)
5 sets of 20, straight weight
B2: Lying hamstring curls
5 sets of 20, pyramid weight
B1 and B2 were supersetted. Rest of 45-60 seconds between supersets. Weight used for lat pulldowns was the top weight for cable rows.

Used the condo gym (as per usual on sundays) so weight was limited. Pretty dense workout. Was in and out of the gym within 6 songs! Intensity was moderate, but still high enough such that the last 5 reps for each set was still a challenge. All sets were finished strong (meaning good form).

Saturday, March 16, 2013

DE Upper Body 16th March 2013

Bench (speed)
80kg * 3 for 6 sets
Focused on technique and speed, but really couldn't seem to get in position today. Everything felt loose and the weight didn't feel fast or explosive enough. Left elbow started acting up around the 4th set.

DB press
25 * 10 for 3 sets
Decided to really lighten up the weight and do a very controlled full ROM. Realized my DB presses are all weak as shit so this is something I need to work on. Rest time was 1.5 mins between sets.

Power shrugs
worked upu to 130 * 5 (strapless)
Slowly working this back up. These make my traps grow like a weed. Focus on pushing the hips back and snapping them forward while almost pulling back. Almost like arching the weight up.

Rear delt machine
82 * 15 for 3 sets
Rest time between sets was 1 min.

Didn't do very much. Biceps sore from the arm training with Adrian, so didn't do any lat work. Finished this whole training in about half an hour. Did some elbow distractions for my left elbow to get some blood in there. 3 sets later they actually felt pretty good. Looks like I found something to help the pain.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Arms with Adrian and Max! 15th March 2013

4 supersets

A1: Tricep pushdown
4 sets of 15 reps, worked up to the stack
A2: BB Curl
4 sets of 10 reps, worked up to 50kg
Yes we curled in the Squat rack, but this was totally legit.

B1: BB skull crushers
4 sets of 15 reps, 40kg
B2: Incline DB curl
4 sets of 10 reps, 15kg DBs

C1: Close grip Bench press
80kg * 15, 100 * 10 for 2 sets
C2: Preacher BB curl
25kg * AMRAP for 3 sets

D1: Overhead triceps extensions (cable)
3 sets of AMRAP
D2: Hammer curls
15 * 12 for 3 sets

Was Adrian, me, then max, so rest time was when the other 2 were doing the exercises. Got a good pump in my arms! Haven't felt this in so long. Really glad I got a chance to train with Adrian. Swell guy (more like swole guy) and really humble with no airs about him. I think everyone there was inspired just watching him train. Big thanks to Max for having the balls to make first contact (I know you're reading this MEKS), so thank you for the opportunity!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

DE Lower Body 15th March 2013

Warm up: Pullups/GHR/Back extensions, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Squat with Bands (Large bands)
102.5kg * 2 for 8 sets
45 secs rest between sets. Band tension at the top was crazy. Just with the bands, I felt like I had at least 1 plate on my back at the top, so by my etimation, it was probably 140kg+ at the top. Rest time seemed to pass faster than usual dynamic days. Was completely spent by the time I was done with these haha Speed work always seems to take so much out of me.

Sumo Speed pulls off blocks (3 inch)
160 * 2 for 5 sets
~1 min rest between sets. Worked quite a bit on technique and just driving with the hips. Tried to keep the hips as close to the bar as I could and not 'break the chain' so to speak. Will gradually be bringing the weight closer to the floor in the coming weeks (ie. 1.5 inch blocks next week, the off the floor the week after). Trying to really build up the hip strength and learn to open them up so I can get a better starting position.
BW * 12 for 3 sets
1 min rest between sets. These were done much more explosively than the warm up GHRs. I think I'm only finally starting to get this movement, despite having done them for at least a year, albeit on and off. Focus on flexing and maintaining the tension in both attachments of the hams, as well as flexing hard at the top of the movement. I *think* my hams are finally starting to get bigger lol. But my quads are virtually nonexistent HAHA

Standing Cable crunch
Stack * 20 for 3 sets
1 min rest time in between. Constant tension on the abs.

I kinda regret not putting in some back work dammit.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ME upper body 13th March 2013

Warm up: pullups/dips/upright rows/face pulls/GHR, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Floor press
worked up to 120kg * 3
Paused each rep for one second on the floor. 120kg * 3 is a PR for tbh, but only because I've never tried a 3RM before. Relaxed the pressing muscles but kept the upper back tight during the second's pause, then fired the pressing muscles to reverse the weight. Decided not to push further after 120kg cos the elbow started acting up again. Trying to find exercises that I can do to train the triceps that will not put too much strain on my elbows.

Incline DB press
35 * 10 for 3 sets
Truly hate doing these. Mostly cos I really suck at them. Went deep on each rep, which is why I was using such pussy weight. Despite it being pussy weight, this wasn't easy by any means, so that just goes to show how much I need to start incorporating DB presses to ensure my chest gets some work and doesn't lag behind in strength compared to the rest of the pressing muscles. Rest time between sets was 2 mins.

Power Shrugs
120 * 5 for 3 sets
Started these from knee level and tried to shrug and do a hip thrust combo to get the weight moving up and backwards. My traps actually got pumped up from this despite the low reps, so i expect they might feel sore tmr. Rest time between sets was 2 mins.

Triceps pushdowns
Stack * 15 for 3 sets
Seems like tricep pushdowns are all I can do atm without any elbow pain. Wanted to pin weight on, but realized I probably will be hitting triceps hard on friday so decided to be conservative and use the stack instead. Also felt this was better for my elbows as it sort of had a recuperative effect. Rest time was 1 min between sets.

Seated Lateral Raises
20 * 10 for 5 sets
These were done with a slight pause at the top position. Rest time was really short, probably less than a min. I remember counting 10 breaths or so between sets.

Rear delts machine
75 * 20 for 3 sets
Tried to keep the rear delts under tension throughout the movement. Last set was really burning up. Rest time between was 1 min.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Back 12th March 2013

Warm up: Pull ups/dips/GHR/Upright row/face pull, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

DB rows
45kg * 25 for 2 sets

Snatch-grip deadlifts on platform (3 inch)
120 * 3 for 3 sets
130 * 1

Lat pulldowns
85 * 20 for 5 sets

Side bends
30 * 20 for 3 sets

Gotta work on the snatch grip deads. Grip really started to give out at 130kg -_-" The range of motion there is ridiculous. Didn't really observe much rest time as I was talking to the guys in between sets and spotting max for his presses. All in all, rather chill training.

Monday, March 11, 2013

ME Lower body 11th MArch 2013

Warm up: Pull ups/GHR/Back extension, 3 rounds, 10 reps each, no rest

Box Squat (parallel)
140kg * 1
150 * 1
160 * 1
170 * 1
180 * 1
190 * 1
200 * 1 (PR)
All squats were done with a 2 second pause. During the pause, I kept the upper back and torso tight, but relaxed the hips, glutes and hams. Coming off the box, I fired the glutes and hams first so my hips wouldn't fly up first, and tried to drive the head back. Been a while since I did these and the last time I did, I remember I was having trouble with 160kg, so 200kg was a really pleasant surprise. Tim mentioned that my bar speed was relatively fast too, so really happy about that. I attempted 210kg, but missed it. I think I lost focus and relaxed everything when on the box, so coming off the box was almost impossible. Pathetic lol. Still, I hit my goal for today so I can't really complain.

Arched back good mornings
worked up to 142.5 * 5 

5kg plate * 8 for 4 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. Really trying to bring up my hamstring strength. Also doing these as explosive as I can.

DB Back extensions
30 * 12 for 4 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. DBs were much harder than using the bar due to the slightly increased range of motion.

Weighted Decline Sit ups
10kg plate * 8 for 3 sets
Rest time was 1 min between sets. Paused in the contracted position for 3 seconds. 

Overall, good session. I like the inclusion of the warm up circuit as it helps me ensure my conditioning is up to par to lift at the level I hope to lift at. Also a great way of getting all the muscles working.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back + shoulder 10th March 2013

Cable Row
9 sets of 12, pyramid up in weight

Lat pulldown
6 sets of 10, pyramid up in weight

Seated Laterals
5 sets of 30, straight weight

Preacher Cable curls (single arm)
5 sets of 12, straight weight

Simple workout at my house condo gym. All rest times were roughly a min. Was in and out of the gym in about 40 mins.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Benchmeat!! 9th March 2013

worked up to 140kg * 1
Left elbow still giving me problems, so it was truly a crappy showing. 140 for 1 and it didn't even go up as fast as I would have liked. Slow to lock out. I gotta figure out how to fix this problem if I'm gonna bench anything remotely considered heavy.

Rear delts machine
68 * 20 for 5 sets

Pushdowns with a band
small band * 30 for 5 sets
Felt like a pussy doing these.

Friday, March 8, 2013

DE Lower Body 8th March 2013

Warm up: pullups/dips/GHR/back extension, 3 rounds, 10 reps, no rest

Low box squat with bands (Large bands)
92.5kg * 2 for 10 sets
<45 secs rest time between sets. Wide stance.

Rack speed pulls
worked up to 180 for 3 singles

Zercher squats to low box
70 * 10 for 3 sets
Just trying out the movement as an accessory. Sat as far back on the box as I could.

BW * 12 for 3 sets

Toes to Bar
BW * 10 for 3 sets

Weighted back extension
80 * 10 for 2 sets

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Upper Body 6th March 2013

Warm up: pullups/dips/GHR/upright row/face pull, 3 rounds, 10 reps each, no rest

Flat DB press
45kg * 12, 10, 6
Really weak. I think I will have to include more DB benching. Piss poor performance here.

Seated Laterals
17.5 * 12 for 5 sets
Pause at the top position, and controlled negative. 1 min rest between sets.

BTN Press
50 * 10 for 2 sets
2 mins rest between sets. Done really controlled.

Rear Lateral machine
68 * 20 for 4 sets
1 min rest between sets. Burned.
Rope pushdowns
28 * 10 for 3 sets

A1: Standing ab crunch
Stack * 20 for 3 sets

A2: DB Side bends
35 * 12 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. 1 min rest between supersets.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back 5th March 2013

Warm up - pull ups, dips, GHR, upright rows for 3 rounds 10 reps each, no rest in between

DB rows
45kg * 20 for 3 sets

Snatch grip deadlifts on platform (3 inch)
 120 * 3 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
105 * 12 for 5 sets

Hammer curls
20 * 12 for 2 sets

Reverse hypers (small band)
2 sets of 20

Rather lax workout today. I liked the snatch grip deads and will probably try going much higher in weight. Got quite abit of grip training through the rows and deads.

Monday, March 4, 2013

ME Lower body 4th March 2013

Zercher Box squats (parallel)
100kg * 3
110 * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
150 * 1
Decided to put the front squat harness to use. Zercher squats were pretty tough because of a number of things. For one, they tend to pull you straight down and sitting back is so much harder. For another, I really had to try and keep my back tight and lower back arched as much as I could in order not to be pulled forward. I paused on the box for a second. I liked this movement though! It was quite awesome for my shoulders and there was no shoulder ache with it.

Arched back Good mornings
worked up to 140kg * 5 for 1 set
New PR  on this. Pretty happy.

5kg plate * 6 for 4 sets
 The plate was held behind my head for the first 2 sets. Had to shift it to my chest for the next 2. Rest time was about a minute and a half in between.

Standing Ab crunch
Stack * 20 for 3 sets

DB side bends
30 * 12 for each side

I'm back!

Was in Sydney the past 9 days and it was awesome. Really didn't want to return, but guess you have to do what you have to do :(

Did two sessions while I was there, both identical. More a recoveryish sort of training. Nothing hard and heavy.

140kg * 12 for 3 sets

Deadlift (sumo)
140 * 2 for 8 sets

100 * 3 for 8 sets

Lat pulldown
Stack * 15 for 3 sets

Machine Row
Stack * 15 for 3 sets

60 * 12 for 3 sets

Pull ups
BW * 8 for 3 sets

BW * 20 for 3 sets