Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 3 Press 28th August 2013

Roll and stretch upper body

Bar * 10
40kg * 5
47 * 5
56 * 3
66 * 2
70 * 1
75 * 12/4/1 (PR)
New PR on the press today, although I think it's cause I never really repped out much over 70 last time. The bar at ziklag feels much thicker and heavier for some reason, but maybe it's just the fresh knurling. The press itself didn't feel fantastic, some tracking issues with my left shoulder, and my left AC joint still feels kinda stuck. I did banded face pulls between sets (between 20 - 30 reps).

Close grip bench
60 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 3
120 * 2 * 5
100 * 5 (paused in the middle)
120 feels heavier than it should too, or maybe it's the fatigue from the pressing. Really not too sure, today's weights seem heavier than they should be. Tried to accelerate the 120, but i seem to get lazy midway. Maybe should consider doing some chain work.

High incline bench
60 * 10
80 * 8 * 4
80 * 8/60 * 8/40 * 10 (this was a dropset)
Only thing that seemed to go well today. I acually felt the upper chest area pump up. Haven't felt that in a while. 1 min rest between sets. Bench angle was pretty steep, about 75 degrees. 

Tricep push downs
5 sets of 15
Face pulls
5 sets of 30
Supersetted the tricep pushdowns and the facepulls. Conciously tried to get the rear delts firing in the movement. 1 min rest between sets. Trying to concentrate on rear delts now because my traps are really tight and they tend to fire before anything else on my upper shelf. Trying to get the rest of the shoulder muscles stronger to combat this. 

GHR abs
5 * 20 * 3
1 min rest.

Meh training sesh. Based on the last sets for each lift in week 3 of this wave, the newly calibrated training maxes are as follows:

Squat - 188.6kg
Bench - 136kg
Deadlift - 230kg
Press - 95kg

Let's see how it goes next wave. Probably will still push it in terms of volume next week, but lower intensities, rather than a true deload. More like a bodybuilding week haha Considering how I have a planned week deload with my gf come end september hehe Grind on fellows!

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