Friday, August 30, 2013

Juggernaut Week 8s Wave Deload Week Bench 20th August 2013

Band Warm up upperbody

Bar * 10
60kg * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5 * 5

Incline Bench (60 deg)
90 * 3
100 * 3 * 6

Incline Bench (40 deg)
90 * 10
70 * 10 * 3

Overhead DB tricep extension
10 * 15
14 * 12
16 * 10 * 5

Face pulls
3 sets of 40

Pull ups
3 sets of 12

Single arm lat pulldown
110# * 10 * 5

Hanging leg raises
3 sets of 12

Deload session, even though the incline bench seemed heavy percentage wise, it moved fast and felt light. Got a good pump going heh.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Deload Week Squat 30th August 2013

Lower body roll and glute stretch

Bar * 10
60kg * 5
100 * 5
140 * 5 * 5
Deload session today, so nothing heavy and strenuous. Gave me the opportunity to kinda experiment with centering the weight on my thighs, such that my arms had minimal involvement in holding the bar. Kept rest time pretty short (about a min). Also continued practicing the pulling of rib cage down cue, which I really like. Really gets me tight and braced. Realize that I don't need to deload at 50% because my recovery seems to be on point, and the diet is coming along well. 

Front squat
60 * 10 * 6
Focused on just sitting down as much as i could, realize my left ankle mobility is pretty bad so that's preventing me from really getting that sit down that I need with my front squats. Rest time was 1 min.

15kg * 4 * 6
These were heavy, but since they were on the GHR, not as stressful. Really felt the hams today. Rested about 1.5 mins between. Some of the last reps for the sets weren't fantastic.

Seated Hamstring curl
75 * 10 * 4
Just a little more volume in. 1 min rest.

GHR abs
20kg plate * 10 * 3
These weren't easy. 1 min rest. 

Bicep curls
3 sets of 21s
Just some curls to protect the bis....

Trained late today, and the gym was a haven. Peace, quiet and tranquility. In fact I was so taken by the placidity of the facility, I tried to train as silent as I could; like a ninja. Stealthy late night action heh

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 3 Press 28th August 2013

Roll and stretch upper body

Bar * 10
40kg * 5
47 * 5
56 * 3
66 * 2
70 * 1
75 * 12/4/1 (PR)
New PR on the press today, although I think it's cause I never really repped out much over 70 last time. The bar at ziklag feels much thicker and heavier for some reason, but maybe it's just the fresh knurling. The press itself didn't feel fantastic, some tracking issues with my left shoulder, and my left AC joint still feels kinda stuck. I did banded face pulls between sets (between 20 - 30 reps).

Close grip bench
60 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 3
120 * 2 * 5
100 * 5 (paused in the middle)
120 feels heavier than it should too, or maybe it's the fatigue from the pressing. Really not too sure, today's weights seem heavier than they should be. Tried to accelerate the 120, but i seem to get lazy midway. Maybe should consider doing some chain work.

High incline bench
60 * 10
80 * 8 * 4
80 * 8/60 * 8/40 * 10 (this was a dropset)
Only thing that seemed to go well today. I acually felt the upper chest area pump up. Haven't felt that in a while. 1 min rest between sets. Bench angle was pretty steep, about 75 degrees. 

Tricep push downs
5 sets of 15
Face pulls
5 sets of 30
Supersetted the tricep pushdowns and the facepulls. Conciously tried to get the rear delts firing in the movement. 1 min rest between sets. Trying to concentrate on rear delts now because my traps are really tight and they tend to fire before anything else on my upper shelf. Trying to get the rest of the shoulder muscles stronger to combat this. 

GHR abs
5 * 20 * 3
1 min rest.

Meh training sesh. Based on the last sets for each lift in week 3 of this wave, the newly calibrated training maxes are as follows:

Squat - 188.6kg
Bench - 136kg
Deadlift - 230kg
Press - 95kg

Let's see how it goes next wave. Probably will still push it in terms of volume next week, but lower intensities, rather than a true deload. More like a bodybuilding week haha Considering how I have a planned week deload with my gf come end september hehe Grind on fellows!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 3 Deadlift 26th August 2013

Lower body rolling + glute stretch

60kg * 5
110 * 5
132.5 * 3
155 * 2
165 * 1
176 * 16 (PR)
Deadlift PR today! Stopped at technical failure. Last rep felt slow locking out plus felt a little lower back starting to actively engage. Other than that, was gassed at the end but not lying on the floor dead, so I guess it's a good thing heh Really feel way more comfortable with the technique now, and conciously tried wedging myself against the bar before pulling.

Snatch Grip Stiff legged Deadlifts
170 * 2
180 * 2
190 * 2 * 3 (PR?)
Everything moved faster today, although the last set of 190 was slow. Took a narrow stance than usual, feet almost together; just trying to channel my inner klokov haha

Deadstop deadlifts
100 * 5
120 * 5
140 * 5
130 * 5 * 2
Shall try to bring this up. 1 min rest between sets.

Machine Rows
3 sets of 12
Just tried squeezing as hard as I could. 1 min rest.

Rear delt machine
54 * 20 * 3
1 min rest.

GHR abs
15kg plate * 10 * 5

Good session, happy with the PR! Glad it went well despite the incredible soreness in my quads from yesterday's front squatting haha Front squat party on a sunday, deadlift party on a monday, now this is living it up! 

Weakness day 25th August 2013

Upper + Lower rolling and stretch

Front Squat
Bar * a bazillion
60kg * 5
100 * 5 * 5
110 * 5 * 2
120 * 4 * 2
130 * 2 * 2

Incline Bench
80 * 10 * 5

GHR abs (Abs are always a weakness!!!)
15 * 10 * 5

Was actually pretty nua today, but somehow managed to make a little breakthrough with my front squat. Widened up the stance such that it actually allowed me to stay more upright. For the first time, I actually felt my quads while doing the front squat, and they have a pretty sick pump going on now :') Incline bench was more bodybuildingish, since I got to build them chesticles up, and abs are...always too weak. Not too bad a day! I would have done some arms, but (insert a stupid excuse here). Sigh.. I guess being jacked isn't really at the top of my list these days :(

Friday, August 23, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 3 Bench 2013

Band warm up

Bar * 10
40kg * 5
65 * 5
78.5 * 3
92.5 * 2
98.5 * 1
105 * 12/4/2

120 * 1, 1
*add in Bench Daddy*
120 * 1, 1, 1, 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
150 * 1
160 * 1, 1
140 * 1
Still have lots to work with for my bench. Really crappy but will figure it out. The good thing is, I'm getting more comfortable with keeping my head to the bench, even when grinding out the last reps for my rest pause sets. Used the bench daddy to break it in abit. Took a few attempts to touch at first, cos I played around with the bench daddy positioning. After I finally found the groove, it worked pretty well. Will continue using it for a bit more before deciding if i should spend the money to get a slingshot instead. Triceps got a good overload from using it though.

Overhead tricep DB extension
15 * 12
17.5 * 10 * 4
These felt much easier today. Virtually no elbow pain.

One arm barbell preacher curl
4 sets of 12
I supersetted these these with band pressdowns.

Band face pulls
5 sets of 40

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 3 Squats 22nd August 2013

Rolling + stretching lower body

Dynamic lower body stuff

Bar * 5
60kg * 5
91 * 5
110 * 3
128.5 * 2
137.5 * 1
146 * 14 (PR)
Tried to really lock in the tightness by using a new cue to brace the core (pulling the ribs down). Felt much tighter and better, and the weight was moving even faster than usual. Keeping so tight really took a toll though, and it left me sucking wind by the last rep. I went to technical failure, hips started shooting up around the last 2 reps. I counted 15 reps but i'm honestly not too sure, feels like I might have miscounted. Good part was I wasn't super dead after the squats, as would usually be the case with 'high' rep squats. Still feeling tightness in the right psoas, so gotta spend more time stretching that out.

Front Squat
60 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 3 * 7
Still can't sit down as nicely as Abel does, but am working on it. Rest time was roughly a min.

10kg plate * 5 * 5
These felt really good and strong today, even though I was pretty shagged by this point. Rest time 1 min.

Machine Rows
65 * 12 * 3
65 * 10
My lats actually feel sore from monday still 0_o but felt good anyway. Rest time 1 min.

GHR abs
3 sets of 20

Good session! Ain't nothing better than a PR! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 2 Press 20th August 2013

Rolling and stretching: Glutes, back, lats, traps

Band warm up

Bar * 10
40kg * 8
50 * 5
56 * 3
63 * 3
68 * 8 * 2
68 * 14
Bar over here at Ziklag feels heavier. But the weight didn't feel significantly heavier. Just a very unfamiliar touch to the bar for some reason. Also, the knurling is much sharper. Either that or my calluses are tender from yesterday's deads... Ok, enough bitching.

Close grip
110 * 3 * 5
110 * 5/2/2
Rest paused the last set, but not really to failure.

Bradford Press
30 * 20 * 5
Supersetted with band face pulls. 1 min rest. This was SMB (SHAG MOTHER BALLS)

Face pull
5 sets of 20

Tricep pushdowns
5 sets of 12
Face pulls and pushdowns were supersetted. Rest time 30s.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 2 Deadlift 19th August 2013

Lower body rolling and stretching - focused on loosening up the glutes

60kg * 5
100 * 5
130 * 3
150 * 3
160 * 8 * 3
160 * 14
Program actually called for 3 sets of 8 with 160kg, with the last set being 8+ but not to complete failure. However, I forgot to do more than 8 for the 3rd set, so decided to go for a 4th and aimed to at least get 15. Kept getting pulled forward on the 13th and 14th rep, so decided to end the set there (technical failure). Surprisingly, my conditioning is holding up pretty well and these 4 sets didn't feel THAT tiring; although I still hate high rep deads.

Snatch grip stiffies (w/straps)
162.5 * 3 * 6
Loaded the lower back and hamstrings as much as I could, and I kept visualizing the way Klokov does them. Weight moved surprisingly fast so I was pretty happy with this.

Deadstop BB rows
100 * 8 * 4
Pulled the bar up to the sternum area, right where my bench touches, instead of pulling it to my stomach. Getting more heavy upper back work in this way. Rest time was 1 min.

GHR abs
10 * 12 * 4
Standard ab work. Rest time was 30s.

Good session overall, glad I didn't give in and be lazy with the deadlifts. Feel like the high rep deads are helping me keep my technique. I realize I don't have to lower my hip as much, as long as I can get myself slightly behind the bar. The focus for the past 6 weeks of contracting the lats before the pull's really helped to take the stress of the lower back, and my bar doesn't drift forward like it used to when the weight comes off the floor. So far so good! Grind on!!

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 2 Bench 16th August 2013

Upper body rolling

Band warm ups
Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 8
80 * 3
90 * 3
95 * 8 * 2
95 * 14

Incline Bench
60 * 10
97.5 * 3 * 5
97.5 * 8

Close Grip bench
80 * 12 * 3

Bradford press
45 * 12 * 2

Machine Rows
55 * 12 * 4

Rear Delts
54 * 25 * 3

GHR abs
3 sets of 15

pressing sets were supersetted with band face pulls and cable face pulls.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 2 Squat 15th August 2013

Rolling: Lower body, Back, lats

Pre-workout mob

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 10
100 * 5
110 * 3
123 * 3
133 * 8 * 2
133 * 15
Squats were pretty shag today. Still feels rather tight on the right psoas. No lower back pain. Stopped the set before my lower back pain started creeping in.

Front squat
60 * 5
100 * 5 * 3
All front squats were paused. Still trying to learn how to load my quads more for the FS. Getting more comfortable with the clean racking. (y)

5 sets of 10

Single arm lat pulldown
5 sets of 10
Supersetted GHR and pulldowns. Virtually no rest.

GHR abs
35ib plate * 12 * 3

Pretty happy overall with the front squat progress. Think I'm starting to figure out the groove for it. Probably will front squat on sat as well. Other than that, so so session. Felt really tired today for some reason. Had slight food poisoning in the morning,i think from eating not so fresh eggs the night before.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 1 Press 13th August 2013

Upper body band warmup

Bar * alot
40kg * 10
50 * 8
60 * 8 * 4
60 * 25/9/6

Close grip bench
60 * 5
100 * 5 * 4
100 * 10/4/2

Chest flies
22.5 * 12 * 3

Lying DB extension
17.5 * 10 * 2
15 * 10

Standing overhead DB extension
12.5 * 15 * 3

100 * 20 * 2

Rear delt flyes
47 * 25 * 3

GHR abs
15kg plate * 12 * 3

All sets of pressing were done supersetted with a set of 25 banded face pulls. For the tricep work, I supersetted the dumbbell work with banded pushdowns in between. Shrugs were done strapless, and held for a second count at the the peak contraction. Figured I should put in more high rep shrugs, since I don't really need much bigger traps since they grow pretty easily compared to the rest of the body. Need to get my grip up though. Decided to switch wide grip paused bench for close grip because my left AC joint is feeling alittle stuck and uncooperative. Probably will cycle this movement back in on the next wave.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 1 Deadlift 12th August 2013

Dynamic Warm up


60kg * 8
100 * 8
142.5 * 8 * 5

10kg plate * 5 * 4

Lat pulldown
95 * 12 * 4

GHR abs
3 sets of 20

Super quick and short session today, barely 35 mins cos I was pretty packed today, BUT the high rep deadlifts made it INTENSE. All the sets were done conventional, because fuck sumo/hybrid that's why. haha Grip failed me halfway through the 3rd set, so switched from double overhand to my comp grip. Think I should include high rep/heavy shrugs so I can train the grip up more. Decided to hit the GHR instead of snatchgrip deads, cos my lower back was feeling very weird today, and my right ham felt a little strain from the 5th set of deads. Nothing serious though. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Random weakness day 10th August 2013

Lower body mobility drills

Front Squat
Bar * 5
60kg * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5 * 5
110 * 3
120 * 3
130 * 1
140 * 1

Standing DB curls
Shitload of warm up sets, think I started from 7.5kg and went up in 2.5 increments, ending up at 20
20 * 10 * 2

Single arm Barbell preacher curl
3 sets of 20, can't remember the weight

Hammer curls
20 * 10 * 3

GHR abs
3 sets of 20

Pretty random day. Was supposed to do arm training, but went in and decided to condition myself to front squats with the clean racking position. Ended up testing the max to a technical failure. Upper back started rounding at 140kg, so stopped there. Still tend to try and sit back too much. Will work on that. Moved on to bizeps work after that. All sets were supersetted with band face pulls, just to get in some extra work for my rear delts and upper shelf. Nothing very exciting tbh, but still happy with the front squats, cos the racking is starting to feel more comfortable.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 1 (BIRTHDAY) Bench 9th August 2013

Banded Upper body Warm up

Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 10
85 * 8, 8, 10, 8, 20/12/5
Rest time was about a minute. Trained as SSC, so had to keep the pace fast. Happy with the rest pause set, although I probably might have performed better if I had taken a bit more rest. Starting to get used to keeping my head down when I bench, which is (y)

Incline Bench
60 * 8
90 * 5 * 4
90 * 6/3/1 (LOL)
Rest time was really quick here. (about 30s) cos my training buddy and I decided to do a you go i go rotation haha

Bradford press
40 * 15 * 3
Good shit on the shoulders! Didn't feel as shag as the past three weeks though.. hope that means i'm adapting something fierce!

Lat pulldown
3 sets of 20
Cant remember the weight, but went by feel, Kept these really strict and focused on constant tension on the lats. Even though it was just 3 sets, it really got the lats pumped up.

Machine Shrugs
3 sets of 12
5 secs hold at the top of each rep. Focused on shrugging by keeping my shoulders back to really hit the lower trapezius area. 

Good birthday session! One of the rare occasions training at SSC was so quick!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Juggernaut 8s Wave Week 1 Squat 7th August 2013

Lower body foam roll

Dynamic warm up
Been trying out certain stuff inspired by Bryce Lewis


Bar * 10
60kg * 8
100 * 8
120 * 8 * 4
120 * 18
Had about a minute rest in between sets. After the last set, I had a massive headache, probably from dehydration. Had to wait close to 40 mins before it subsided and I could finish the training. Other than that, the squats were alright. Form definitely could have been tighter. Felt a lot of quads cos I kept drifting forward on some of the reps. None of that lower back good morning action though, so thankful for that, AND no lower back pain too. Was aiming for 20 on the last set, but perhaps I didn't take enough rest in between sets.

*40 min break*

Front squat
80 * 5 * 5
With the front squats, I'm still getting used to the front rack, but am very thankful to Abel for converting me to this style of racking the bar. I also tried to just dropping my butt down instead of pushing it back as I'm so used to. Still getting used to front squatting this way, so hope to be moving some real weight in the following weeks as I get more and more accustomed.

10 sets of 10
Rest time was 40s. Can anyone say hamstring cramp?

Single arm lat pulldown
45 * 10 * 10
Done on one of those cable machines with the pivotal arms. I think it's called a freemotion machine or something. 

GHR abs
25ibs plate * 12 * 3

Not the best training session, but glad to at least have gotten some volume in, and hit a decent last set on my squats. PRs are awesome to have, but keep in mind that there will always be shitty days -those really bad days that can break you if you let it. One training session does not make or break your training. In fact, embracing it is key to understanding what you have to do better next time to improve yourself. I will be stronger next time. If not next time, then the time after next. Whatever it is, never stop, never settle.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6th August 2013 Down with the sickness

...and I don't mean the song by Disturbed. Been having a bad throat infection since last monday and it's remnants are still annoying the shit out of me even today. The good thing was, this week was a deload week anyway, which gave me plenty of excuse to rest. The bad news was i only managed two deload workouts (i can't even call them trainings).

2nd August deload
100kg * 5 * 5

Front squat
70 * 5 * 5

60 * 5 * 5

3 sets of 10

6th August deload
120 * 5 * 5

40 * 5 * 5

3 sets of 10

GHR abs
3 sets of 15

Pull ups
3 sets of 10

Felt really drained the whole week. Coughed like a mofo and had the voice of a Daft Punk synthesizer. Planning to squat tmr. Certainly looking forward to hitting the weights tmr!