Monday, February 4, 2013

ME Lower Body 4th February 2013

Reverse Band Box Squat
200kg * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1
230 * 1
240 * 1
250 * 1
New PR of 250kg. Used the high box (2 inches above parallel) and large bands. Deload was 30kg in the bottom position. Did a pause on the box. 250kg actually flew up faster than I expected, but decided to quit since I already had a PR. Mustn't get too greedy. I was happy with the form because it was pretty solid all the way thru the sets, except I think I could have sat back further on the last set.

Arched Back GM
100 * 5 for 3 sets
 These felt really light. I should up the weight next time.

BW * 10 for 3 sets
Done with a slow negative. Constant tension as I tried to flex my hams. Rest time was 1 min in between.

Toe to bars
BW * 10 for 3 sets
1 min rest between sets. Probably should up the reps next round.

Too little accessory work in my opinion. Had to rush off to teach.

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