Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ME Upper body 20th February 2013

Foam Press
110kg * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
150 * 2 (PR)
Was aiming for 150kg * 3, but 3rd one stalled like crazy and tim had to assist me through the sticking point. Good thing about tim is he knows how to spot and let me strain against the weights. Left tricep still felt really sore to the touch and strained, hence the 'lower weight' and the attempt at a triple instead. 

Close grip
100 * 10, 10, 7-3
Last set had to rest pause it. Left tricep gave out on the final rep of the last set. Scared me for a bit, cos I felt something move in my tricep 0_o. 

Machine laterals
33 * 25 for 5 sets
These were done with as little rest in between. I did each arm on its own, from left to right, just repping the weight out with no rest between sets. Felt really good and got alot of blood into the shoulders. Decided to do this movement instead of regular DB laterals cos my left tricep was really not giving much support.

Rear delt machine
40 * 30  for 5 sets
Same with the machine laterals. Repped them out nice and slow and tried to burn up the rear delts. Rest time of 1 min between sets.

DB tricep overhead extension
10 * 15 for 4 sets
Really light work just to gauge how bad the strain was. Left arm needed more assist than normal. Not good.

Flying off tonight to Sydney!! Hopefully some rest will do me good and my tricep will heal up a bit. Hopefully can get some training done over there. Will backlog if I need to when I'm back! Otherwise! Adios for 10 days guys!

Calves + Back + Bis 19th February 2013

Seated Calf press
80kg * 20 for 5 sets

Machine Row
55 * 20 for 5 sets

Lat pulldown
65 * 20, 20
85 * 20 for 3 sets

Rear delt machine
61 * 20 for 4 sets

Hammer curls
20 * 12
30 * 12
40 * 6
20 * AMRAP

Incline DB curls (45 deg incline)
10 * 12 for 3 sets

Standing BB curl
40 * 12 for 2 sets

Preacher DB curl
10 * 20 for 2 sets

Monday, February 18, 2013

ME Lower Body 18th February 2013

Deficit Deadlifts
150kg * 1
160 * 1
170 * 1
180 * 1
190 * 1
200 * 1
200kg was an easy lift. Stopped there because I just wanted to establish a base number to beat the next time I do deficit deads. Platform was 3.5 inches off the ground. Huge huge difference in bar path travel. Much longer distance to travel, and i realized it trains the grip somewhat, since you have to hold on to the weight for a much longer time.

Arched Back Good mornings
130 * 5 for 3 sets
 Gradually working up in weight for these.

Standing ham curls (single leg)
22.5 * 10 for 10 sets
Rest time was roughly 30s or less, since Max and I were pacing each other.

Weighted low back extensions
110 * 6 for 3 sets
These were heavy... 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back + Biceps 17th February 2013

Cable Rows (straight bar)
5 sets of 20

Lat pulldowns
5 sets of 15
3 sets of 10

Preacher cable curl (single arm)
3 sets of 10

Standing Hammers
3 sets of 12

Single arm incline (seated)
3 sets of 12

Used the condo gym today, so don't really know the exact weight. Went by feel and just tried to get in more volume for the back. Elbow doesn't hurt doing back work, which is a good thing, so probably not tendonitis. However, this probably means the problem lies with the tricep. sigh...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

DE Upper body 16th February 2013

Bench with bands (med bands)
85kg * 3 for 8 sets

Incline bench
80 * 10 for 3 sets

Seated Lateral raises
15 * 20 for 5 sets
Rest time was 1 min in between, Just repped out with these, instead of controlling it like usual. Went for the 'pump' lol

Rear delt flyes
61 * 25  for 3 sets
61 * 20 for 1 set
rest time was 30s in between. Could only get 20 reps with the 4th set.

Overhead Tricep extensions
10 * 15 for 5 sets
This was about the only thing I could do for my triceps. Left elbow was a little swollen and was sore to the touch. Had to use really light weight and very caution movement. Have to figure out this elbow problem soon.

DE Lower 15th February 2013

Squat with bands (medium Bands)
102.5kg * 2 for 11 sets
Rest time 45s. 
Sumo Deadlifts (speed)
140 * 2 for 3 sets
Worked on technique and speed. Roughly 1 min rest in between.
Arched back good morning
120 * 5 for 3 sets
These were still pretty light, but trying to add weight gradually so not gonna rush it. Rest time 1 min.
Standing Hamstring curl (single leg)
22.5 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was about 30s in between.

Standing Ab crunch
20kg plate + stack * 12 for 4 sets
Rest time was 1 min. Slower negative and maintained constant tension on the abs.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

ME Upper 14th February 2013

One board Press
110kg * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
145 * 1

Foam press (close grip)
120 * 3 for 3 sets

A1: Seated Lateral Raises
12.5 * 20 for 3 sets
A2: Rear delt flyes
61 * 20 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted. Rest time was 30s in between supersets.

Overhead db extension
10 * 20 for 2 sets

My left elbow is really killing me. Pressing performance is down. Have to figure this out, can't really do any direct tricep work.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Calves + Back + Bis 12th February 2013

Calf press
100kg * 20 for 5 sets

BW * 10 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
100 * 5 for 5 sets

Machine rows
55 * 12 for 3 sets

Hammer curls
20 * 10 for 3 sets

Preacher DB
10 * 12 for 3 sets

A1: Decline Ab Crunch
BW * 20 for 3 sets
A2: Back Extension
BW * 20 for 3 sets
A3: Standing Ab crunch
50 * 10 for 3 sets

A1 to A3 were supersetted. Rest time in between was 1 min.

Rrlatively easy workout. Lower back still sore from yesterday. Glutes and hams too.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lower Body 'Recovery' 11th February 2013

140kg * 8 for 4 sets
Attempted one more set but it was shit. Lower back was rubbish today. Think it might still be affected from sat's pulling

Standing Ham curls
25 * 10 (per leg) for 10 sets
rest time was 30s in between. Worked with Max, so it was he go I go.

Was fun training at bishan today, but the bar really feels weird. According to Ab the weight was 15kg. Not sure how true that is, but it definitely felt light as hell. Other than that, rest time was shorter than I'd like, but probably cos my work capacity still not up yet. Gotta push accessory work up and shorten the rest times. I realized upon completing the work that I forgot to do my good mornings (doh!)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

DeadMEAT 9th February 2013

Sumo Deadlifts
worked up to 210kg * 1
First time going up in weight with sumo. Attempted 220kg twice but couldn't even budge it both times. Technique was still shoddy as shit so really have to brush up on that. After reviewing my vids, I realized how far forward my set up is, which results in a horribly weak pull from the start. Technically this is a PR for me, because i've never done sumo deading before, but still not happy that I didn't even hit 5 plates.
5 * 8 for 3 sets
Think it's about time I started upping the intensity of my hamstring work to bring up their strength. 
Banded reverse hyper
3 sets of 12
choked the small band so this worked pretty well.
BW * 10 for 3 sets
More GHRs because they are the solution to all your problems. 

Happy with the meet today because there was a wonderful turnout. Really hope that this is the start of a good lifting community in SMU. Especially with all the strong as fuck year zeros, ones and twos. Exciting times.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chest(!!?!) + Back 7th February 2013

Banded Machine Bench (med band)
35kg * 15
45 * 15
55 * 15 for 2 sets

Pause benching
100 * 5 for 4 sets

Chest Flyes
54 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
55 * 20
60 * 20
65 * 20
70 * 20
85 * 20

Machine rows
35 * 20
45 * 20
55 * 20 for 3 sets

BB curls
40 * 10 for 3 sets

lol quite a chill training today. More recuperative than anything. Very impressed with Wang's back improvement.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

ME Upper 6th February 2013

Pin press (3.5 inch off the chest)
100kg * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
130 * 1
140 * 1
150 * 1
Strained my tricep while finishing the last set. Felt a sharp pain but somehow still locked the weight out. Was scared it was a tear, but didn't seem like it, no discolouration or swelling. The tricep was sensitive to the touch though, especially at the inferior point of the lateral head. Icing it at home now with my ice pack. Hopefully it'll heal up by tmr and I can do some chest work with Max.

JM Press
100 * 5 for 3 sets
Because my tricep was hurting, I couldn't really handle anything beyond 100 without the form going to shit.

Tricep pushdowns
stack * 15 for 2 sets
Fed up with the JM Pressing, so did some pushdowns just to get some blood in the triceps.

Single arm seated lateral raises
12.5 * 12 for 3 sets
Emphasis on the negatives. Tempo aimed at 411. rest time was 1 min between.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Calves + Back 5th February 2013

Seated calf raise
150kg * 20 for 5 sets

Lat pulldown
55 * 20
60 * 20
65 * 20
70 * 20
75 * 20
80 * 20
85 * 20

Machine rows
35 * 20
40 * 20
45 * 20
50 * 20
55 * 20

Rear delt machine
66 * 20
61 * 20 for 4 sets

False grip shrugs
100 * 20 for 5 sets

High volume day today, because I was suffering from a severe lack of sleep, so decided to lower the intensity and up the volume. Inspiration from Max after he shared with me Pete Rubish's status update regarding the back training. Loved the pump and actually felt like a bodybuilder hehe Did a set of hammers with 40s just to show Alvin that it could be done lol But honestly was too shagged to do any bicep work.

Monday, February 4, 2013

ME Lower Body 4th February 2013

Reverse Band Box Squat
200kg * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1
230 * 1
240 * 1
250 * 1
New PR of 250kg. Used the high box (2 inches above parallel) and large bands. Deload was 30kg in the bottom position. Did a pause on the box. 250kg actually flew up faster than I expected, but decided to quit since I already had a PR. Mustn't get too greedy. I was happy with the form because it was pretty solid all the way thru the sets, except I think I could have sat back further on the last set.

Arched Back GM
100 * 5 for 3 sets
 These felt really light. I should up the weight next time.

BW * 10 for 3 sets
Done with a slow negative. Constant tension as I tried to flex my hams. Rest time was 1 min in between.

Toe to bars
BW * 10 for 3 sets
1 min rest between sets. Probably should up the reps next round.

Too little accessory work in my opinion. Had to rush off to teach.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

DE Upper body 2nd February 2013

Bench with bands (medium bands)
85kg * 3 for 8 sets

80 * 5 for 5 sets

Seated lateral raises
10 * 12 for 4 sets
super slow negatives. Aimed for a 611 tempo.

Rear delts machine
61 * 20 for 4 sets
Done with a hard flex in the contracted position.

Lat pulldowns
85 * 10 for 5 sets
Done with a pause in the contracted position for 2 seconds.

Did a couple of sets of curls and some tricep push downs with bands

Friday, February 1, 2013

DE Lower Body 1st February 2013

Squat with bands (Medium bands)
92.5kg * 2 for 12 sets
rest time was 45s.

Deadlifts (speed pulls)
170 for 5 singles

A1: Toes to bar
BW * 10 for 2 sets
A2: Standing Ab crunch
Stack * 10 for 2 sets
BW * 10 for 2 sets
A1 to A3 were supersetted. Rest time was 1 min between supersets.

Weighted back extensions
80 * 10 for 2 sets