Monday, February 14, 2011



Seated Ham curl
35kg * 15
55 * 15
65 * 14
70 * 12
75 * 10
80 * 8, 8

Leg Press
50 * 10
100 * 10
140 * 10
180 * 10

Walking Lunges/Leg Press
BW * 30 (steps) / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10

Leg extensions
35 * 10, 10, 10

Talk about a killer leg workout. More enduranced based, and tried to take as little rest as I could in between. Started off with the hamstring curl, and these were done with a 2 secs hard contraction on the concentric. After that, went over to the leg press to warm up. Decided to be conservative for the superset, so stuck with 200kg for leg press and bodyweight lunges. Took a ~2 min rest in between each superset. By the end of the superset, quads were burning like crazy. Leg extensions after that were done with a 3 sec flex and squeeze at the contracted position. This burned like hell and I had to spend awhile stretching out my quads because they would cramp in between the sets. Next time I do the superset, shall do with weighted lunges instead.

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