Monday, February 28, 2011



Hamstring Curl
35kg * 15
55 * 15
65 * 15, 15

Glute Ham Raise
BW * 10, 10, 10

Leg Extension
45 * 15
65 * 15
85 * 10, 10, 10

Leg Press
150 * 15, 15, 15

For sled work, one set is 30 steps/leg for legs

Backwards sled drag
75kg * 1 set
100 * 1
120 * 4

Sled curls
50 * 4

Sled extensions
50 * 4

First time doing GHR after injuring my back. Looks like my back rehab is paying off. Stopped each GHR set at 10 to not over tax my lower back.

Sunday, February 27, 2011



Standing hamstring curl (one-legged)
25kg * 10
35 * 10
40 * 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
40 * 5 - 35 * 5 - 30 * 5 - 25 * 5 - 20 * 5 - 15 * 5

Back rehab

Saturday, February 26, 2011



Rope push downs
18 * 15, 12, 12

Decline Close Grip
Bar * 10
60kg * 10
80 * 10
100 * 8
120 * 4
100 * 8

One arm french press
10 * 10
15 * 10
17.5 * 8, 8

Cable push down (straight bar)
41 * 15, 15

Preacher curl
Bar * 10
30 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Alternate DB Held Hammer curls
12.5 * 8, 8, 10, 9

Back rehab

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Incline Bench - Week 3 cycle 2

Machine Fly
68 * 12, 12, 12, 12

Incline Bench
Bar * 5
40 * 5
60 * 5
82.5 * 5
92.5 * 3
102.5 * 3
72.5 * 10, 10, 10

Low Incline DB Fly
25 * 10, 10
30 * 8

Leaning Lateral Raise
10 * 20 (4 sets for the left side, 1 set for the right)

Standing front raise
10 * 15 (3 sets for the left, 1 set for the right)

Back rehab

Very uninspired lifting today because I'm sad. :(



Weighted pull ups
10kg * 5
20 * 5
25 * 3, 3
30 * 3, 3

Machine row
35 * 10, 10
45 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Straight Arm push down
31 * 12
41 * 12

Lat pulldown
75 * 10
65 * 10, 10

Back rehab program

Lighter weights, more focus on the squeeze and contraction of the lower back. Contracted positions were held for 1 to 2 seconds.


Had a contact lense infection and as a result, was blind the whole day, so couldn't train.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Press - Week 3 Cycle 3

Bar * 8
40 * 5
50 * 5
60 * 5
65 * 5
72.5 * 3
80 * 3

Bradford press
40 * 10, 10, 10

back rehab program

Today was a quick pressing workout, since I was rushing for time. Did the bradford press, which is basically a press where one rep constitues a press from the front to behind the neck and back to the front, essentially making it 2 presses per rep. I like bradford presses because I only have to count to 10, but i'm actually doing 20 reps. I trick myself into doing more work this way and I save some time too. Did the back rehab program when I came home.

Monday, February 21, 2011



*Used my house gym today, so not sure what the weights are since the stack machine is unlabeled*

Lying Leg curl
5 Plates * 15, 15, 15, 15
6 * 12
7 * 10
8 * 8
*For some reason, the lying leg curl seems pretty heavy even though the weights look light. Think my hamstrings are just weak.*

Leg Extension
8 * 15, 15
10 * 14
12 * 12
13 * 10

DB Stationary lunges (reps per leg)
15kg * 15, 15, 15

Back rehab program

Figured since the dumbbells only go up to 15kg at my house gym, I would do the leg curls and leg extensions before hand to tire out my legs before doing the lunges. Overall, brisk workout, hope my quads don't atrophy from the lack of squatting. As usual, did my back rehab program, although didn't do the thoracic mobilization since I don't the large foam roller at home. Back seems better and I only took the painkillers once this morning. The most acute pain usually occurs in the morning, but gets better throughout the day. All in all, seems hopeful that I can recover in my targeted time.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Incline bench - week 2 cycle 2

Machine fly
61kg * 12
68 * 12, 12, 12

Incline bench
Bar * 10, 10
40 * 5
60 * 5
75 * 5
87.5 * 3
97.5 * 3
70 * 10, 10, 10

Incline Flys
15 * 12
20 * 10
25 * 10, 10

Front raise (left shoulder only)
7.5 * 12, 12, 12, 12

Leaning lateral raise (left shoulder only)
7.5 * 15, 15, 15
5 * 15 (both left and right)

JM press
Bar * 10
40 * 10
60 * 10
50 * 10
70 * 8

Cable extensions (overhead)
21 * 21, 21

Rehab program for lower back

All pressing was done with focus on the chest. Incline flyes were done with arms bent at about 100 degrees. I find that this is the best way to do flyes, any straighter and I don't feel it in the muscle. I realized that when doing the main lift, it is good to view it as a movement, and when backing off with the volume work, to view it as a muscle. I did some shoulder work for my left shoulder for a number of reasons: 1) strengthen and rehab the joint, and 2) balance out the muscle size with my right shoulder. Realize that there is a strength imbalance between both sides, and as a result, the fibre recruitment in both sides are not balanced.

On a sidenote, using the. dumbbells for presses or flyes is kinda a pain to set up, since I can't 'deadlift' them onto my lap cause of my back. Am trying to avoid taking the painkillers unless I really need to, and to continue training around it. Target recovery time is aimed at the next 2 weeks, meaning to be able to row by week 9.

Thursday, February 17, 2011



Pull ups (Wide grip/shoulder width/neutral close grip)
6 sets of 5

One arm T-bars
20kg * 10
30 * 10

One arm Machine row
35 * 10
30 * 10, 10

Straight arm pushdown
31 * 12, 12, 12

Preacher Barbell curl (short straight bar/weight excludes bar)
Bar * 10
10 * 10
20 * 10, 10, 9
20 * 5 - 10 * 5 - Bar * 8 (last dropset)

Seated DB Hammer curls
17.5 - 12.5 - 7.5
*done as one dropset, but can't remember how many reps for each weight that I did, all I remember is that it wasn't easy.

Pull ups were all done with a one second squeeze at the top, where the focus was on pulling my scapula together and flexing the lats as hard as I could. 2 sets for each grip type. Controlled eccentric, but not to the point of it being a slow negative. These were ok to do, and didn't affect my lower back since the focal point of the contraction was in the lats and rhomboids (especially with the neutral close grip). All back exercises were done with the focus on squeezing the back muscles.

Had to wear a belt to do the T-bar one arms. Felt a little nagging pain even though I took some painkillers earlier, so shifted to the machine row. Same style, one second squeeze, and got a good stretch for the back with each rep.

Preacher bicep curls were done with a wide grip and tucking the elbows as close together as possible. Somehow, doing this on the preacher bench eliminates the wrist pain that you get when you do it standing with the barbell. Will use this more often.

Did my rehab program after training. This is what it looked like:

Supermans (each rep held for 2 secs, focus was on contraction of the lumbar, instead of hyperextension of the back)
3 sets of 10 reps

Bird dog pose (some yoga shit)
3 sets of 5 reps per side

Thoracic spine mobilization

Foam roll + stretching (in order)
Lower traps
Upper back (scapula apart)
Upper right back
Upper left back
Middle Back

All foam rolling was done for a minute on each part. Stretching was done for 3 sets of 20 secs.


My nagging lower back pain has finally caught up with me, culminating in an intensely uncomfortable feeling when I woke up today. Went to see the doctor who told me that I had a lower back sprain (duh, that much is obvious). But i went mostly because I needed the painkillers. So other than usual rolling and stretching and rehab stuff, will still be training, but mostly around the pain. No deads or squats at the moment, plus most bentover stuff. Did some research and came up with a rehab plan to do be done daily. Will do it tmr after I train.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Press - Week 2 Cycle 2

Bar * 5
40kg * 5, 5
50 * 5
60 * 3
67.5 * 3
75 * 3

DB Shoulder Press
30 * 10
35 * 10, 10

Lateral Raise
10 * 10
12.5 * 10
15 * 10
17.5 * 10

Rear Delt fly
91.5 * 12, 12, 12

Reduced rest times to ~ 1 min. Total workout time was 40 mins.

Monday, February 14, 2011



Seated Ham curl
35kg * 15
55 * 15
65 * 14
70 * 12
75 * 10
80 * 8, 8

Leg Press
50 * 10
100 * 10
140 * 10
180 * 10

Walking Lunges/Leg Press
BW * 30 (steps) / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10
BW * 30 / 200 * 10

Leg extensions
35 * 10, 10, 10

Talk about a killer leg workout. More enduranced based, and tried to take as little rest as I could in between. Started off with the hamstring curl, and these were done with a 2 secs hard contraction on the concentric. After that, went over to the leg press to warm up. Decided to be conservative for the superset, so stuck with 200kg for leg press and bodyweight lunges. Took a ~2 min rest in between each superset. By the end of the superset, quads were burning like crazy. Leg extensions after that were done with a 3 sec flex and squeeze at the contracted position. This burned like hell and I had to spend awhile stretching out my quads because they would cramp in between the sets. Next time I do the superset, shall do with weighted lunges instead.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


7.00 am: 6km Jog


Triceps workout

Rope pushdown
21 * 15, 10, 10

Close Grip Decline Bench
Bar * 8
60 * 10
80 * 10
100 * 8
120 * 5
100 * 8

One arm French Press
10 * 8
15 * 8
17.5 * 8, 8
17.5 * 8 - 15 * 8

Quick Triceps workout today since I'm not able to row this week.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Bench (incline) - Week 1 cycle 2

Machine Fly
68 * 10, 10, 10

Incine Bench
Bar * 5
60 * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5
80 * 10

Low Incline dumbell Bench
35 * 12
40 * 8
45 * 6

Low Incline fly
20 * 12
25 * 12

Hammer Curls
20 * 8
25 * 8
30 * 8
35 * 6

Preacher Barbell curl
2 sets to failure

Band pull aparts (small band)
100 reps total (10-20-30-40)

Very short quick workout. Took very little rest in between and kept up a good pace throughout. Flyes were all done with a controlled eccentric. Hammer curls were done as eccentricless as possible, with a hard contraction at the top. Preacher barbell curls were done for as many good reps as possible, then followed by half reps at the top half, then the bottom half.

Thursday, February 10, 2011



One arm T-bar rows
20kg * 10
30 * 10
40 * 10
50 * 8, 8

One arm barbell rows
30 * 10, 10, 10

Straight arm push down
31 * 10, 10, 10

Face pull
8 * 20, 20

Band pull aparts (small band)
70 reps

Rachel is retarded.


today's awesomezzz training was particularly great because rachel was in the gym to grace the occasion (: i can't thank her more!



10:55pm: 3km jog

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Press - Week 1 Cycle 2

Bar * 5
40kg * 5, 5
50 * 5
55 * 5
65 * 5
72.5 * 7

DB Shoulder Press
30 * 6
35 * 6
40 * 1
35 * 10

Seated Lateral Raise/Rear Delt Flye
10 * 15/95 * 12
10 * 15/95 * 12
10 * 15/ 68 * 20

JM press
40 * 10
60 * 10

Close Grip Bench (flat)
80 * 10
100 * 5

One-arm overhead tricep extensions
7.5 * 10
12.5 * 10
15 * 8
17.5 * 8

Tricep push down (using rope)
21 * 12
21 * 10 - 18 * 10

My lower back is still feeling some pain, so i had to wear a belt to do my presses, which is embarrassing enough as it is. To make matters worse, I failed to get more than a rep for shoulder press using the 40s because the pain was too much for me to take. Since the intention was an all out last set, I decided to be smart and use the 35s instead, but i was busting my balls just trying to squeak 10 reps out. Decided to superset side and rear delts together to save time.

Tried out a new method of warming up for the close grip bench. I did JM presses at the lighter weights, then when I hit the working weights, I reverted back to regular close grip benches. Seems to work quite well. By the way, JM presses sort of a integrated version of the regular close grip and tricep extensions. The close grips were done with a 1 sec pause in the stretched position, and flexed hard at the lock out. Overhead one arm extensions were done in the same way. Tricep extensions were done in the same way (ie. flexed hard when contracted, and allowing for the stretch in the eccentric position), but a shorter stretch time (<1 sec).

Overall, tricep workout was good and made up for a crappy shoulder session.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Lower Body (plus abit of bicep work)

Leg Press
50kg * 10
100 * 10
140 * 5
180 * 5
220 * 5
260 * 5
300 * 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Leg extensions
35 * 10
55 * 10
65 * 10
85 * 10

Hammer Curls (DB)
20 * 8
25 * 8
30 * 8
35 * 8

No squats or GHRs for me today, back is still feeling the pain, so I had to limit my lower body work to machines (*GAH). Decided to just get in more volume on the leg press and ramp up to a 5 x 5 ~ 300kg. All pressing was done explosive, with a hard contraction on the quads. Leg extensions (never thought i'd be touching these so soon) were all done with 1 sec squeeze at the contracted position, and for added pain, i kept my foot flexed towards my body (dorsiflexion). Hammer curls were fun to do as usual, and I think i might be able to start moving up to the 40s soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I slipped and fell in the toilet and hurt my lower back, so i'll be taking some time off from deads and squats. Coming week I'll still be training, but limited to exercises that won't aggravate the lower back. I think it's fortunate that I got hit on the meaty part of my lower back; can't say the same for the toilet.


I overslept this morning and missed training.

To make up for it and ease my guilty conscience, I ran 8km (according to, but according to my mum's stepometer, it was 7.6km.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Incline Bench - Week 3 Cycle 1

60kg * 5
70 * 5
100 * 5
140 * 3
150 * 5
170 * 3

Incline Bench
Bar * 8
40 * 8
50 * 8
60 * 8
80 * 5
95 * 3
105 * 1

Smith flat bench
20 (per side) * 10
30 * 10
40 * 10

Machine flyes
60 * 10, 10, 10, 10

Hammer Curls
20 * 8
22.5 * 8
24 * 8
26 * 10

One arm Machine Preacher Curl
18 * 10, 10, 10

Worked out at Tamp SSC gym today. Started with deadlifts since I haven't done them for the week yet. Was supposed to work up to 190kg but there were no more plates available, so I just moved on to the incline bench. Hate working out in public gyms; maybe i'm just spoilt. Anyway, incine bench did more warming up then usual, and the ramping jumps were pretty small, so thought I'd do more reps to get more blood into my chest as possible and get a higher work volume. Also, make a mental note to roll my quads, still feel as tight as ever.

Happy CNY everyone! I'm off to finish a bottle of shrimp rolls..... nomnomnom


Back work

Lat Pulldown
Worked up to 3 working sets of the full stack * 8

Vbar Pull down
Worked up to 3 working sets of half the stack * 12

One armed cable rows
Worked up to 3 working sets of half the stack * 12

Straight Arm pull downs
3 sets of half the stack * 10

Rear delt flyes on the bench
9kg * 40, 40, 40

half the stack * 10, 12

Hard stretching 30 sec per side

Today's CNY and since safra gym is charging 16 bucks to use their gym, I can't deadlift today. This made me pissed since the only gym open is my house condo gym. I have no idea how heavy the full stack for the machine weights are, but obviously they aren't alot, so I kept the reps high. I will be deadlifting tmr so that will be something to look forward to. Wish I had a squat rack at home.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


KNS today I missed training and had to push a car up a ramp. FML my traps and legs and glutes are dying.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Press - Week 3 Cycle 1

Bar * 5
40kg * 5
50 * 5
60 * 5
70 * 3
75 * 1
77.5 * 3

Pull ups (Done in between sets of presses)

DB Shoulder Press
30 * 6
35 * 8
40 * 5
35 * 8

Lateral Raises
20 * 12
22.5 * 10
25 * 6
20 * 12
10 * 20

Close Grip Bench
60 * 8
80 * 8, 8, 8

French Presses
20 * 8, 8

Today I forgot to bring milo packets to the gym, but then I found 2 packets in my bag! Little surprises like this make my day!

On the whole, so-so workout. Shoulders felt good, but had a problem feeling the triceps. Could have done more sets with the 40s, and will do so next round.