Monday, December 31, 2012

ME Lower Body 31st December 2012

Reverse Band Box Squat (big bands)
180kg * 5
200 * 3
220 * 1
Bands deloaded 30kg at bottom position. All sets were done beltless. Happy with the new PR. Good way to end the year!

BW * 8 for 5 sets
Tempo was roughly 401. Really kept a tight lower back and flexed glutes to push all the tension onto the hamstrings. Also adjusted the pad much further forward so there was more weight placed on the hamstrings.

Single Leg Leg-press
2 pps * 10 for 5 sets (per leg)
Got a good stretch at the bottom position, and tried focusing on pushing through the middle of my foot instead of the heel or the toes. In a sense, was trying to emulate the way I would press the floor away when I squat. These were pretty rhythmic and probably could have been more deliberate.

A1: Standing Cable Crunch
20kg plate + the stack * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Leg raises
BW * 10
A1 and A2 were supersetted. The standing Cable crunch was much tougher than usual because of the additional fatigue from supersetting it with the leg raises. As with all the accessory work, kept the rest time very low, so was sucking air quite a bit toward the end of the 3rd set. General focus was constant tension on the abs and flexing them hard throughout the reps.

Weighted Back extensions
60 * 10 for 5 sets
Felt this not only in the lower back, but also in my lats and more so in my teres minor. Really hate lower back work, but gotta get it much much stronger because it is weak shit right now.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking forward

The plan for my next training phase starts on monday. Will be resuming westside training template. Days will be as follows:

Mon - Max Effort Lower

Wed - Max Effort Upper

Fri - Dynamic effort Lower

Sat - Dynamic effort Upper

Training template is as follows:

1. Max effort (or dynamic effort) movement
2. Hams exercise
3. Quads exercise
4. Abs
5. Lower back
Accessory work will be anywhere from 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps (this will vary)

1. Max effort (or dynamic effort) movement
2. Triceps exercise
3. Upper back exercise
4. Lat exercise
5. Shoulder exercise
Accessory work will be anywhere from 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps (this will vary)

Pretty straightforward, I think.

Worked on some squat technique today, but everything was just tight. My shoulders, upper back, biceps, glutes. Pretty much just did a whole bunch of squat technique and then did a shitload of foam rolling. Will take tmr off as well and get some rest in!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Back 28th December 2012

Pull ups / Dips / High pulls
BW * 10 / BW * 10 / 20kg * 10

Straight Arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

DB rows
40 * 15 for 3 sets

Seated machine rows
45 * 12 for 3 sets
Held for 3 seconds at the contracted position with hard flex.

Lat pulldown
105 * 12 for 2 sets
95 * 12 for 1 set

Preacher DB curl
15 * 10 for 2 sets
4 second negatives.

Single arm Hammer curls (cross body)
worked up to 1 set of 6 with 40kg
12.5 * 20
Decided to do a heavy set of hammers today. Single seems much harder to do than alternating curls. Form was definitely very laxed, but concentrated on really just flexing up the brachialis muscles. Last set of 20 was done very strict with a 2 second squeeze and a slow negative. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bench 27th December 2012

130kg * 3 for 10 sets
Last day of smolov jr. Most of the sets were pretty good, save for the 8th and 10th sets, where my last reps were really slow. Other than that, everything went up smooth and the weight actually felt rather light for the first couple of sets. Only thing that annoyed me was the bar path was not as good as it should have been, and the bar started straying towards my chin instead of maintaining a straight line up. 

DB tricep extension
15 * 12 for 5 sets
Did some tricep work after the benching since I won't have another bench day till next week. Took a full ROM on this and tried to keep the rest time around a minute. 

Seated Single arm laterals
12.5 * AMRAP for 3 sets
Went pretty hard on this in terms of really slowing down the negative as much as possible. Didn't really count a specific tempo as I usually do, but just kept concentrating on the tension in the delt and stopped the set when I couldn't even hold the DB in the contracted position for a split second. 

A1: High Face pull
16 * 12 for 2 sets
A2: Bradford presses
30 * 12 for 2 sets
Inspired by Abel, I decided to add in bradford presses just to finish off the shoulders (bodybuilder in me talking). Went with a moderate rhythm on the presses (something like a 101 tempo). Face pulls were done with a hard flex in the contracted position and held for a 2 count. My whole upper back area and delts were so fried from the face pulls, that 30kg actually felt decently heavy lol

Spent the majority of today being a coolie unloading fitness equipment from a container in woodlands. My safety squat bar is here! But unfortunately, I couldn't transport it back cos it couldn't fit in the car :( Oh well, I guess I gotta wait for my friend to deliver it on the 3rd of Jan. Sigh. Speaking of squatting though, I tried to muscle up an atlas stone (a very pussy 80kg like wtf) and I think I must have pulled my left glute or something. Hurts to walk like wtf. Really dumb of me for not knowing better. Hopefully some rolling and stretching should clear it up. I really need to roll the shoulders as well. My mobility really is going to shit. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bench 26th December 2012

Front Squat
100kg * 8 for 3 sets
Nothing really tough or intense, just wanted to squat a little today. Was intending to squat heavy today, but upon receiving news that the safety squat bar would be here tmr, I decided to save my squatting for tmr! Tried the standard oly front rack position and it was insanely tough on my wrists! My mobility is 100% shit. Reverted to cross arm racking in the end. 

122.5 * 4 for 8 sets
Grinded out the last rep of the last set, which is never a good sign. Despite this, all the rest of the sets were good. Minimal sticking halfway up (with the exception of the final reps of the 2nd last and last sets), so pretty satisfied with overall performance. I must admit this was pretty shag, and tmr's 130 for 10 sets of 3 is starting to look kinda tough haha. We'll see how it goes.

A1: Hanging Leg raise
BW * 12 for 2 sets
A2: Standing AB crunch
20kg plate + the stack * 10 for 2 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted and as I as feeling lazy, this was all the accessory work I did. Really was too tired to do much else tbh.

Band pushdowns
Medium band * 20 for 3 sets
Did these just to get in some sort of low intensity tricep work. Really no explanation as to why I did these other than restorative work I guess.

Pretty Lazy workout overall haha But I got in the work sets and that's that. Happy Boxing Day!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Back + Bis 25th December 2012

There are no indications for the weights on the machines in my gym, so will only be putting the worksets and reps.

Wide grip Lat pulldown
3 sets 10 reps

Straight bar cable rows
Worked up to a good set of 10 reps

Single arm cable row
3 sets of 12 reps

Straight arm pushdown
2 sets of 15 reps

Underhand pulldown
2 sets of 15 reps
All back work was done with a 1 sec pause at the contracted position (hard flex) and with an emphasis on generating maximal tension throughout the sets.

Single arm preacher
2 sets of 10 reps
Tempo was 501, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension throughout the set.

Hammer Curls
1 set of 10 reps
1 sets of 20 reps
Tempo was 401, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension. The weight was the same for both sets, but the second was taken to failure.

Incline DB curl
2 sets AMRAP
Tempo was 301, with an emphasis on generating maximal tension. 


Monday, December 24, 2012

Bench 24th December 2012

Upper body warm up
Pullups / Dips / face pulls
Exercises were supersetted. 10 reps each. 3 sets. 

115kg * 5 for 7 sets
Trained at Thomson gym today with Abel. Really good atmosphere, although I had to keep doublechecking the plates to make sure they were the correct weights. Other than that, performance was decent and the weight moved easily, although the very last rep of the last set was way too slow for my liking. Bordering on grinding. Kept in mind all the little technique pointers that I worked on on sat, and am starting to really get my bench groove on.

Lateral raises (single arm)
3 sets of 10+
Can't really remember the weight, but it was 10ish kg, maybe 11 or 12. Intended tempo was 501, although the eccentric got faster by the time I was halfway into the set. Didn't really bother with rep counts, just did AMRAP with my right side and tried to match it with my left.

Overhead Face pulls
31 * 20 for 3 sets
Did a 1 second contraction at the top of the movement. Really fried up my whole upper back even though the weight was miniscule. Supersetted these with machine flyes, but the machine flyes were more just restorative work than anything. 

Pretty good and straightforward session. Probably will go down and train there when my timing and logistics allow me to do so.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bench 22nd December 2012

107.5 * 6 for 6 sets
Worked on alot of technique today since the weight was really light, and Xianglin was there to help me look out for my bar leveling and my pressing symmetry.  Surprisingly light weight even though it's the 3rd week, despite me using 95% of my max to calculate the weights. Anyway, was happy with the overall progress because really tightened up the form somewhat, so I just have to remember the same things (equal descent on my left and right side, and my positioning on the bench) when I next bench.

BW * 6 for 3 sets
Actually wanted to do with a 5kg plate, but realized it was tough enough as it is because the tempo was 41X. 

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 20kg plate * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Weighted back extension
42.5kg * 10 for 3 sets
A1 and A2 were supersetted with no rest in between. Standing Ab crunch was pretty tough, and was done with a tempo of 301. Weighted back extensions were done with a tempo of 21X. 

B1: Leg raises
BW * 10 for 3 sets
B2: Reverse Hyper
Small band * 10 for 3 sets
B1 and B2 were supersetted with no rest in between.

Single arm laterals (seated)
10 * 12 for 3 sets
Tempo was 40X; 60s rest in between sets. I tried to do a one second contraction at the top before lowering. Tried to generate as much tension in the delt throughout the movement.

Rear Lateral machine
54 * 20 for 2 sets
Tempo was 111; 60s rest in between the sets. Gripped the machine with a reverse grip (palms facing each other) instead of the standard palms facing down grip.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Back + Biceps 21st December 2012

Pullups/Dips/High pull warm up
Did BW pullups, BW dips, 20kg High pulls supersetted for a warm up. 3 supersets, no rest in between, 10 reps on each exercise.

Lat pulldown
125kg * 8 for 3 sets
All reps were done with a 2 second contraction at the bottom position, and a one second contraction at the top.

DB rows
45 * 12 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 12 for 2 sets

A1: Rear delt machine
54 * 15 for 3 sets
A2: Wide grip pullups
BW * 8, 6, 5
A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time 1 min in between. Pullups were done with a 1 second contraction at the top.

False grip shrugs
100 * 12 for 3 sets
Used a false grip to really work the grip. Shrugs were done with a 2 sec contraction at the top.

Calf presses
2 pps * 10 for 7 sets
The tempo was 321 and rest time in between was only 45 seconds. Each set lasted about a minute. These were tough, but I really like the feeling in my calves after.

Hammer curls
30 * 6 for 2 sets
These were done much stricter than usual, with a hard contraction at the top, hence the lesser reps with relatively 'light' weight. Warmed up with sets of 8 before hitting the top sets.

BB curl
40 * 8 for 2 sets
These were done with a 4 second negative on each rep. 

Spider curls (single arm)
7.5 * 10 for 2 sets
These were done with a 6 sec negative on each rep.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Squat + Bench 20th December 2012

117.5kg * 3
135 * 3
152.5 * 3
170 * 3, 1

Warmed up using the 25kg plates instead of the 20kg ones. Warm up weights sequence was bar, 70, 100. I didn't count the number of sets I did for my warm ups, but I did quite a few with the bar. Right glute still feels stiff and tight despite all the rolling, but definitely much better than the last session. However, felt the strain during my 2nd rep of the 2nd set of 170kg, so decided to let this one go instead of risking blowing out the muscle. Stopped the squats here and decided that given all the various disruptions to training, there was no point in continuing the intense phase. I will run this another time in the future. In the meantime, I think I will 'deload' the next 2 weeks or so for my squats and go with lighter weight and higher reps.

125 * 3 for 10 sets

Bench felt good and strong. Took longer rest in between than usual (2-3 mins). Nothing much to say except that my technique still needs alot of work, but I've really starting to get used to tightening up even more. Also, I need to control the bar more since Max and Basil pointed out my bar path was still inclining backwards on the ascent.

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 15kg plate * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Weighted back extension
40 * 10 for 3 sets
Standing crunches and weighted back extensions were done with a tempo of 32X. Just started including the back extensions, and they really flush the blood into the spinal erectors. Really awesome stuff. Probably should start adding in some anti-rotational core work as well.

Seated Lateral raises
10 * 12 for 3 sets
These were done with a tempo of 501. Haven't done direct shoulder work in a while, so decided to add some in. Controlling the tempo allowed me to really get in some time under tension without fatiguing the muscle too much.

High Bar face pull
26 * 10 for 3 sets
Done with a 211 tempo.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bench + Back 19th December 2012

117.5kg * 4 for 8 sets
Bench was good. Worked on technique throughout the working sets, and felt more in control. Was able to really activate the lats to help support the descent. I must remember to ask max to observe my bar path tmr and see if it's travelling straight up or up and back. I have a feeling it's not entirely straight up although it does feel like it.

Single arm lat pulldown
55 * 10 for 4 sets
These were done with a 1 sec pause in the contracted position. Rest time in between sets was ~1 min.

Straight arm pushdown (rope)
16 * 15 for 4 sets
These were done very strict, with a 521 tempo. Rest time in between sets was ~1 min. Even though the weight was embarrassingly light, the lactic buildup was just insane. I find I get a better squeeze, especially into the rhomboid area doing this with the rope.

Prone Rear delt raises (DB)
7.5 * 15 for 3 sets
These were done with a tempo of 321. Rest time in between sets was <45s. Weight was light, but my back was really burnt by then, so even holding at the top for a two count was relatively tough. This helped hit not only the rear delts, but all the inner back muscles like the lower traps and rhomboids. 

Wide Grip Pull up
BW * 8 for 2 sets
By this stage, my back was pretty tired out. I'll take it as my conditioning wasn't up to par, which means I need more focused back work like this to push myself. Tempo for this exercise was 221, but honestly, by the last 3 reps, it was more like 211. Again, this was another exercise that really helped hit the scapular retractor muscles. I did these with a more upright body angle instead of a utilizing a lean back.

DB concentration curls
12.5 * 12 for 2 sets
These were done with a strict tempo of 51X.

21 rep Curls (21s)
20kg for 3 sets
 By this stage I really didn't feel like handling any really heavy curling, so I decided on 21s instead to (shamefully) chase the pump. Tempo was 111. These were done first with 7 bottom half reps, then 7 top half reps and finally 7 full range reps. I actually used 3 different grips. Did regular supinated grip, then reverse grip, then finished off with two 10kg dumbbells with a hammer grip.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Squat + Bench 17th December 2012

110kg * 3
125 * 3
145 * 3
155 * 1
165 * 1

110 * 5 for 7 sets

A1: Standing Ab crunch
Stack + 10kg plate * 9 for 3 sets
A2: 45 deg Back Extension
BW * 12
Bar * 9, 9
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, no rest in between sets

B1: Dumbbell fly
10 * 15 for 3 sets
B2: Single arm lat pulldown
32.5 * 12 for 3 sets

Standing Ham curl
25 * 10 for 3 sets

Was supposed to do 2 sets of triples with 170kg on the squat today, but I strained my right glute on the first rep. Decided to cut the squat there since my glute and hams were extremely tight and I couldn't squat since it started to hurt abit. This is the second session in a row that I have missed top working sets. I think I need to up the restorative work. Hopefully I can squat by thursday. Currently having trouble even sitting down or getting up.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Squat + Bench 15th December 2012

110kg * 3
125 * 3
145 * 3
162.5 * 5, 5, 5, 4, 4

102.5 * 6 for 6 sets

BW * 6 for 4 sets
A2: Standing Cable Crunch
Stack + 10kg plate * 8 for 4 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, no rest time in between

B1: Single Leg machine extensions
25 * 15 for 4 sets
B2: High face pull
16 * 15 for 4 sets

- B1 and B2 were supersetted, no rest time in between

Really tried to dial in the squat technique today. Changed my squat stance wider so I could really sit back more and keep my shins vertical. My descents were all too slow as I was so focused on sitting back and really letting the hamstrings take the weight. Ended up failing the last rep on the last two sets for squat. The pressure buildup was immense! Really understand what getting tight under the bar means now. My head was slightly woozy after and I had to take a 15 min break before I could bench. The squats really kicked my ass big time today lol As a result, my accessory work was much lighter than usual, except for the ab work. Realy going to start upping the weight for ab work and strengthen my core up.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Back 14th December 2012

A1: Pullup
BW * 10 for 3 sets
A2: Dips
BW * 10 for 3 sets
- A1 and A2 were supersetted, minimal rest time in between

Lat pulldown
Worked up to 145kg * 6
115 * 12
- Did many sets of 8 starting from 75 and pyramiding up by 10kg to the top weight

Straight arm pushdown (kneeling)
21 * 15 for 3 sets

Power shrugs (thumbless grip)
120 * 5 for 3 sets
- these were hard, my grip really is shit

Preacher DB curl
15 * 10 for 2 sets

Standing barbell curl
40 * 12
40 * 15, then changed to reverse grip and did another 15 reps

Back today after a week long hiatus. Had to rush down to KL because my aunt passed away. I'm happy that it was a peaceful passing and that she had the chance to see my nephew and spend time with us because in singapore before that for my cousin's wedding. Rest well Aunty Mary! (':

Was itching to get back in the gym again. Have to rearrange the smolov schedule, so now the training schedule is as follows:

Saturday - Smolovs 1 & assistance work
Sunday - Back
Monday - Smolovs 2 & assistance work
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Smolov jr 3 & assistance work
Thursday - Smolov 3 & Smolov jr 4 & assistance work
Fri - Rest

Didn't eat much over in KL as my aunt's only eat a meal or two a day. Tried to get in as many calories as I could and was probably getting in no more than 150g of protein a day. However, I think this was offset by my extremely low activity level and PLENTY of rest that I got, so didn't lose much (if any) muscle and strength.

Decided to go heavy on the lat pulldown today. Still felt the back working at 135kg for 8 reps and got a decent pump overall. 145 was too heavy and ended up with shit form, but it was worth a shot I guess. Squatting tmr! Probably will have to do a lot more warming up and technique work. Also, I will probably be incorporating kettlebell swings into my training as an assistance exercise (more of a restorative element, since the highest weight is only 24kg).

Friday, December 7, 2012

Bench 7th December 2012

112.5kg * 4 for 8 sets

Face pulls (straight bar)
21 * 20 for 3 sets

Quick and fast training today. Including warm up, it took me only 25 mins to get the whole thing done. Had to rush off cos of an unfortunate family event. Hope my mum is alright.

Back 6th December 2012

BW * 10 for 3 sets

One arm BB row
73 * 5 for 3 sets

Cable rows
Stack * 15 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
95 * 15 for 3 sets

BB curl
50 * 8
40 * 12 for 2 sets

Inclined Seated DB curls (Fatgrips)
10 * 12 for 3 sets

Basic Back work. I like the feel of the one arm barbell rows. Everything was done with a squeeze in the contracted position and a maximal stretch between reps. Curls were done with a 3 sec negative.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Squat + Bench 5th December 2012

117.5kg * 3
135 * 3
152.5 * 4
162.5 * 3 for 3 sets
171 * 3

105 * 5 for 7 sets

BW * 8 for 3 sets

A2: Standing Ab crunch
43 * 17 for 3 sets

A3: Face pull
21 * 20 for 3 sets

- A1 to A3 were supersetted, no rest time between sets, so all 9 sets were done one after the other.

Squat was good today. Decided to adopt a slightly wider stance (one foot position wider). This really allowed me to get in the groove and really sit back and depend on the hams to power me out of the hole. Nailed down technique with the lighter weights; must have done at least 5 sets just with the bar. No tip over even at the top sets, which surprised me. 171 flew up relatively fast. Very happy with the squat performance overall.

Bench was also good. But my recovery isn't fantastic. Kept the and rest time relatively low (~60+s). Focus was still on the speed and acceleration of the bar. Set 6 and 7, fatigue started to set in so speed on the last rep wasn't as fast and explosive as the first 4. Looking forward to fri and sat's sessions. Was pressed for time, so ended up just doing set after set for the accessory work with no rest in between.

Back 4th December 2012

BW * 10 for 3 sets

One armed BB row
60kg * 5 for 3 sets

Machine row
75 * 10 for 3 sets

Straight Arm pushdown
21 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldown
105 * 12 for 2 sets, 15 on the last set

Had a horrible headache since I woke up. Didn't lighten up as I trained so I lightened the weights instead. One armed BB rows seem to be pretty good for grip since balancing the short bar is rather tough. Shall start off more of my back sessions with it and see whether it helps.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Squat + Bench 3rd December 2012

107.5kg * 4
125 * 4
145 * 4
162.5 * 3, 4, 4

97.5 * 6 for 6 sets

BW * 8 for 3 sets

A2: Standing Ab crunch
43 * 17 for 3 sets

A3: Face pull
21 * 20 for 3 sets

- A1 - A3 were supersetted, rest time was 1 min between  supersets.

Tried a 5th rep on the last set of squats, but I think I didn't rest enough from the previous set. Really pushed the rest time today, barely 3 mins between the top sets. However, I feel better about my back as there was not much rolling forward with the top weights. Felt tighter in my set up, although my wrists felt loose. Think I didn't grip the bar hard enough as I descended.

Also, started Smolov jr. bench today. Really concentrated on the speed and letting the acceleration take me through the sticking point. Since the weight was light, it moved really fast, but I was rather gassed by the end of each set. To give an idea of the speed, I did all 6 reps in one breath.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Squat 1st December 2012

120kg * 4
125 * 4
145 * 4 for 5 sets

Dead stop One armed barbell rows (short bar)
33 * 5
43 * 5
53 * 5
63 * 5
73 * 5 for 3 sets

Cable rows
the stack * 15 for 3 sets

Straight arm pushdown
26 * 15 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
95 * 15
105 * 12
115 * 10

Standing Abs crunch
43 * 16 for 3 sets

Much better training today. Since the squats were light today, I did them in a more bodybuilding style, trying to keep constant tension on the quads. Max and I pushed the rest time since the weights were light (and because admittedly, I wanted to get a pump in my quads lol). Other than that, the rest was just back work. Everything basically felt good so I guess sleeping more really does help. Did some posing practice in the studio after I closed the gym today. Cardio for the day hehe but no pics cos I was alone :( but no one wants to see flabs and thighs so it's really not much of a loss haha

Bench 30th November 2012

Reverse band bench
Worked up to 170kg * 3
then 130 * 10 for 2 sets

Behind the neck pressing
40 * 10 for 3 sets

A1: Lateral raises
10 * 20 for 2 sets
A2: Straight bar face pull
21 * 20 for 2 sets

- A1 and A2 were supersetted, rest time about 2 mins in between

Overhead DB extensions
17.5  for 15 for 3 sets

After that it was a random assortment of tricep exercises and i did a couple sets of curls. I am also ashamed to admit that I curled in the squat rack at some point. Please don't hate.

Training was horrible because I was operating on 4h of sleep collectively since wed. I would prefer this session disappeared from my memory forever. Wanted to do DB shoulder presses after bench, but 40s felt exceptionally heavy, so just 86ed the idea and went with light weights and slow controlled movements. Laterals were done with super negatives (my lame way of saying it was a 5 sec drop, but actually it became more like 2 secs by the 15th rep lol). Whatever, random haphazard session that really serves to remind me that not everyday is sunday in the gym.