Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Press 24th September 2013

Upper mob + stretch

Bar * 10
30kg * 10
40 * 5
50 * 5
57 * 3
66 * 2
71 * 1
76 * 1
80 * 14 (PR)
85 * 1
90 * 1
95 * 1
100 * 1
105 * 1 (PR)
100 * 3 (PR)
90 * 3
Today is apparently a PR day. All the PR lifts were done with wrist wraps though, in light of my recently sprained right wrist. Today the pressing groove was really good. The rep set felt really nice and light, but weren't super strict in that I dropped them faster and tried to get a fast tempo rather than go rep by rep. I would actually consider all the sets from 95kg onwards PRs as this time the reps were all strict. 100 moved relatively easy, but 105 was a grinder. My theory is that my super small baby wrists are a limiting factor. A bit lazy to go into detail so if you want to know more just drop me a text. Good press day, looks like the rep work did help a little.

Incline Close grip Pause bench
60 * 10
80 * 5 * 5
*add foam pad*
60 * 10 * 5
Rest time in between was 45 secs. All reps were paused for a second. These were much tougher than expected. My tris were really fried by the end.

DB overhead tricep extension
12 * 15 * 4
Rest time was 30s.

Rope pushdowns
3 sets of 15
Rest time was 30s.

Banded Chest presses (Med band + light band)
3 sets of 20
Rest time was 30s.

Talk about a pump. Triceps were burning up towards the end, and my chest was pumped up. I actually have a chest! My fever was gone by this morning, I think it might have been the deadlifting yesterday hehe Spent an hour and a half stretching out after training though. What an awesome session to kickstart my holiday and complete deload!! Update you guys in a week's time!

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