Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 1 Press 10th September 2013

Upper body rolling and stretch

Band warm up

Bar * 10
40kg * 10
50 * 5
60 * 5
66 * 5 * 5
66 * 21/9/5
Pretty decent numbers on the press. Although I realize I tend to be able to get higher reps with anything below 70kg, so probaby have to see next week's session to gauge. This set was still relatively easy though and today's pressing felt really good.

Close grip bench
100 * 5 * 6
Last reps were paused. These feel much lighter than previous weeks, despite the rest pause set from pressing.

Bradford Press
40 * 15 * 3
Shag... 90s rest between. Sick lactic acid burn. I want delts like lionel's..

Farmer's walks
44.5kg * 4 trips along the concourse
Rest time 1 min. Did these with Eugene so we went one after the other.

Overhead DB extension
10 * 15
15 * 10
17.5 * 10 * 3
REst time 1 min.

Rope pushdown
2 sets of 15
Rest time 30s.

GHR abs
20kg plate * 20 * 3
1 min rest.

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