Thursday, September 19, 2013

Juggernaut 5s Wave Week 3 Squat 19th September 2013

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 5
95 * 5
112.5 * 4
132.5 * 3
142.5 * 2
152.5 * 1
160 * 11 (PR!)
160 * 2 * 4 Practiced slight pausing and then accelerating maximally

*Add medium reverse bands*
160 * 5
180 * 3
200 * 1
210 * 2

*Remove bands*
180 * 5 (PR!)

Paused Squats
160 * 1
150 * 3 * 3

Front squats
60 * 10 * 5

BW * 20 * 1

GHR abs
10kg plate * 50

Talk about a good session! Two massive PRs today! Went past my target of 10 reps for 160kg with 11 reps instead, and felt so good after the reverse bands that I decided to try 180kg for reps. My previous PR with 180 was only 2 reps. Rather stoked that I got 5 because this was done after previous work sets. Actually felt pretty stiff today, but ended up killing some good shit, and with no mobility or stretching warm ups 0_o Had to wrap my right wrist though, from the sprain on tues. Kinda lame, but oh well. Also, I don't think this was evident all this while, but all the lifts are done beltless and wrapless cos I had some ppl asking me if these were belted.

From a technical perspective though, my racking felt weird, and the bar felt uneven, even though the squat groove was smooth. Upper shelf could have been much tighter because of this and after analyzing my pictures, I realize that the bar seems to be unevenly biased towards the left. Funny thing is this actually made my squat groove better because my tendency is to drift to the right due to tighter right psoas, but this came at the expense of my upper back tightness. Definitely need to correct a shitload. Wanted to go slightly heavier on the Front squats, but by this time, my legs were so fried, I could only manage 60s for sets of 10, so I just cut the rest time for them (about 45s). Quads were pumped, but managed to really sit down. New respect to Abel because doing this with higher weight really means you have to have some fucking strong (and massive) quads. Thompson beast I'm coming for you!

I probably won't squat again for 2 weeks cos next week thurs i'll be in sydney, and that first week is a deload cum holiday in the moutains with my girl. Hopefully I can get back into the groove after that! Depending on how I feel, I might continue with the 3s wave week 1 in sydney, or just take another week off, and do sheiko #29 after i'm back.

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