Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bench Meet 14th September 2013

Close grip Bench
120kg * 1
130 * 1
135 * 1
100 * 12 (lol)

45kg * 1
65 * 1

Today was the bench meet and it was really fun! Had to bench close grip, cos my shoulder didn't feel good. Couldn't push fast without it hurting, so had to take it slow. Still, this is a PR for me, since i've never paused closegrip my bench before. Played with the farmers handles after that with a bunch of the rest, was really fun too, but took my time with it cos every step my quads were aching from friday's squat sesh. Good shit. Am excited to finish up the 5s wave and hopefully move on to the 3s wave. Might not do the 3s wave and instead run a cycle of smolov for my squat and bench due to it's simplicity, and also cos it's about 1 year since I last ran the smolov meso cycle for my squat. We'll see how things go! All a matter of timing!

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