Friday, October 11, 2013

Smolov Week 1 Day 1 11th October 2013

133kg * 9 * 4

Close Grip bench
97.5kg * 6 * 6

Flight got delayed so only ended up back in spore at 8ish. Grabbed a quick bite at macs and headed straight to the gym. Unlike most, I tend to lose weight on a holiday and this time was no exception. Felt a little off groove for both lifts after 2 weeks of halved food intake and no training haha 

Squats were tougher than they should have been, even though my rest time was relatively long (at 3 mins). Bench was ridiculously 'hard', didn't have much control of the bar and was slow to lock out on the last reps. I also ended up puking in between the 5th and 6th set of bench. Gross. 

Made it through in less than hour (~50 mins), but hopefully getting back into 'diet' and just training in general will fix that. The numbers for this round of smolov are really daunting though, but it never gets any easier does it? 

Anyway, decided to do smolov instead of the 3s wave of juggernaut, due to a myraid of factors, but mostly because of a lot of personal issues happening all at once. I guess this is where discipline kicks in. Time to go full russian!

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