Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cube Week 9 bodybuilding day 29th June 2013

Foam roll: Upper body
Warm up: Band flyes/pressdowns/pullaparts, 2 rounds, 15 reps

Bar * 10
40kg * 10
60 * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 1
130 * 2

Paused Wide Grip Bench presses
82.5 * 10, 10

Military press
40 * 10, 10
60 * 10, 15

Seated laterals
20 * 10 for 5 sets

Front raises
10 * 10, 15

Incline DB flyes
10 * 25, 25

BB shrugs superset with Rear lateral machine
3 sets, 12 reps each, 5 second holds

Lat pulldown
105 * 10 for 4 sets

Over DB extension
17.5 * 10 for 3 sets
These were supersetted with band pressdowns (large) for AMRAP.

All accessories were 1 min rest.

Last sesh before meet day, and feeling good about bench. Hit the opener for an easy double that was paused on both reps. The rest of the accessories were all mostly light pump up stuff. Did some heavy laterals cos I haven't done them in a while and today felt good. 

The whole cube cycle has been tremendous, and I must say that I really enjoy the volume put in, especially the high rep squat sets. It reminded me again how hard I have to train and brought me out of my comfort zone. Despite the injuries, I could still work around them and stick to the program as much as possible, and it really taught me auto-regulation, despite the structured approach. Hopefully, I'll see the results of the cycle next week! Can't wait for the meet! Time to rest and recover!

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