Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cube week 7 bodybuilding day 15th June 2013

Foam roll: full body
Shoulder distractions and dislocations
Warm up: band flyes/pressdowns/pull aparts, 15 reps, 2 rounds, no rest

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 8, 8
80 * 8
100 * 5
115 * 3 for 6 sets
Bench was done explosive. Managed to figure out the leg positioning and get my groove. Also worked on keep the head to he bench.

3 board
120 * 2
130 * 2
140 * 2, 2

Tricep hell (up to 4 board)
100kg, each level 5 reps, rest paused in between 3 board and 4 board

Lying dumbbell extensions
10 * AMRAP for 3 sets
This was supersetted with band pressdowns on a med band.

Lateral raises
10 * AMRAP for 2 sets
Super slow negatives, hit 25 on the first set and 27 on the second.

BB rows (from dead stop)
100 * 10 for 3 sets

Machine rows
45 * 15 for 3 sets

Rear delt machine superset with face pulls
20 reps each, 1 min rest, 2 sets

DB shrugs superset with rear delt machine
12 reps each, 1 min rest, contracted position was held for 5 secs for both exercises
This was pretty killer. Used 22.5kg DBs and 33kg on the rear delt machine and it was already tough.

Single arm hammers
30 * 8 for 3 sets
Done pretty strict, minimal body english.

GHR abs
3 sets of 20

Happy with today's training. Despite the lack of sleep, managed to figure out a good bench position to use for com. Felt strong and fast on explosive on the bench sets today.


  1. You'll be competing in the under 105s I presume?

  2. yeah,in the under 105s as well. My morning weight is only about 94.something@6'2 though. so i'll probably be the skinniest in the weight class. hoping for 180/140/220 at least..

    1. haha i'm a tweener, around 99 morning weight. But those are some pretty decent numbers! Do you have a training blog up?

    2. and damn, 6,2, you'll be towering over me haha

    3. No training blog,but i upload videos once in awhile on my youtube channel.
      Btw is your university training facility open to public?

  3. Cool, was thinking of uploading vids too, but always lazy to take, especially if training alone. I'll go check it out! Sadly, the university gym is only restricted to the students and faculty :( However, my last week of prep next week I'll probably be training mon and wed at tamp SSC, with Benjamin Oer. Not sure if you're familiar with him..

    1. I know benjamin, found you through him actually. Perhaps i shall join the two of you.

    2. FB me and i'll pass you my mobile there! Then you can drop me a text if you wanna join us!
