Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cube Week 9 Bench Explosive 26th June 2013

Warm up: DB tricep extensions, DB flyes, DB upright rows

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 6
80 * 5
100 * 3
120 * 2 for 5 sets
*add slingshot*
130 * 1
140 * 2
150 * 1
140 * 3

Slingshot was fun to use, just it was too small for me so getting in took quite a bit of effort. Also, couldn't really set up well with the slingshot on, so set up was pretty loose and i had no leg drive at all. Speed sets were good, and I think the new bench groove and feet placement are working well. 

Wide grip paused bench
80 * 10, 10

Side laterals
10 * 20, 20

DB press (seated without back support)
20 * 20, 20

Tricep overhead extensions
15 * 15, 15

Lying tricep extensions
12.5 * 12, 10

All accessory work was done with minimal rest, and controlled tempos.

Got to train with Zenn today, so that was really cool. He let me have a go at his slingshot, which I thought was really nice of him. I'm definitely going to order one! Accessory was kept short and fast, I think the entire training from the first warm up bench set to the end was barely an hour. Dennisgym was pretty crowded and there was a little hiccup with the entrance timing and all, but nothing really major. Back pain was relatively moderate (6/10). Tried to get an arch with the bench set up, which seems to be working well now, just that i have to put up with the lower back discomfort. Elbow pain was minimal, more a dull ache than anything (1.5/10). Decent session! One more bench session this coming saturday before I rest up for the meet on the 7th! 

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