Monday, June 17, 2013

Cube Week 8 Deadlifts Explosive 17th June 2013

foam roll: Back, lats, glutes, IT bands, hams
warm up: Band GM/walking lunges/Band abductors and adductors, 15 reps, 1 round

60kg * 5
100 * 5
140 * 5
175 * 2 for 5 sets
Relatively good speed. Reviewing the vids, I think I can afford to bring the hip down even more. Weight felt really light.

Stiff legged Deadlifts (3" deficit)
60 * 12
80 * 12, 12
Focused on the lower back flexion and contraction. Tempo was slow.

SSB squats
100 * 8
130 * 5, 5
Nothing too crazy. Lower back pain by this point was around a 4/10, so not too bad. Learning how to manage and work around the pain.

DB shrugs super set with Rear delt machine
25kg DBs, 33kg on machine, 12 reps each, 5 sec hard flex at the contracted position

GHR Back extensions
BW * 50
So happy I can do these now with lesser pain. Pain was still a 4/10 for my lower back.

Lat pulldowns
105 * 10
115 * 10
125 * 8
135 * 6
105 * 10

GHR abs
10kg plate * 15 for 2 sets
Focused on thinking of extending out instead of down. Really hit the lower abdominals hard. Will be feeling these tmr. 

Good session overall. 

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