Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cube Week 6 Deadlifts Heavy 4th June 2013

Foam Roll: Back, lower back, hamstrings, glutes, IT band, TFL
Hip mob: 5 mins each side
Warm up: Band GM and Walking Lunges, 15 reps, 1 round

Deficit Deadlifts (3")
70kg * 5
100 * 5
130 * 3
160 * 2
180 * 1
200 * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1 (PR) (used straps for this though)

Deadlifts (from floor)
200 * 1
210 * 1
220 * 1
230 * 1

Snatch grip deadlifts (from floor)
160 * 3 for 4 sets

Barbell rows
120 * 5
140 * 5 for 5 sets
100 * 10 for 3 sets
The sets with 100kg were done strict. Rest time 1 min.

100 * 10
140 * 10
180 * 10 for 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
95 * 15, 12, 12

GHR situps
10kg plate * 10 for 3 sets 

Overall good session. Happy with the PR. At this point I just take what I can get. Lower back held up and allowed me to get in some decent volume for my back work. Pain after the strength work was roughly 6.5/10, so nothing terribly intense, more an inconvenience if anything. Just happy to be able to start doing more accessories. Looks like this would be my last 'heavy' deadlift session. Probably push the accessories the next couple weeks (maybe till the end of the 3rd cycle). See how the recovery for my back goes!

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