Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cube Week 6 Bench Explosive 5th June 2013

Foam roll: Back, lower back, lats, shoulders, chest, upper arms
Shoulder mobility
Warm up: Band pressdowns/Band pullaparts/Band flyes/Band curls, 15 reps, 2 rounds, no rest

Bench (pause 1.5" above chest)
Bar * 20
40kg * 10
60 * 10
80 * 5
100 * 3
102.5 * 2
105 * 2
107.5 * 2
110 * 2
112.5 * 2
115 * 2, 2
117.5 * 2, 2
Paused for one second 1.5" above the chest. Tim counted for me and helped me check the bar speed to ensure it was consistent. Concentrated on technique changes (virtually getting rid of arching) due to my lower back pain issues. Also focused on the explosiveness and bar speed. I think I lowered the bar too slowly though. Made very conservative jumps, hence the large number of sets.

DB incline
35 * 15, 14, 8-6
These are improving, and my pressing endurance is starting to come back. Rest time was about 2 mins.

DB press
25 * 12, 11, 11, 11
Lightweight, but was already pretty shagged by then.

Seated laterals
17.5 * 10 for 5 sets
Rest time was 45s.

Overhead DB extension 
15 * 11, 11
10 * 15, 15, 15 
Rest time was 45s.

Band Flyes (Large band)
3 sets of 15

Band pressdowns (Med band)
4 sets of 25

GHR situps
2 sets of 25

Elbow pain is better, only a 5.5/10 today, despite the pausing. Hence, I added in some overhead extension work. Hopefully the technique tweaks to bench will serve me well.  

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