Friday, June 14, 2013

Cube Week 7 Squats Explosive 14th June 2013

Foam roll: back, hams, glutes, IT bands, hip flexors
Warm up: Band GM/walking lunges/band abductors and adductors, 1 round, 15 reps

Bar * 10, 10
60kg * 5
100 * 5
120 * 4
140 * 3
152.5 * 2 for 5 sets

Reverse Band Squat (med band)
150 * 2
170 * 1
180 * 1
190 * 1

Paused Squats
130 * 2 for 3 sets (3 sec pause)

BW * 12, 12, 15
Rest time was 1 min.

Looooong day today, so only got into the gym to train around 9.30pm. Lower back pain was around a 4/10 when i started, and went up to slightly higher than 6/10 after my reverse band squats. Decided to remain conservative with the reverse band squats and not push higher. The speed sets could have been faster. My fifth set was the fastest, the first four were spent figuring out how to get tight. For some reason, it took me a while to get tight today. I think my brain is fatigued from the long day, so a bit psychomotor. Decided to just hit GHRs because my lower back was starting to act up after pause squats. Smashing half a kilo of threadfin now with one and a quarter cups of oats and 100plus with orange juice and half a litre of chocolate milk. Barely ate today so trying to eat enough so I don't lose too much weight.

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