Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cube Week 1 Bench Heavy 1st May 2013

Foam roll: Back, chest
Warm up: Push ups/Band pull aparts/Band pushdowns, 3 rounds, 15 reps, no rest

2-board bench
70kg * 5
82.5 * 4
95 * 3
110 * 2 for 3 sets
120 * 2 for 2 sets

82.5 * 15, 9-5-1
Left shoulder came loose after 5th rep. Need to do more strengthening and mobility work for my left shoulder rotators.

Lat pulldown
3 sets of 12

Band pressdowns
4 sets of 25

DB shrugs
42.5 * 15 for 3 sets

Military press
40 * 12
50 * 12
50 * 11 (last rep was a semi push press)
Triceps were on fire from the band pushdowns. Very humbling weights.

Overall rather shag workout. Seems easy on paper, but took more out of me than I expected. Good shit though heh Can't wait for friday's sesh.

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