Monday, May 13, 2013

Cube Week 3 Deadlift Heavy 13th May 2013

Roll: Back, hams,  glutes, IT band, TFL
Hip mobility: 10 mins
Warm up: Band GM/Lunges/Band adductors/Band Abductors, 15 reps, 1 round

Block pulls (4")
110kg * 5
140 * 2
170 * 2
190 * 2
200 * 2
210 * 2
220 * 2
Lower back tightened up as soon as I did my warm ups. Worked on bracing abs and keeping the weight back as much as possible, as well as the chin tuck. 220kg moved smoothly, not as fast as I would have liked. Around a 9 RPE.

Snatch grip deadlifts
140 * 8 for 2 sets
Had to strap up for this. 

BB rows
100 * 10 for 3 sets

DB shrugs
40 * 12 for 2 sets

Up and down plank
50 reps
These were killer! Whole body was on fire. Reps were about a second each.

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