Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cube Week 2 Bench Reps 8th May 2013

Foam roll: Back, chest, lower back
Warm up: Push ups/Band pressdowns/Band pullaparts, 2 rounds, 15 reps, no rest

55 * 5
70 * 4
82.5 * 3
*insert 2 board
95 * 8, 8, 13
Relatively easy. Still having problems keeping the left shoulder tight but it only comes loose probably from the 5th or 6th rep onwards, so not a HUGE issue. Still have to figure that one out. Elbow pain is still present, which is such a bitch arghhhhh Did full range on the warm ups and only added in the 2 board for the work sets.

DB incline press
30 * 19
30 * 12 / 22.5 * 11 (Dropset)
Did a dropset with the second set. Tempo was controlled and not rushed. Pressing endurance is crap. If it's over 5 reps, not worth the trouble lol Kidding kidding

Close Grip bench
80 * 10
70 * 12, 12
Triceps were rather fried from this point, I think cos of the DB inclines. Tried 80kg but with a strict rhythm so was more tiring than usual. Really watching the form more on these and not just repping them out haphazardly. Kept elbows tucked even more than regular bench. No leg drive.

Band Flyes (large band)
3 sets of 15

Tricep pressdowns (bar)
21 * 100 (rest pause set, hands never let go of the bar, breaks kept to 5 breaths)

Military press
40 * 12
42.5 * 12, 12
done strict. Semi pause at bottom, full range.

 Band curls (med band)
4 sets of 25

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