Friday, May 17, 2013

Cube Week 3 Squat reps 17th May 2013

Foam roll: back, IT band, hams
80kg * 5
100 * 4
120 * 3
135 * 18
160 * 1, 1 (paused 1 sec)
60 * 70 (deep oly style)

Today was literally a squat day. lower back started acting up from the get go. Probably from the lack of preworkout rolling and stretching. Couldn't get in a good groove today, and i felt my technique was very sloppy. Lower back was rather painful and tight after the 2nd paused rep, so i decided i'd skip all the accessory and do the killer set. Did 70 reps in.the end, cos i didn't feel super gassed at 50. I think continuous repping was crucial, as my last 10 were rep by rep and they were torturous. Regardless, quads are cramping like a mofo now. My lower back is REALLY tight now. Time to roll roll roll...

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